You are the unforgettable affection

Chapter 726 Where's Nie Chen?You call him out!

Chapter 726 Where's Nie Chen?You call him out!
After coming out of the house, Li Xiao's situation didn't get any better.

At the door, a black car was parked.

The car window was lowered, and Li Xiao could see the face of the white man inside.

The neighbor next door is waving to Li Xiao vigorously.

But Li Xiao had no time to take care of it.

As soon as she stepped out of the door, the foreigner in the black car opened the door and got out of the car.

Among them, a burly man with blue eyes came forward and said to Li Xiao in English: "You can't leave here..."

Hearing this, Li Xiao was stunned.

She said to the foreign man, "Why? Why can't I leave? Who are you?"

The man's expression remained unchanged, he stared at Li Xiao who was a head shorter than himself, and said calmly, "I'm sorry, I have no comment."

Li Xiao stared at the man for a long time.

When she raised her steps, the man finally stopped her.

The helpful neighbor next door is coming from afar.

At the same time, another person got out of the black car.

This time the man who came down was Asian.

Although he is Asian, Li Xiao can't tell whether he is Chinese or Korean.

The Asian man walked up to the neighbor to prevent her from getting too close to Li Xiao, and said to Li Xiao's neighbor in extremely standard American English: "Sorry ma'am, you can't approach her."

As Li Xiao's American neighbor, the woman looked puzzled, shrugged her shoulders and asked, "Obviously, she is in trouble."

At the same time, the Asian man said: "She is fine and does not need your help. She is Chinese and the wife of our husband. There are some problems with her. In order to ensure your safety, please stay away..."

While the man was talking, he pointed to his head, which meant that there was something wrong with Li Xiao's head.

The neighbors did take a few steps back when they heard the Asian man say that.

Because she knew that there was indeed a Chinese man living here.

She looked at Li Xiao from afar.

And Li Xiao couldn't hear what the two were talking at all, the distance was too far.

Li Xiao's neighbor quickly turned around and went back, followed by the particularly ferocious French bulldog.

Li Xiao withdrew his eyes from the American neighbor, and said to the man in front of him, "Where's Nie Chen? I want to see him."

The man said with a serious face: "Mr. will naturally come to see you after he finishes his work. Please go back."

Li Xiao and the man looked at each other for a moment.

After a while, she turned around and headed back the same way.


In the house, Li Xiao cast all his anger on the Filipino maid.

The Filipino maid lowered her head, no matter how angry Li Xiao was, she never made a sound.

Li Xiao was trembling with anger, she asked angrily: "Tell me, what is this not imprisonment? Where is Nie Chen? Tell him to come!"

The Filipino maid said with a low eyebrow, "I'm sorry, ma'am, there is nothing we can do."


Li Xiao's voice was very sharp, she said: "What did you call me just now? Ma'am?"

The Filipino maid nodded: "In the morning, before the husband left, he told us to address you as wife. He also said that we will fulfill your orders, except when you leave..."

Li Xiao turned his head and looked outside through the window.

Outside the gate, the black Mercedes-Benz is still there.

Some of the men inside came out to smoke, and some were drinking water with their heads up.

In short, they have no intention of leaving.

Li Xiao raised his arm, pointed out the window, and asked the Filipino maid, "They were also arranged by your husband, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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