Chapter 612 Elopement Story
After Bai Meng reminded You Xueran, she trotted towards her home. Bai Meng felt that she was really ashamed today. She finally got up early to put on makeup for herself, and even put on new clothes that she was reluctant to wear. Wearing a pearl hairpin to see Ling Canglie, her face was covered with powder. Fortunately, Ling Canglie didn't see her like this today.

It's just that Bai dreamed that she made a fool of herself in front of You Xueran, and she felt so ashamed.

After You Xueran and Ling Canglie had breakfast, they went to the Six Sages Institute. There were many residents around the Six Sages Institute. Those residents rarely saw foreigners, so when they saw You Xueran and Ling Canglie, , in front of the two of them, the residents started talking about it.

At the gate of the Six Sages Institute, Bai Meng's father, Bai Qingtian, and Bai Meng's uncle, Chi Liusha, stood.

You Xueran looked at Chi Liusha's flame-shaped hairstyle, and felt that he stood in the crowd with a particularly refreshing style of painting.

Bai Meng introduced You Xueran and Ling Canglie aloud: "This is my uncle."

Chi Liusha clasped his fists at You Xueran and Ling Canglie and said, "My surname is Chi, and my name is Liusha."

You Xueran and Ling Canglie also reported their names to Chi Liusha. Of course, Ling Canglie still omitted his surname.

Chi Liusha looked at You Xueran, and asked doubtfully, "Miss You, why are you wearing a mask?"

You Xueran replied apologetically, "My face...was injured, and I frightened everyone, so I wore a mask."

If she showed her eyes, Chi Liusha and Bai Qingtian would definitely know her identity.

Bai Meng stood aside and listened to You Xueran's words, showing a surprised expression, but a trace of inexplicable joy flowed through her eyes.

When Chi Liusha heard what You Xueran said, he quickly apologized to You Xueran: "It's Chi who was abrupt, Miss You, please don't mind."

You Xueran shook his head at Chi Liusha, expressing that he didn't take his words to heart.

Chi Liusha's eyes fell on Ling Canglie again. Ling Canglie's appearance was really hard to ignore, so that people could see that he was a royal family different from ordinary people.

Chi Liusha thought for a while, and said to the two of them: "You two entered my Rizhao City by mistake yesterday, according to the old rules in the city, we will erase the memories of foreigners before sending them away.

But we can also accept the two of you to live in Rizhao City and become a part of our Rizhao City, but once you live in Rizhao City for a long time, you cannot leave here. "

At this time, Ling Canglie cupped his hands and said to Chi Liusha: "Mr. Chi, to be honest, my wife and I eloped from home."

Ling Canglie said the word "elope" in a serious manner, and You Xueran couldn't help but want to spray.

However, the other party looked serious, and said to Chi Liusha very sadly: "Our Cang family and Xueran's family are feuds in Kongtong Tanhua City, and my parents at home do not agree that I am with Xueran, so we I worshiped heaven and earth privately and got married, but my family wanted to separate me from Xueran.

So we fled, but the family members of the two families were chasing after me. After Xueran and I fled into Repas, we agreed to continue our relationship in the next life, and we jumped into the cliff together..."

Listening to Ling Canglie's story, Bai Meng gasped in shock, while You Xueran rolled her eyes behind the mask.

Ling Canglie has seen Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, or knows about Romeo and Juliet, he can make it up, and the story is told with twists and turns so fascinating that the residents on the side sighed after hearing it.

(End of this chapter)

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