Chapter 923
Xue Susu was even more uncomfortable: "How can I protect him? If you are injured and unconscious, I will definitely protect you too."

Obviously it was Song Zihao who didn't know the severity of his actions, and actually changed the focus of the topic for her.

This smiling fox is so bad.

Zhao Songzhi didn't sleep for long, and woke up an hour later.He struggled to get up, but he was a little lost when he didn't see Xue Susu.

"Don't look for it, she won't want you. Song Zhi, you should give up your heart. Don't you think Susu and I are very good, we are in love now, we will get married in the future, and we will have another child next time." A baby boy and a baby girl, the family of four is living a happy life..."

"Shut up!" Zhao Songzhi was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

As long as he thought of Xue Susu being crushed by Song Zihao, he couldn't bear it.

"Haven't you found out yet? Susu may marry any man and have children for any man, but that man will not be you, because you broke her heart." Song Zihao patted Zhao Songzhi on the shoulder : "Listen to me, accept your fate, even if you die in front of her, she won't even look at you, you have already been judged out by Susu!"

After finishing what he wanted to say, Song Zihao walked away with graceful steps, and only Zhao Songzhi was left sitting on the hospital bed, as if petrified.

After he was decadent for about 10 minutes, he rekindled his fighting spirit.

No matter what, he will never give up on Susu, he will spend his whole life with her.

When he arrived at the set, the director told him that Susu hadn't come back.He ran back to the hotel where he stayed, but Susu didn't go back to the hotel either.Not just Susu, even Song Zihao didn't show up.

Zhao Songzhi called Xue Susu, but Xue Susu didn't answer.

Zhao Songzhi was at a loss.In the past, he thought it was inevitable to get Su Su back, even if it took his whole life, he was willing to do so.But what if Susu is already with Song Zihao?
He waited from day to night, and then from night to day. He didn't close his eyes the whole night, but he still didn't wait for Xue Susu and Song Zihao.

He didn't dare to think about anything, he could only tell himself that Xue Susu was not a woman who would easily mess with men.Susu looks grand and casual, but in fact this girl is more simple than anyone else.

Even if Song Zihao tried his best to seduce her, she would not be taken advantage of by Song Zihao.

As if telling myself this way, it seems to be able to comfort myself.

He rushed to the set in a hurry, and when he saw Susu and Song Zihao talking and laughing together, his hanging heart finally let go.

Song Zihao also saw him, and he didn't know what he said to Susu, Susu smiled brightly.Not long after, Song Zihao walked towards him.

"I was with Susu last night, and I will be responsible for her. Susu is a good girl, she deserves the best. I will cut off all ties with those women before me, and treat her wholeheartedly..."

Zhao Songzhi's heart kept sinking. He clenched his fists and said in a hoarse voice: "I don't believe she will be with you. Even if you are with her, so what? I won't give up on her, die No way. You want to get rid of me, wait until I die!"

He walked to Xue Susu slowly, looked at her for a long time, and then slowly said: "Even if you want to avoid me, don't stay out all night in the future, I will worry about you. I don't know if the relationship between you and Zihao is real or not Yes, if it is true, he is very carefree and uncertain, you have to be careful to guard your heart, don't be easily deceived by him."

Tired, very tired, so tired that I want to fall to the ground, I can't sleep.But seeing her at this moment, I feel very satisfied.

This time, Zhao Songzhi couldn't hold on, so he went to the lounge and had a good sleep.

Only when you have a good rest can you have the energy to fight Song Zihao for a long time and protect Xue Susu well.

He was in such a deep sleep that he didn't realize that anyone was looking at him.

Xue Susu just passed the lounge, and she saw Zhao Songzhi through the half-closed door.After a short pause, he finally walked in.

Seeing the sleeping man, her heart went blank.

Zhao Songzhi recently ran after her, but she didn't really feel much.Maybe it was because her expectations of him were exhausted, so when he finally wanted her back, she didn't even have the strength to respond.

People say that water cannot be recovered, isn't it?
If we could go back to the past, if we could overthrow it and start over, without Du Youruo, just her and Zhao Songzhi, would the relationship between them come to where they are today?
Xue Susu put a piece of clothing on Zhao Songzhi's body, went out of the lounge, and closed the door behind her.

Outside the door was Song Zihao's face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Why, are you soft-hearted?"

Xue Susu shook her head: "No. I just think it's boring. No matter how well and realistically I act with you, it's not true. I hope, besides Zhao Songzhi, I can fall in love with other men."

It's a pity that she doesn't love Zhao Songzhi anymore, and it's hard to fall in love with other men, and she doesn't want to be alone for the rest of her life.

"Have you ever thought that you can get back together with him?" Song Zihao said suddenly.

Xue Susu was dumbfounded: "What are you talking about? How is it possible!" She never thought about this possibility.

"Now you can think about it. Since you don't love him or other men, who do you marry is different? If you don't want to harm a good man like Shi Mingxuan, you will feel guilty, but for Zhao Songzhi, you don't care at all. You will be embarrassed. You don’t love him anymore anyway, you can use him as a child-bearing tool, as an easy marriage partner. Think about you chasing him for 20 years, and you can also torture him for 20 years in turn. Such a result is not impossible Is it good?"

Xue Susu did not dare to disagree with Song Zihao's theory.

At this moment, Zhao Songzhi's voice sounded behind Xue Susu: "Susu, marry me, you can torture me for the rest of my life, I am willing."

As long as she's by his side.

Xue Susu frowned, looked back, and saw Zhao Songzhi kneeling on one knee, holding a ring in his hand.

It is a silver ring.They didn't buy a pair of rings when they got married. She bought this silver ring secretly with the first money she earned when they were in a good relationship.

Later, she didn't know where to throw it, but she never thought that the ring would be in Zhao Songzhi's hands.

Xue Susu took the ring, before the smile on Zhao Songzhi's face bloomed, Xue Susu threw the ring far away: "Boring!"

She doesn't do such stupid things.The rest of her life was so long, why did she continue to entangle with Zhao Songzhi?
She must find a man other than Zhao Songzhi to marry, so she will not marry Zhao Songzhi and make herself guilty.

Think about it, she has been entangled with this man Zhao Songzhi for the first half of her life, and she will come again for the second half of her life, so she must kill her?

Thinking of this, she quickened her pace and walked away quickly.

Zhao Songzhi was stunned for a moment, then quickly retrieved the ring and put it away carefully.

He will get back the things Susu gave him one by one, maybe even the sincerity that he lost.

(End of this chapter)

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