hi national school grass

Chapter 1805 When is the wedding?

Chapter 1805 When is the wedding?

"Xiaoye, you and Yichen have been together for so long." Lan Lan handed a small toy to his grandson and asked, "Why hasn't your stomach moved?"

"Mom, hasn't Xiaoye held a wedding yet? What are you in a hurry for?" Xu Wanqing looked at Xi Jianye tenderly, "Besides, Xiaoye is still so young! There is no rush to have a child."

"Sister-in-law is quite right, Mom, I'm not in a hurry." When Xi Jianye heard her mother ask her about the child, a trace of sadness flashed in her heart.

She hesitated to speak several times.

I want to tell my mother about her body.

But I was afraid that my mother would worry.

She opened her mouth, but decided not to speak.

Anyway, she is still young now, it would be the best if she can conceive after a few years of recuperation.

If you really can't conceive, then you can only confess to your family.

"Are you guys using contraception?" Lan tilted her head and glanced at her little daughter.

"Yes, yes." Xi Jianye nodded, and really didn't want to continue this topic.

It's really a little embarrassing to talk about this OOXX life with my mother.

"Okay then, the two of you can discuss the matter of having a child. As long as it doesn't affect the relationship between husband and wife." Lan Lan thinks it's better not to interfere too much with the child's affairs.

"Xiao Ye, when are you going to hold the wedding?" Xu Wanqing thought of what her husband had told her, that Xi Jianye and Ling Yichen had already argued.

Now that we have all the certificates, why don't we hold the wedding?
"Ah, this matter has not been arranged yet. The two of us haven't picked a date yet!" When Xi Jianye thinks of the wedding, she always feels as if she is far away from her.

But the people around me seem to be married one by one.

Even the imperial dynasty would have a wedding if it weren't for it.

They said they were going to the UK to do it.

He is the heir to the earl, and the scene will definitely be brilliant.

Just as she was thinking so, she heard Blue say.

"I have received invitations from Ruofei. Hey, our two families originally had a contract, but you two just broke it apart. We are sorry for their family." Blue sighed and said, "Your father and I decided to give Huang Fei a big gift. It can be regarded as consolidating their imperial family's status in the royal family."

"Mummy, what do you mean?" Xi Jianye knew that the Xi family had recently developed a new weapon.

All countries are flocking to it, and orders are flying in like snowflakes.

But blue is ready to be released in limited quantities.

"Well, that's what you think." Blue nodded, with a serious expression on his face. "Especially now, because of Murong Di'er, they have lived in the country for a long time. There are already other members of the royal family, and they are not very satisfied with the royal family."

"If it's not a family matter, we can't stand by." Xi Jianye agreed with Lan Lan.

"That's natural. Our two families have always had a relationship where one prospers and the other loses." Blue is still very transparent. "Your two fathers also agreed to this matter."

"That's good." Xi Jianye nodded.Then he told Lan about the intention of Mr. Ling to invite the Xi family to reunite.

"Okay, it's the Mid-Autumn Festival soon, it's not good for us to go back late." Lan Lan thought for a while and said, "Why don't we leave tomorrow. I was thinking that Liu Yichen and you would stay at home more My God! It seems that we can't do it, we have to go back with the two of you."

(End of this chapter)

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