The chaebol boss, spoiled

Chapter 3470 3571 Legal cohabitation relationship 11

Chapter 3470 3571 Legal cohabitation relationship 11
Su Shishi was looking forward to the suite with a 360-degree panoramic view of the city that Yin Tingjun said. In the evening, she and Yin Tingjun went to the hospital for a tour, because her grandfather hadn't woken up yet, and there were uncles and others taking turns to accompany her. In fact, it was not her grandchild She only stayed for an hour before leaving with Yin Tingjun, and then went back home again.

Dinner is eaten at home.

Su Shishi felt that since she had obtained a certificate with Yin Tingjun, she should get in touch with her parents and husband more, and get to know her better. Maybe her father would be able to improve her attitude towards Yin Tingjun, not to mention that Yin Tingjun was right. The emotional bumps of the previous generation really dare not involve Yin Tingjun.

Because she said hello to her mother in advance, and she will go home with Yin Tingjun for dinner in the evening, so the dinner is very rich.

At the dinner table, there was Su's mother as a buffer, and his younger brother to adjust the atmosphere. His elder brother was drinking with Yin Tingjun. The daughter wants to be a wife for the rest of her life. If the parents really make the son-in-law very angry, they will vent their anger on the daughter in the future, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

Although Papa Su felt that Yin Tingjun didn't dare!
But who knows?
He is a young master of a top wealthy family, but the outside world has not labeled him as "gentle and elegant", and the outside world has always labeled Yin Tingjun as "eyes above the top", "superior ability", "ruthless methods", "Killing boldly"...

Su's father gave his son-in-law an unpleasant look for the nth time, and Yin Tingjun showed the standard smile of a junior every time.

Seeing that the glass in front of Su's father was done drinking, he would get up immediately and pour wine for his father-in-law with the wine bottle. He would never let anyone pick a thorn in his every move. His own son was not as thoughtful as he was.

"Father." Su Shishi took food for Su's father while eating: "You eat more, you have lost weight recently. I just came out of the hospital, and the doctor said that grandpa will probably wake up tomorrow, and grandma's mood has stabilized." Yes, Ting Jun got some good things from outside, which are very good for health preservation, we will bring them back tomorrow night."

Mother Su was very happy, and said to Father Su: "Look how filial your daughter and son-in-law are."

Su's father simply replied, "I have a heart."

Yin Tingjun looked at his father-in-law's face and thought, what his father-in-law actually wanted to say was: What kind of life should I raise?Am I very old?

Su Zheng raised his glass: "Brother-in-law, let's have a drink."

Yin Tingjun raised his glass, for this title, he deserved it all.This brother Su Shishi is really a sensible person. The two of them exchanged a few words in the smoking area last night, and they seemed to have reached some indescribable consensus, which is very powerful!

He thought to himself, avoid Su Shishi next time, have a meal with his brother-in-law alone, there are many things to talk about.

The brother-in-law is so strong on the face, he must also be strong in terms of interests!
After dinner, he sat at Su's house for another hour, chatting, and it was nine o'clock before he knew it. Yin Tingjun got up to say goodbye, and took his wife to see the night view of the city.

Absolutely 360 degrees on the top floor of the hotel with no dead ends, the area is so big that people feel excited. No matter which direction they lie in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, they will make people feel as if one person is above ten thousand people. Su Shishi puts her arms around her arms and stares at the hotel. In a city like a sea of ​​stars, he turned his head to Yin Tingjun who just came out of the bathroom, only wrapped in a bath towel, showing a bloody figure, and said, "It's not scientific."

(End of this chapter)

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