You are the unforgettable affection

Chapter 175 Where are you taking me?

Chapter 175 Where are you taking me?
Li Shenxing was silent for a moment on the phone, then replied in a deep voice, "No."

Yu Yan on the other end of the phone was a little anxious: "I hear your tone is wrong, what's wrong?"

Li Shenxing was still looking around, with an anxious expression on his face, and said to the phone: "Li Xiao is gone."

Yu Yan: "..."


Li Xiao sat by the lake alone, looking into the distance.

Several speedboats with lights on were shuttled in the lake, and occasionally girls screamed out of excitement and fear.

Occasionally, a speedboat docked over, the old wave of tourists went down, and the new wave of tourists went up wearing life jackets.

Li Xiao patted his butt, stood up from the lake, and walked towards a speedboat that was slowly approaching.

The staff on the speedboat waved to Li Xiao and asked, "Miss, do you want to come up to play?"

After hesitating for a moment, Li Xiao nodded.

Soon, the staff jumped off the speedboat, handed Li Xiao a bright yellow life jacket, and told her to put it on before getting on the boat.

Li Xiao put on the life jacket, fastened the buckle, and followed the staff onto the speedboat.

She was the only one in the speedboat, but it was spacious and quiet.

The staff member stood in the driving seat, turned his head and said enthusiastically to Li Xiao: "There may be a sharp turn, hold on to the handrail and stand still."

Li Xiao nodded to the staff.

Soon, the speedboat rushed out.

The white water splashed in front of the speedboat was more than one meter high.

Li Xiao was a little blinded by the splash of water.

In just a few minutes, the staff had already driven the speedboat out quickly.

Li Xiao turned his head and looked towards the shore.

The lights of the hotel were getting farther and farther away from him, and even turned into small yellow dots in the end.

At first, the staff chatted with Li Xiao.

But when Li Xiao realized that he was getting further and further away from the shore, even the staff fell silent.

Li Xiao suddenly felt something was wrong.

Just now when she sat on the shore and watched the yacht set off and came back, it took only 5 minutes to complete a lap.

Moreover, the whole process was never far away from her sight, at least she could see the dazzling lights of the speedboat piercing through the lake.

But at the moment, at least ten minutes have passed, and instead of showing signs of returning, the speedboat has gone further and further away.

Li Xiao turned his head, looked at the staff, and asked, "Can we go back?"

The staff members hung their heads very low and did not answer.

Li Xiao was startled suddenly, walked up to the staff in a few steps, and asked again: "Can we go back?"

The staff still didn't answer.

Li Xiao panicked, pressed down the control lever of the speedboat, and shouted to the staff: "Where are you taking me?"

After the staff forcefully pushed Li Xiao away, they quickly pulled out the key.

Under the inertia, Li Xiao fell heavily on the deck, the deck was very slippery, her head hit somewhere, and it hurt like hell.

The staff pulled out the key and quickly turned around and jumped into the lake.

Li Xiao got up from the deck and wanted to chase after him, but found that he couldn't swim at all.

The lights on the speedboat suddenly went out.

The wind is very strong today, and the speedboat parked in the lake is constantly swaying.

And the staff member who drove the speedboat disappeared without a trace after jumping into the lake.

It was all dark around, without any light.

There are black lakes on all sides, like a beast with its bloody mouth wide open in the middle of the night.

After Li Xiao managed to stabilize herself on the swaying speedboat, she loudly called for help around her.

It's a pity that no matter how loud she shouted, it was as if she was sucked into the lake, and it couldn't spread far at all.

 [Second update, please recommend a ticket]


(End of this chapter)

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