Chapter 739: City Barrier (2)

Yi Shangli said to Li Kongzuo:
"Do you think your own dark elements can be attuned to the protective barrier? This is a holy spirit technique generated by the spiritual power supplied by the Kongtong National Meridian. Unless your dark elements are as powerful as those contained in the protective barrier, otherwise You can't..."

"My dark element is indeed comparable to the dark element contained in the protective barrier."

After hearing his words, Yi Shangli was stunned.She didn't make a sound anymore, and watched Likongzuo inject his spiritual power into the barrier of the moat.

With the infusion of dark elemental spiritual power, the protective barrier sent out weak shocks.

Yi Shangli watched in shock as Likongzuo injected huge dark element spiritual power into the protective barrier. She couldn't imagine what kind of strength the opponent possessed.

When the edge of the enchantment touched by Likongzao oscillated more strongly, Likongzao said:
"It's almost done. Come in with me now."

"Huh? How to get in?" As soon as You Xueran finished speaking, a black mist like gauze emitted from Likongzao's body.

The mist enveloped the crowd, and Likongzao led them through the barrier of the moat...


On the starless night, the full moon hangs down, the night is already deep, and the residents' alleys are unusually quiet.

Bai Shao carried Xianglin across the alley, and the dogs barked. As soon as the residents' dogs barked, the soldiers chased them in their direction.

Bai Shao hurriedly ran out holding Xianglin in her arms, she knew that although the alley was full of darkness, the soldiers would notice any movement.

But now it's late at night, Bai Shao doesn't know where he is going.

"They're there! Catch them!" The soldiers of the imperial city rushed towards Bai Shao with torches.

At this moment, Bai Shao's heart was about to jump into her throat, she looked up and saw a bright light not far away, she gritted her teeth and ran towards the bright light.

Crossing the bluestone arch bridge, Bai Shao rushed into the street market which was still lit. The street market was brightly lit and full of people's voices. Standing in the middle of the street, Bai Shao was stunned. She looked up and saw girls in many small buildings. Shouting to the people passing by.

Those girls waving handkerchiefs were only wearing long skirts that covered their breasts and were almost translucent. Bai Shao raised her head, and both she and Xiang Lin were stunned.

"Bai Shao... this place seems to be..."

Xiang Lin muttered loudly, they seemed to have come to a street of brothels...

Bai Shao turned her head and saw that the soldiers chasing them had passed the stone arch bridge, she simply carried Xiang Lin and ran directly into the largest brothel in the market, in such a crowded place, it would be more troublesome for the officers and soldiers to search.

Passing through the hall with a strong smell of powder, Bai Shao lowered her head and walked upstairs ignoring anyone. She climbed up a few floors, found a room where there was no one there, and hid in it.

Bai Shao got into the wardrobe, curled up, and looked down at the golden scale dragon in her arms.

"I don't know what happened to Hua Li, I didn't catch Hua Li just now, would she..." Thinking of the scene of Hua Li falling in front of her, Bai Shao's eyes welled up with tears.

Xianglin spit out his thin tongue to wipe away the tears from Bai Shao's face: "At that time, I couldn't save her, Bai Shao, don't be sad."

Bai Shao wiped away the tears on her face with the back of her hand, she whispered to Xianglin, "I hope those officers and soldiers don't find us, if we can stay here for one night, maybe the young lady will come back during the day tomorrow..."

 Today's eighth update
(End of this chapter)

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