hi national school grass

Chapter 1836 The Wailing Comes

Chapter 1836 The Wailing Comes
The pirates were rampant in this room, rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

The woman's luggage was picked up in a mess, and when she saw the valuable jewelry inside, she immediately snatched it away.

After looting, go to ransack the second room.

They like to rob in this kind of thunderstorm weather the most, and usually they will gain a lot.

They have been on the sea for a long time, and their sailing experience is much stronger than these cruise ships, so they are not afraid at all.

Especially when they still have guns in their hands.

After hearing a gunshot, Xi Jianye frowned sensitively, "I seem to have heard a gunshot."

"Me too." Ling Yichen frowned, his face became serious.Between his brows and eyes, there was a faint glint of murderousness.

In the other room, Lan's sensitivity as the number one killer was immediately mobilized, "Someone is on the cruise ship!"

"Honey, are you overthinking?" Since Xi Moou lost a kidney, his vigilance has also dropped a lot. "Who would steal our boat in this kind of horrible weather? Are you sick?"

"I'll go out and have a look." Blue said to Xi Moou, "I'm worried. This is a cruise ship owned by the Royal family, and all the people on board are VIPs. If there is anything wrong, then..."

She didn't speak, but Xi Moou understood.

He nodded, "Honey, be careful."

Lan directly took a blue pistol from the drawer, quietly opened the door of the room, and walked out.

If not for the fact that Huang Chao was sleeping soundly with Murong Di'er in his arms.

Since having a child, the two of them have started to live a life upside down day and night, sleeping as soon as they are free.

Because I never know when a child will make a fuss.

Sometimes it was in the middle of the night, and sometimes it was during the day, which made the two of them always tired and dizzy.

Xi Jianye and Ling Yichen quietly slipped out of the room, and the heavy rain poured down on the deck like pouring.

It also hit the two of them in pain.

As soon as they went out, the two of them were drenched from head to toe.

They live on the fourth floor, the first floor is the rest floor for the crew, the second floor is for some guests, and the third floor is the dining room.

In the faint heavy rain, there was the sound of wailing.

It seems to be the second floor.

The two looked at each other and did not speak. Their long-standing tacit understanding made them head towards the second floor at the same time.

In the night, both of them were dressed in black, almost blending into the night.

Quietly came to the second floor.

The sound of wailing came into the ears more clearly.

There was a loud shout, mixed with some English.

Xi Jianye was at the corner, poked his head, and saw six or seven tall men in diving suits standing in front of a room on the second floor.

The men were holding machine guns in their hands, shouting and cursing loudly in English, and two of them were kicking the door of another room.

Crying, shouting, cursing, mixed together.

The scene was very chaotic.

Listening to the content in English, Xi Jianye and Ling Yichen quickly judged that they were a group of pirates.

And their goal, only two words, money.

Ling Yichen motioned to Xi Jianye to split up.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the two crawled forward. First, Xi Jianye quietly walked around behind a pirate. Her movements were quick and light.

He took out the dagger directly and wiped it towards the pirate's neck.Quietly, the dead pirate was taken over by Ling Yichen and dragged aside.

(End of this chapter)

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