hi national school grass

Chapter 236 She's Pregnant

Chapter 236 She's Pregnant
Jiang family.

Gong Yudie gently caressed her lower abdomen with her hand.

Here, a child has been conceived.

She and Jiang Weizhi's child.

Jiang Weizhi was very gentle to her, but she really didn't like this feeling, as if Jiang Weizhi and her were as polite as two strangers.

He obviously had a child, but there was never love in his eyes when he looked at her.

When Gong Yudie went downstairs, she saw Jiang Weizhi's mother, Li Xinhua, on the phone. Seeing her coming down, she said, "Weizhi has something to do tonight, so we don't have to wait for him to eat."

"Okay, Mom." Gong Yudie smiled, "Weizhi seems to be busy these two days."

"Yeah, by the way, Yudie, I see that you have severe morning sickness, so I asked the kitchen to prepare some raisins and jujubes for you. You can eat some." Li Xinhua took her hand very affectionately, and sat on the sofa.

Gong Yudie said shyly, "Thank you, Mom."

"By the way, when you have your prenatal checkup in a few days, if Weizhi doesn't have time, I'll accompany you." Li Xinhua felt very excited when she thought that she was going to have a grandson.

"Mom, no need, the child is only over a month old now, and nothing can be found through the investigation." Gong Yudie said quickly, but her heart was cold.

During the day, she recalled the scriptures and went for a check-up. The doctor said that she was not in good health, the palace cold was severe, and the child might not be able to survive.

It was because when she went to the bathroom this morning, she found that she was red, so she rushed to the hospital.

Now she is scared all day long, and she is afraid that something will happen to the child.

Li Xinhua is completely unaware of all this.

Still immersed in the excitement of her daughter-in-law's pregnancy.

At this moment, Jiang Weizhi pushed the door open and came back.

"Weizhi, aren't you coming back?" Li Xinhua said unexpectedly.

Jiang Weizhi's face was very ugly, and he brought back an invitation card, "The Ling family is going to hold a banquet, have you received it?"

"The butler received it today." Li Xinhua said, "There is no way to do it. To receive the invitation from the Ling family, it shows that our Jiang family is also a family with status."

"Okay, I'm going upstairs." Jiang Weizhi ignored Gong Yudie and went upstairs directly.

Gong Yudie felt a little lost in her heart, and hurriedly followed.

As soon as she entered the room, she felt as if something flowed out from under her body.

Her face turned pale, her body was cold, and she suddenly felt that she couldn't walk on her own.

Quickly rushing into the bathroom, seeing the red blood on the breasts, she felt her body go limp and almost fainted.

What should she do if the child is doomed to fail?
She gritted her teeth, rushed out of the toilet, poured a glass of water, took a pack of anti-abortion medicine, and lay down on the bed.

It seems that she needs to find a scapegoat for the Ling family's banquet.

Jiang Weizhi looked at her strangely, "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I'm a little tired." Gong Yudie turned over, "I'm going to sleep first."

Ling family banquet.

It was held at the Ling family's ancestral home villa.

It can be described as a sensation.

The family of the Ling family has Mr. Ling sitting in command. Although the veterans of Mr. Ling's generation have been raised for a long time, the previous majesty is still there, so this time Ling's father's [-]th birthday, coupled with his status as a major general , so the bigwigs in the military, government and business all gathered together.

Especially for saving face.

Seeing so many luxury cars, they rushed in one after another, filling up the parking lot of the Ling family.

(End of this chapter)

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