Cannon fodder wants revenge after rebirth

Chapter 530 Who is the Dragon Seal?

Chapter 530 Who is the Dragon Seal?
Shen Xiaoxiao is naturally clear about Reg's grievances, but she doesn't think there is anything wrong with this. Perhaps it was because of the person who rescued him. As soon as Reg relaxed, his whole body relaxed, and he passed out after relaxing. .

Shen Xiaoxiao wanted to get him out, but she couldn't get rid of a 190-meter man, and Long Xi glanced at the two of them, and said directly:

"Why don't you beg me, little one, I'm happy to help."

"No need, it's just a man, it won't bother me if I get out of here, but Boss Long still doesn't leave?"

"I want to go, but seeing Xiao Xiao like this, I am a little bit reluctant. Isn't Xiao Xiao very lonely alone in the long night?"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at this very cold man, but why did his words become more and more similar to someone?

"It seems that we are not familiar enough to call him by his first name."

"It's okay, you'll get used to it after getting along a few times."

"There will be a battle between the Dark Empire and West 24th Street sooner or later. Don't worry, we will definitely have a fierce battle, and it will still be the kind that will never die."

Shen Xiaoxiao stopped talking to her, glanced at Reg, and looked directly at the mini monitor on his wrist, and let Reg lie on the ground after clicking a few times.

It's just that Shen Xiaoxiao bent down and sniffed the other party's breath, but at the moment after bending over and getting up, Shen Xiaoxiao inadvertently glanced at Long Xi, only to feel her scalp numb, and almost fell to her knees. Shen Xiaoxiao quickly adjusted her state in such a few seconds, but even so, she still trembled psychologically.

The moment she stood up straight, Shen Xiaoxiao quickly struck Long Xi's left chest. Her left fist was full of strength. This was her trump card. Xiao Xiao unexpectedly attacked him suddenly at this time and under such circumstances.

He didn't even understand, why did he suddenly attack her, and this is the real strength of Dongfang Little Lolita, right?

The killing move learned in the fighting arena is not soft at all. What happened to her?What did you find again?
Long Xi retreated step by step, but Shen Xiaoxiao's purpose was to get him to make a move, Long Xi naturally saw it, and Shen Xiaoxiao's skills were not equal to ordinary people, so now seeing such a scene, Long Xi He could only fight head-on, although he didn't know what this woman was going to do, but no matter what the outcome of the two of them was, he didn't want to hurt this woman, not at all.

Don't ask why, just don't want to, there is always a voice telling him that this woman is very important, very important to her.

Finally he made a move, she should have dodged his left punch, she should have avoided his right kick, she should have turned around the next moment, dodging one move after another, one move after another.

After pestering for 10 minutes, Shen Xiaoxiao finally stopped suddenly and took a big step, standing one meter away, staring at Long Xi with fixed eyes.

Long Xi froze for a moment, why didn't he fight?what happened?

Shen Xiaoxiao glanced at him, stopped talking, turned around and left, and even Reg didn't care a bit. At this moment, her heart was already in turmoil and she didn't know how to straighten it out.

"You don't want any more people?"

Shen Xiaoxiao kept walking and didn't answer, but the moment Long Xi frowned, there was a sound of footsteps in the distance, and he looked up, it was the hidden guard, who came very quickly.

It's just that his next actions made Long Xi feel extremely uncomfortable. He grabbed Shen Xiaoxiao's shoulders with both hands and asked her if there was anything wrong.

This is not a simple relationship between the secret guard, is it possible that this woman and the secret guard are secretly communicating with the song, and the Hei Emperor actually wears a green hat?
"Are you all right? How did you fight him? Where's Reg?"

Shen Xiaoxiao didn't answer 19's question, and still walked forward a little sluggishly. 19 didn't know what happened. When he looked up, Long Xi was standing on the side, while Reg was lying on the ground. It looks like he has even been tortured. What happened?
But to Shang Longxi, he didn't even know what to say, I hope he didn't bully the lady, but it's not so easy to bully the lady, but there is something wrong with the small state, what happened?
19 didn't intend to overreach Long Xi, but walked over and chased Shen Xiaoxiao after mentioning Reg, but Long Xi didn't stop him, and didn't ask any more questions.

It's just that my doubts about Dongfang Little Lolita are getting bigger and heavier.

His head was in a tearing pain again, and he shook a few times, looking at the blurred figure in the distance, thoughtfully...

"What happened? What happened?"

"19, leave me alone."

Shen Xiaoxiao sat in the back seat blankly, 19 looked at Reg who was so sleepy that he couldn't sit still in the front, fastened his seat belt for him and stopped talking.

Shen Xiaoxin was so shocked that even now her heart still hasn't recovered. She was not at a disadvantage in the 10 minutes of the fight, and she didn't even have the slightest chance of falling into the hands, because she knew, she knew that every time Long Xi made a move, the next move would be made. What moves will be made.

She has fought against someone with these moves too many times. In this world, the person who is most familiar with all his moves is her, and only her.

Yan Kuan, Yan Kuan, how could he be Yan Kuan?
But if not, how could there be such a similar person in this world?There is also the cut glove, although she just glanced at it lightly, there is actually a bulge in the gap of the glove, even though the surroundings are pitch black, but the green light mixed with it did not escape her eyes, it was black. Yao Zhixing, is it Black Yao Zhixing?
Although she didn't see it, even though she didn't see it completely, her feeling was right, her feeling was right.

Just now, she felt that his back was very familiar. At that time, she just thought that this person was very familiar, but he was extremely thin. But now, if this person is Yan Kuan, why did Yan Kuan never say anything to him several times? Woolen cloth?

What's wrong with being like a stranger even in conversation?What the hell is this Yan Kuan doing?

Or is it that this idiot has tricked others again?What kind of bloody plot in the lost memory?

"Hey, it's really puzzling..."


Shen Xiaoxiao stood alone in the study, looking at the stars twinkling outside the window, there are really too many things blocking them together, why is it so difficult to live a stable life?
Long Xi, is this identity his own or is it arranged for him by the man in black?What is his relationship with that Han Jia?

It seemed that Han Jia was quite afraid of him, but Han Jia obviously had a different relationship with him, because he saved Han Jia when she shot Han Jia?

(End of this chapter)

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