My boss is super cool

Chapter 582 He's Revenge: The Unknown Past

Chapter 582 He's Revenge: The Unknown Past
"Silly girl, working with you every day is my greatest pleasure. I like being so busy now, it's very fulfilling." What Shen said in vain was from the bottom of his heart.

He hoped that Liu Feiyan would be under his watch 24 hours a day.Han Ruyi is a ticking time bomb, so Liu Feiyan and Han Ruyi are on the same crew, he is not at ease, he must keep an eye on it himself.

He didn't tell Liu Feiyan that Li Jingchu recently intended to cooperate with Diye Group.This is a mutually beneficial cooperation, but he vaguely felt a little uneasy, afraid that the benevolent would not come.

But he has never been afraid of challenges. Rather than avoiding them, he should directly attack the problems.

Li Jingchu told him more than once that Han Ruyi was ignorant and asked him to be more tolerant.Tomorrow night, he had to attend the dinner with Li Jingchu, but he didn't tell Liu Feiyan about it.

He never dared to underestimate this woman, Li Jingchu. He always felt that this woman was unfathomable. Compared with a man, this woman's wrist made him look sideways.

But Liu Feiyan didn't know that Shen Huayan had so many things on his mind, she was only worried that his body would not be able to bear it: "You stay up late every day, I'm afraid that you will wear down your body at a young age."

"Listen to my wife, I will try to go to bed as early as possible from tomorrow on." Shen Yanyan smiled and hugged Liu Feiyan tightly.

Early the next morning, Shen Huayan received the investigation report from Li Wenze.

Liu Feiyan looked carefully, and sure enough, there was something wrong with the left bank.

When Zuo An was a freshman, he had a crush on a woman named Xu Xiaotong.Zuo An and Xu Xiaotong used to be the golden boys and girls that everyone looked forward to, but later, Xu Xiaotong fell in love with another man for some unknown reason, and that man happened to be Cheng Qing.

Xu Xiaotong and Cheng Qing also had a sweet relationship, and Cheng Qing also doted on Xu Xiaotong for a while.But Cheng Qing is also a playboy, he has no way to guard a woman, and after dating Xu Xiaotong for a few months, he found a new girlfriend and dumped Xu Xiaotong.

Coincidentally, Xu Xiaotong was pregnant with Cheng Qing's child when she was dumped by Cheng Qing.

Cheng Qing was still very young at that time, how could he be held back by a child who shouldn't have come?Of course it was to force Xu Xiaotong to skid.

Xu Xiaotong disappeared in the campus, and no one knew where she went.

Some people said that Xu Xiaotong lost his life during the abortion and died just like that.

Some people also said that Xu Xiaotong was crazy, and others said that Xu Xiaotong went abroad...

As for the specific truth, perhaps only a few parties involved know.

Regardless of the truth, Liu Feiyan knew that it was no coincidence that Zuo An appeared beside Shang Qiuyun.

Cheng Qing has had many girlfriends, but only Shang Qiuyun is different.Even Xu Xiaotong back then, stayed with Cheng Qing for only a few months.

But Shang Qiuyun is very capable, and Cheng Qing has been dating Cheng Qing for three years, and Cheng Qing has no sign of breaking up with Shang Qiuyun.

Perhaps it is precisely because of Cheng Qing's difference to Shang Qiuyun that Zuo An intervenes to make Cheng Qing feel the pain of losing a loved one...

Liu Feiyan passed the investigation report to Shang Qiuyun. After all, Shang Qiuyun was the person involved and had the right to know the truth.

She knew from the beginning that Zuo An was not an easy person, and his appearance beside Shang Qiuyun did not seem like a coincidence.

Just like when Zuo An approached her back then, it was just because she and Shang Qiuyun were good friends, she was valuable.

From that point, it should be known that Zuo An is very procedural and planned.

"I've seen Xu Xiaotong's photo, and his smile is very sweet. Ning Meng looks a lot like Xu Xiaotong, and even more so when he smiles. This may be the reason why Zuo An treats Ning Meng differently." Seeing Shang Qiuyun, Liu Feiyan couldn't help Speak, breaking the silence.

This time, she thanked Han Ruyi.

If Han Ruyi hadn't pushed Ning Meng into the circle of right and wrong, she wouldn't have thought of investigating the left bank.

At least now I know the reason why Zuo An approached Shang Qiuyun in the first place.

Shang Qiuyun was silent for a moment: "It's all in the past. No matter what reason Zuo An got close to me, it doesn't matter anymore."

It would be a lie to say that she didn't care at all, after all Zuo An treated her very well back then.When she was struggling, Zuo An also helped her.

If it wasn't for Xu Xiaotong, Zuo An wouldn't have been able to get close to her, so she might have become Cheng Qing's mistress at that time.

Liu Feiyan patted Shang Qiuyun's shoulder: "Although the truth is often not too beautiful, you have the right to know the truth."

"In this way, Zuo An is a long-lasting person. He approached me probably to avenge Cheng Qing for betraying Xu Xiaotong. It's a pity that Cheng Qing's favorite will always be himself. Even if I have been with him for three years, He still easily gave up on me and took another high-ranking daughter, Zuo An regards me too important." Shang Qiuyun opened his lips indifferently.

"But Zuo An achieved his goal, didn't he? Among all the girlfriends Cheng Qing had ever had, the one he couldn't let go of was you. Even if he married Han Yaying later, in Cheng Qing's heart, you would always be the one he couldn't let go of and had to The one that arrived. Cheng Qing caused Zuo An to lose his love, and Zuo An also made Cheng Qing feel the same, isn't this revenge?"

Liu Feiyan held Shang Qiuyun's hand tightly.

It just hurt Shang Qiuyun and became a victim of their struggle.Fortunately, this girl didn't fall into it completely, it's not too late to get out now.

"Don't talk about it, it's a headache. I'm still suitable for a simple life and a simple man. Tell your man to introduce me to an ordinary, honest and reliable man. I'm going on a blind date." Shang Qiu Yun stood up and suddenly felt that the weather was fine today.

Things that I couldn't figure out before now have answers. This is a good thing, and there is no need to be unhappy.

Although Zuo An approached her with a purpose and had an affair with her, he never said outright that he had thoughts about her.Even the so-called breakup was brought up by her first, and Zuo An never betrayed her.

She has nothing to be unhappy about.

"What about Lu Zheyuan? He seems to be a little interested in you. I've seen him courting you these past two days, but you're not interested in Xiao Xianrou?" Liu Feiyan joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"Even if I agree, his fans are unlikely to agree. They all say that I am an old cow and eat young grass. I don't want to find a man in the circle. Let's live a life. It's better to be ordinary. My dear, my life's important thing is on you body." Shang Qiuyun hugged Liu Feiyan's arm coquettishly.

"All right, all right, I'll check it out myself, and you'll definitely marry a good man with 24 filial piety." Liu Feiyan agreed wholeheartedly.

Shang Qiuyun's happiness is her happiness, she dare not neglect.

While Shang Qiuyun was filming, Liu Feiyan called Shen Huayan, hoping that he would help introduce Shang Qiuyun to a boyfriend.

I thought that Shen Huayan would not agree to do such a thing, but this girl was very excited, and said that he would definitely help Shang Qiuyun find a young talent.

Shen Yaoyan's idea is that if Shang Qiuyun has a boyfriend, he will have to fall in love and film, so how can he have time to harm his wife?

(End of this chapter)

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