The waste wood mad concubine is going to go against the sky

Chapter 203 Self-destruction of innocence

Chapter 203 Self-destruction of innocence
If Xia Yunyan hadn't broken the body of chastity by himself, perhaps the great witch would be able to come out of the Square Tower in a short time.

This selfish woman, for her own selfish desires, abandoned Kasyapa and all the people regardless. Emperor Kasyapa drew a ray of light in his hand, and slapped Xia Yunyan on the base of the neck.

"Your Majesty! Don't!" Taifu Xia shouted hoarsely.

A golden light pierced Xia Yunyan's body.

There was finally a slight change in You Xueran's indifferent expression. It was Emperor Kasyapa's Bone-fixing Spirit Needle, which was a secret skill passed down by the Kaye royal family. , the spiritual power is completely sealed, and the needle recipient will no longer be able to practice spiritual skills.

Xia Yunyan's body swayed for a while, Taifu Xia hurriedly supported her, and looked at his daughter with distress: "Your Majesty, if you want to punish, you can punish this humble minister. I am willing to suffer on behalf of my daughter!"

Emperor Kasyapa pointed at Xia Taifu and said, "Don't worry! I will punish you! Daoquan, draw up the decree!"

Emperor Kasyapa summoned the chief eunuch, and the chief eunuch spread out the brocade quickly, picked up a brush and waited for Emperor Kasyapa's words, Emperor Kasyapa stared at Xia Taifu and Xia Yunyan who were kneeling on the ground viciously, and said aloud:

"Xia Zhengxi, there is no way to teach daughters. He was removed from the position of prince and tutor, demoted to common people, and the real bones were reduced to mortal bones. The nine generations of the Xia family were not allowed to participate in the imperial examination! Xia Yunyan, a former apprentice witch, did not abide by women's morals, and violated the witches' morals." Precepts, self-defeating innocence, fined [-] boards, demoted to common people, downgraded to mortal bones, and forbidden to intermarry for life!"

Emperor Kasyapa was very angry and ordered the chief eunuch: "Copy my imperial decree into a notice and hang it at the gate of the palace, so that the people of the world can see how their beloved trainee witch is a woman who is willing to degenerate!"

Xia Yunyan's life was ruined.

Taifu Xia crawled to the side of Emperor Kasyapa like a dog, and begged him: "Your Majesty! Even if you drag the humble minister out to five horses, you can cut him into pieces! You can say that she is still a child! Tell the world, This makes Yunyan how will she live in the future?"

"How to live?" Emperor Kasyapa sneered: "Taking the job of a witch as a joke, destroying her innocence, and slandering Lier, how can she live? If she really knows herself, she should die!"

Xia Yunyan was completely stunned by Emperor Kasyapa's words. She opened her eyes wide, and only Emperor Kasyapa's words echoed in her mind.

Her whole life was ruined...

If she really has self-knowledge, she should die!

Xia Yunyan took one last look at Ling Canglie, the peerless man didn't even look at her, Xia Yunyan realized at this time...

For so many years, she had never been close to Ling Canglie. She thought that she was the only one who knew Ling Canglie's true face, but only now did she realize that she had never known Ling Canglie before.

At this moment, Ling Canglie was so far away from her, the distance made her despair.

"Lie... I put all my heart into you, but this is what I got. I'm not willing...Since you can't see me wearing a wedding dress to be your bride, then I want you to watch me die!"

The desperate words made You Xueran sigh secretly.

At this point, is Xia Yunyan still so stupid?Everything is her wishful thinking, just like now, she hit her head on the Nine Dragon Pillar, such a pretentious way of death is also her wishful thinking...

"Bang!" Blood splattered and splashed on the golden dragon relief, Master Xia aged 20 years in an instant, and rushed to hug Xia Yunyan's falling body.

 Xia Yunyan: Lie doesn't like me!I am dead!I'm going to bang my head!
  Let everyone give Xia Yunyan a word!
(End of this chapter)

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