You are the unforgettable affection

Chapter 2581 Find a hotel nearby

Chapter 2581 Find a hotel nearby

Sure enough, there was no movement on Wen Yunyu's end.

Huo Xiaoli sat in the library for more than half an hour, and finally she was too sleepy to open her eyes.

Zhu Lin beside her finally stopped the endless phone calls and read a book quietly.

For some reason, as the weather got warmer, Huo Xiaoli became lethargic.

Before Huo Xiaoli fell asleep on the desk in the library, her mobile phone vibrated suddenly.

The phone was placed on the desk, and it vibrated very loudly.

Everyone turned their heads and cast their eyes on her.

Huo Xiaoli picked up the phone in embarrassment, but saw a WeChat message entered.

The wechat was sent by Wen Yunyu, which said: [I'm waiting for you in the black Mercedes-Benz business in Ximen. 】

Huo Xiaoli couldn't help being startled, the drowsiness just now disappeared immediately.

Huo Xiaoli tapped her fingers on the screen, and quickly typed: [Aren't you in a meeting in the company?Why did you come to school suddenly? 】

Wen Yunyu replied: [I can't drive anymore. My wife urgently needs me to help her with her physical needs. As a husband, I am duty-bound! 】

Huo Xiaoli was dumbfounded this time.

She just wanted to play tricks on Wen Yunyu, and didn't want to be self-defeating.

Wen Yunyu actually put down the meeting and really came.

Huo Xiaoli began to get confused.

She organized the language for a long time, but she didn't know how to let Wen Yunyu go back.

Just when Huo Xiaoli reopened WeChat and was about to enter, the WeChat urged by Wen Yunyu came in again.

It said: [If you don't come out again, then I will go in. 】

Huo Xiaoli stood up from the desk all of a sudden, she randomly tidied up the books on the desk, stuffed them into her schoolbag, turned around and walked out.

Wen Yunyu can definitely do what he says.

If Huo Xiaoli really didn't delay going out, he would definitely come in and take her away in front of all the students.

Huo Xiaoli couldn't help but tremble when he thought that he would be baptized by the eyes of all the college girls and female teachers.

Let alone other people, the gaze of Teacher Su alone is enough for her to bear.

Therefore, such a thing must not happen.

Absolutely not!


Huo Xiaoli went out from the west gate, and sure enough, there was a black Mercedes-Benz business parked on the opposite side of the road.

Huo Xiaoli had never seen this car.

Don't even think about it, it must be a bus under the name of Wen's Group.

Huo Xiaoli watched the car left and right, crossed the sidewalk, and walked to the opposite side of the street.

Seeing this, the driver of the Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle opened the door winkingly and got out.

The driver bowed his head and called out respectfully: "Mrs. Wen."

Huo Xiaoli felt goosebumps all over her body when she was called.

She glanced at the driver, and the driver had already opened the car door for her with a wink.

Wen Yunyu sat in the back seat in a suit, with a laptop on his lap.

He didn't squint, just stared at the computer screen, but said, "Why is it so slow?"

Since the driver was still ahead, Huo Xiaoli didn't want to say anything more, and she didn't say anything. After sitting on the seat, she turned her head to look at Wen Yunyu who was processing the mail.

The mail is in English and should come from abroad.

Wen Yunyu replied in English, his movements were smooth, and he didn't hesitate at all when he tapped the keyboard with his fingertips.

The driver in front turned around and asked, "Mr. Wen, where are you and your wife going?"

Wen Yunyu nodded slightly and said, "Find a hotel nearby."

Hearing this, the driver was stunned for a moment.

And Huo Xiaoli's little face suddenly turned red, staring at Wen Yunyu in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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