My boss is super cool

Chapter 784 Making the Fake Come True: The Marriage Is Done

Chapter 784 Making the Fake Come True: The Marriage Is Done

"Just kidding, I won't do it!" Shang Qiuyun glared at the left bank.

Without such a thing, she just dropped by to help him drive away his blind date, but she didn't want to pay herself for it.

"It was you who handed over the details just now. My mother now believes that my girlfriend is called Shang Qiuyun and she is an actor. If you don't come home with me, where can I find another girlfriend named Shang Qiuyun to bring back?" Home?" Zuo An asked leisurely.

Shang Qiuyun was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing what to do.

"How about this, you help me this time, you can choose whatever scripts you want for the next three years, what, this deal is worth it." Zuo An cast the bait, not believing that this woman would not take the bait.

Shang Qiuyun knew that she shouldn't bite the bait, but she couldn't stand the temptation.

After all, she is not young, and she is in an embarrassing position in the circle.Unless it is said to take on a very popular TV series or movie, it is possible to become popular.

But in fact, the hottest TV show she has filmed is "The Legend of the Harem".

Zuo An just took her to Zuo's house to act in a play. Compared with other actresses who got the role after sleeping with this one and then sleeping with that one, she made too much money this way.

Fueled by interests, Shang Qiuyun agreed to Zuo An's proposal.She didn't expect that this battle would make her and Zuo An's life no longer entangled.

With Zuo An here, it is not difficult to ask for leave.

On Saturday, Zuo An brought Shang Qiuyun with him, and the two went to the compound.

Before entering the compound, Shang Qiuyun was extremely nervous. She tugged Zuo An's sleeve tightly, her palms sweating: "Why don't you find someone else, I really can't."

This place looks unusual, and the people in it are also unusual, she was afraid of death.

"It's okay, isn't there me? Just get into the show later and get closer to me." Zuo An said, clasping fingers with Shang Qiuyun.

A good-for-nothing woman who looks tough at ordinary times, but is cowardly at the critical moment.

When the car entered the compound and went to the door of Zuo's house, Zuo An took Shang Qiuyun's hand again and led her into the house.

Ms. Liu's eyes were already red-eyed. When she saw someone, she stepped forward and pulled Shang Qiuyun to look left and right: "Qiuyun, you look better than on TV. No wonder our Zuo'an misses you so much, and eats it." Back to the grass..."

Shang Qiuyun was very surprised when he heard this, Zuo An turned back?
"Didn't you date Zuo An a year ago? After hearing about him, he was dumped by you. I know it must be because he treated you badly that you dumped him. He is such a face-saving person, he can turn around Grass, of course because I like you." Ms. Liu explained Shang Qiuyun's confusion.

The most important thing is that Shang Qiuyun is the only girlfriend Zuo An has dated for so many years, which proves that Shang Qiuyun is very charming.

Shang Qiuyun looked back at Zuo An, not knowing what to say.

After all, she and Zuo An used each other at the beginning.Zuo An helped her get rid of Cheng Qing, and Zuo An used her to beat Cheng Qing. There was no love between them, and only the two of them knew these secrets.

Ms. Liu was very enthusiastic, and from the moment Shang Qiuyun entered the room, she was dragging her to gossip.

This is completely different from what Shang Qiuyun imagined.She always thought that Zuo An was the son of a high-ranking cadre, and Zuo's father was a big man who was often seen on TV.It is impossible for such a family to accept a daughter-in-law like her.

She was ready to be despised, and even thought about how to manage her facial expressions after being ridiculed.

At night, Zuo's father came home.Zuo's father is over half a century old, with graying hair at the temples and an upright face, with the air of being a leader.

Shang Qiuyun followed Zuo An and stepped forward cautiously.

Father Zuo looked her up and down: "Are you Shang Qiuyun?"

"Hello, Chief." Shang Qiuyun was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to do.

You must know that this is a person who can only be seen on the news of political leaders, and he is in front of her and talking to her at this moment, which makes her very nervous.

"Zuo An is not young, and he wants you to do it. In this case, shouldn't your lifelong affairs be settled sooner?" Zuo's father was serious, smiling seriously, and got straight to the point.

This time, not only Shang Qiuyun was taken aback, Zuo An also didn't expect the situation to develop so quickly.

"Son, what do you think? A woman's golden age is limited. Could it be that you still don't want to be responsible to Miss Shang?" Zuo's father threw the question to Zuo An.

Zuo An quickly replied, "Of course not..."

"Since this is the case, let's arrange your marriage earlier." Father Zuo made a conclusion.

Before the left bank was 25 years old, they had strict requirements on the partners of the left bank.The family background must be good, and the wealth must be clean.

Year after year, Zuo An never had a girlfriend, let alone bring a woman home.When Zuo An passed the age of 30, they relaxed the conditions.

As long as the woman is Zuo An's favorite, she is not utilitarian, and she is sincerely good to Zuo An, other conditions are just floating clouds.

They checked Shang Qiuyun's details, and although he had dated Cheng Qing, it was a normal relationship between a man and a woman.After Cheng Qing got married, Shang Qiuyun broke up with Cheng Qing.

Coupled with the fact that Shang Qiuyun has kept a pure heart in such a complex environment as the entertainment industry over the years, such a girl is very rare.

It would be a good thing if Shang Qiuyun could make Zuo An end his single life as soon as possible and open up branches for Zuo's family.

After a dinner, Shang Qiuyun didn't know what to eat.

It wasn't until the two left the compound that Shang Qiuyun regained his composure and asked, "Tell me, what will you do in the future?"

Zuo An was also a little dazed.He just wanted to find a woman to stop him, and he never thought of getting married so soon.But my father said that he must set a wedding date in the near future.

Strangely, they seemed very satisfied with Shang Qiuyun.

The last time he and Ning Meng made headlines about their scandal, Ms. Liu was the first to object.Later, knowing that there was nothing between him and Ning Meng, Ms. Liu was completely relieved.

They are also members of the entertainment industry, so why is there such a difference in treatment between Ning Meng and Shang Qiuyun?

"It's really not possible, let's get the evidence." Zuo An gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Are you making an international joke? Don't forget that I am your fake girlfriend. Could it be that you still want to have a fake marriage?" Shang Qiuyun was taken aback.

"Shang Qiuyun, don't be so excited. Think about it, we are going to get married sooner or later, you and I are old acquaintances, and know the truth. Since we are married to everyone, why can't we make fakes come true?" Zuo An analyzed calmly.

Shang Qiuyun looked away and sneered silently.

The marriage she wants is not like this, even if the other party is ordinary, she also wants a warm home, not such a marriage of benefits, just getting married for the sake of getting married.

She also knew that Zuo An couldn't give her the marriage she wanted.

Along the way, Shang Qiuyun didn't say anything, she got out of the car and went upstairs, and was about to open the door, but Zuo An didn't seem to leave.

She said coldly: "I thought I made it clear to you, what are you still following me for?
 Finished today.

(End of this chapter)

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