Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 226 Seeing Rongyu Hall Again

Chapter 226 Seeing Rongyu Hall Again

The common people are waiting to see a doctor, but the doctor is forced to fall ill by the so-called Mr. Zheng, can they not be angry?

This is the human nature of most people. They are used to cleaning their own doors and being selfish. If someone dies in someone else's family, what can it have to do with them?As long as their family is not dead.

The reason why the world is hot and cold is because of this. When encountering problems, they will only complain about the coldness of human nature. No one is willing to help them, but they have never thought about what they do when someone needs their help.
Zheng Zhongwen finally left the Taihe Medical Center in disgrace, and then went to the other seven medical centers. The treatment he received was still the same as that of the two guards.

Luo Ping saw Master Zheng's face getting more and more ugly, he hastily said cautiously: "My lord, there is a newly opened Rongyu Hall in front, but I don't know if it is a medical center, should we go and have a look?"

Zheng Zhongwen was taken aback, and immediately turned to stare at Luo Ping: "What did you say? Say it again!"

Luo Ping was startled, did he say something wrong?It seems not——

"I said, I said there is a newly opened medicine hall ahead, I wonder if there is the doctor you are looking for!"

Zheng Zhongwen shook his head: "No, no, you just mentioned Rongyu Hall? Is it Rongyu Hall?"

Luo Ping nodded: "Yes, yes, it's the Rongyu Hall. It's newly opened. We haven't seen it since we came back last time. It must have been open for a few days! I don't know if there are any doctors there!"

Before Luo Ping could speak, Zheng Zhongwen ran away without even riding a horse. It looked like a ghost was chasing after him.

Luo Ping and Yu Gang looked at each other: "What's wrong, my lord?"

"What's the matter with him, let's catch up!" The two guards didn't say anything else, and followed after Mr. Zheng.

"Rongyutang, it's really Rongyutang!" Zheng Zhongwen looked at the familiar signboard, couldn't restrain the joy in his heart, and was about to rush across the street, but was suddenly pulled back by someone. The galloping carriage roared by.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, he might be hit by this carriage.

He turned around and thanked the person who held him: "Thank you brother—" When he saw the person who held him, his expression froze for a moment, it turned out that it was not a man, but a woman, a very beautiful woman.

"Thank you miss!" He didn't stare at the girl, but lowered his eyes and bowed.

The girl looked at his clothes, then glanced at the two guards who had just chased after him, and said with a smile: "Young master is from the government?"

Luo Ping didn't bother to catch his breath, and said to the girl: "Miss, this is the newly appointed Master Zheng, the general judge of Xinyang Mansion."

"Miss?" Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows, looked at the respectful Luo Ping and Yu Gang, and looked at the girl's eyebrows, and found a trace of familiarity, he suddenly understood, and smiled: "So it's Miss Wang, I'm sorry! "

Ms. Wang pursed her lips and smiled, with a hint of shyness in her brows: "How does Mr. Zheng know that my surname is Wang?"

Zheng Zhongwen didn't want to talk nonsense with her, so he just said casually: "Miss Wang's appearance is somewhat similar to Mrs. Wang, and Luo Ping and Yu Gang called you Miss. I guessed it, but I guessed it right. I have official business, I will thank Miss for saving me another day, and I will leave."

After Zheng Zhongwen finished speaking, he quickly turned around, first looked left and right, and after making sure that there was no galloping carriage, he rushed to Rongyu Hall with the door open.

(End of this chapter)

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