The chaebol boss, spoiled

636 Chapter 651 Be His Woman 13

636 Chapter 651 Be His Woman 13
Fortunately, the sky is hanging down, and there seems to be no accident.

The next day, the funeral.

The main road in Fengdu was almost completely blocked, and the mighty funeral procession drove out without seeing the end, and the traffic in the whole city was basically in a "paralyzed" state.

Kami and reporters from all over crowded the entrance of the parking lot of the cemetery. They wanted to interview Mr. Yin's funeral, but hundreds of bodyguards in black suits and white gloves cleared the way and blocked all reporters and onlookers. Outside the parking lot.

On-site gongs, drums, firecrackers and mourning resounded throughout the world.

Kaimi stood on tiptoe, the parking lot was filled with black heads, no important people could be seen, and no one knew who came to the funeral. It was really frustrating. The Yin family refused any media interviews, even if she was Tong Lu's best friend, she was still in the dark. No light.

While feeling depressed, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang: "Want to do a close interview?"

Of course I would, but who sent this text message?Look at the number, it's an unfamiliar number.

Kemi hesitated for a moment, and replied: "Does that need to be said?"

"At five o'clock, step 50 meters, and I'll take you in. The premise is that you have to answer a question for me."

Kaimi immediately looked in the direction of five o'clock, walked quickly, and replied as he walked: "Just ask the hero, and the little girl will know everything."

"What was your loneliest moment?"

What the hell kind of question is this?Kemi didn't even think about it, and replied directly: "The second cup is half price!"

Every time I buy milk tea, I hate the second cup at half price. I want to take advantage, but I can’t drink two cups. I deeply understand that single dogs are being abused everywhere in this world!

In a car 50 meters away, there was a sudden snort.

Cammy walked over and saw only one car with no one on the left or right. He hesitated for a moment and knocked on the car door. The co-pilot's window opened, revealing a serious face in sunglasses.

Cammy was stunned: "Excuse me, were you and I texting just now?"

Secretary Yu raised his head: "Get in the car."

Cammy hesitated.

"Miss Tong asked me to take you in."

Kemi resolutely stopped hesitating, and immediately opened the door of the rear seat. There was a bodyguard sitting in the rear seat. She was stunned for a moment, and closed the door: "Are you guys sent by Tong Lu? Sure enough, you are girlfriends. It's interesting."

Secretary Yu turned her head and threw a lady's bodyguard uniform behind her: "Access is restricted. You can only enter as a female bodyguard. You can't carry your camera with you. You can only bring a mobile phone with you. Is there any problem?"

"No problem at all."

Kaimi took the bag, took off his coat decisively, and changed in the car. After taking off the coat, there was only a camisole inside, revealing white and tender shoulders, which made people think about it.

The corners of Secretary Yu's eyes twitched fiercely. Is this girl too casual?He even changed clothes without hesitation in front of the three men.

With a light cough: "Miss Kami, wait for the car to park in the parking lot, and you can change your clothes after we get out of the car."

"It's okay, please look out the window, three of you, to save time, I'll change it right away."

The driver and the bodyguards around Kami were very self-conscious and did not spy on the woman changing clothes. Secretary Yu pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of her nose and scanned the endoscope. She changed clothes very quickly, and the white shirt was put on in a blink of an eye.

The corners of Secretary Yu's eyes twitched again. The woman actually took off her jeans in the car, not revealing the important parts. The important parts were cleverly covered by her coat, but her slender, white and slender legs were fully exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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