My boss is super cool

Chapter 543 I Will Kill Anyone Who Doesn't Know What's Good!

Chapter 543 I Will Kill Anyone Who Doesn't Know What's Good!
Hearing the word "Aventure", Shen Huayan's eyes darkened, he turned over and pressed Liu Feiyan under him, and was about to kiss her bright red mouth.But she stretched out two slender fingers, barely covering his thin lips, and exhaled in his ear like blue: "Tonight I just talk but don't do it. Tell me, I want to listen!"

"What's there to say? You don't understand what happened in the shopping mall. As for the affair, it's even more ridiculous. I have you, how can I see other women?"

Shen Yaoyan grabbed her slender fingers that were obstructing her eyes, and licked them one by one, as if eating the most delicious food in the world.

Liu Feiyan was distracted by his flirting skills, but she was not fooled by his beauty.

Shen Huayan was subtly avoiding her question and diverting her attention just now.This man is playing tricks, and it's really hard to deal with.

If he doesn't want to say something, there are probably many ways not to speak.

Since he still wanted to practice Tai Chi, she simply didn't make any detours anymore.

"I was walking on the road yesterday and heard that someone saw you having a room with Han Ruyi. Is this your affair, or is it your job?" Liu Feiyan looked directly at Shen Huayan, trying to understand the expression on Shen Huayan's face. See some clues.

It's a pity that Shen Yaoyan's expression remained the same as before, without any change, as if he had expected that she would ask this question.

"Do you also believe those things on the Internet? It's just spreading rumors." Shen Zhuyan smiled and tapped her delicate nose: "The only love affair in my life is you, what is Han Ruyi?!"

Liu Feiyan really wanted to find some clues on Shen Huayan's face.It's a pity that this person's expression is perfectly managed, and there is no flaw in it.

She simply took out her mobile phone, found the message she saw, and pointed to the photo on it: "Don't tell me this is not you and Han Ruyi."

Both of them went to the hotel to get a room, and they still want to deny it?
Shen Yaoyan took the phone and looked at it carefully, "It's a bit similar. But it's really not me and her, I'll ask someone to find out what's going on. If you dare to spread rumors, publish false news, and slander my reputation, I will Will sue this website for closure!"

Liu Feiyan looked at Shen Huayan suspiciously, his heart beating.

Shen Huangyan looked at her with a smile, called Li Wenze in front of her, and even turned on the speakerphone: "Wenze, check the Internet about the scandal about Han Ruyi and I having a room. Give me an answer, I'll wait for your answer tonight."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Yanyan leaned on Liu Feiyan's chest: "Honey, would you rather trust those unreliable websites than your man? How could I have sex with that man Han Ruyi, and then It's not that you're full. In this world, I'll see you as a woman."

"To be honest, I can no longer tell what is real and what is fake." Liu Feiyan leaned on Shen Wangyan's chest and replied in a muffled voice.

Even now, with the two of them so close, she still prefers to trust her instincts.

During Shen Huayan's business trip, he never broke contact with Han Ruyi, and they may also be on a "business trip" together.

"It's my fault that I didn't give you enough sense of security. I should keep in touch with you at all times when I'm on a business trip, which makes you lack trust in me. It doesn't matter, we still have a lifetime to spend slowly."

While speaking, Shen Yaoyan touched her stomach: "I heard that you were very obedient during my business trip, and you only went to film after seeing the doctor every day, right?"

"I also want a child that belongs to you and me." Liu Feiyan looked at her belly, imagining how great it would be if one day there was a child that belonged to her and Shen Huayan.

Shen Yaoyan laughed in a low voice, and brought Liu Feiyan into his arms.

Liu Feiyan felt that she was not short, but being hugged by Shen Huayan like this, she felt like she was his child.

"You will definitely be able to conceive, maybe in the near future, I am still looking for a doctor. Recently I am in contact with a very powerful gynecologist. If you can invite him to see you, your chances of conceiving a child will be very good Big. When the time comes, we will have a daughter, and then a son. If it is difficult to have a child, it doesn’t matter if we have a daughter.” Shen Huayan looked at Liu Feiyan tenderly.

Liu Feiyan was almost melted by the affection in his eyes, it was really disgusting.

"No matter who in this world wants to separate us, I will not let the other party succeed. If necessary, I will kill those who don't know what to do!"

Liu Feiyan's heartbeat suddenly slowed down by a beat.She heard the chill in Shen Hua's words just now, it didn't look like she was joking.

But looking at his warm smile, it doesn't seem like he's telling the truth.

"Now is a society ruled by law, what do you say to kill or not." Seeing such Shen nonsense, Liu Feiyan was a little startled.

She thought of Mr. Shen.

Because old man Shen prevented her from being with Shen Wangyan, Shen Wangyan sent old man out of the country.

If other people wanted to destroy the relationship between her and Shen Wangyan, would he really kill those people as he said?
With the precedent of Mr. Shen, Liu Feiyan suddenly had an answer in his heart.

This person would do anything for her.

Afterwards, she didn't listen to a word of what Shen Yaoyan said, until Li Wenze sent a document.

Liu Feiyan opened the file, and inside was the analysis report of the news photos, which angles were photoshopped, and which places were real, all clearly listed.

She is not a professional in this field, but she can vaguely see from the enlarged photo that the photo has indeed been photoshopped.

It seems that as far as this matter is concerned, it is already certain that this is a scandal deliberately created by someone.

But on the other hand, Liu Feiyan felt that the matter was resolved too smoothly.

"In the future, you can just film with peace of mind and be my woman with peace of mind. Don't pay too much attention to the news on the Internet. How many scandals in the entertainment industry are true, and most of them are hype. As one of them, don't you know? These things?"

Shen Huangyan warned earnestly, Liu Feiyan wanted to laugh when he heard it, because his tone was like the tone of an elder teaching a junior.

"Are you listening to what I'm saying?" Shen Huayan frowned.

Liu Feiyan deliberately dragged the end of the voice: "Yes... ah."

Her stubborn look made Shen Yaoyan's eyes darken.As soon as she saw this man's appearance, she knew something was wrong.Just as he was about to run out of bed, he grabbed his ankle firmly.

"You want to run after flirting, huh?!" With all his strength, he dragged her back under his body.

Before Liu Feiyan could recover, Shen Huayan's strong masculine breath rushed towards her face, got into her mouth, and her heart, perhaps even fused into her flesh and blood.

There is no need to doubt that this night, Shen Yaoyan once again became beastly, frying her from the inside out.

After this one night, Liu Feiyan realized that Shen Huayan was a model of the so-called seven times in one night.

(End of this chapter)

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