Chapter 439
"Song Zhi, walk slowly, wait for me." Du Youruo's coquettish voice came from behind.

Xue Susu slowed down, looked back, and saw Du Youruo closely following Zhao Songzhi, walking side by side.Even in the dark of night, they still look good together.

Such a talented woman can't be more right.

Recalling that year when they were only promoted to junior high school, Du Youruo appeared, and Zhao Songzhi was the school flower and school grass respectively.Everyone said that they were the most suitable couple. The picture of them walking side by side caught everyone's eyes, and she was the only one who felt that the picture of them walking together was very hurtful.

After all these years, they still walk side by side.She was either behind them or ahead of them.Occasionally, when I look back, I find that they are right...

When Zhao Songzhi walked up to Xue Susu, he saw her in a daze.She looked straight at him, her eyes were big, like black pearls, but not dazzling.

Her eyes were covered with a layer of gray, as if she was looking at him, but also seemed to penetrate him.

"Susu?" Zhao Songzhi was a little flustered by Xue Susu's eyes.

Xue Susu came back to her senses, turned around and continued walking.

Zhao Songzhi just stood there, watching the person in front of him walking alone, slowly blending into the night, as if he just disappeared...

"Song Zhi, what's the matter with you?" Du Youruo panicked seeing Zhao Songzhi's absent-minded look.

Today's Zhao Songzhi is very wrong, he has been watching Xue Susu for too long, so long that she feels that Zhao Songzhi has forgotten that there is Du Youruo.

Zhao Songzhi only had eyes for Du Youruo before, he never looked at Xue Susu.

Zhao Songzhi was stunned for a while, then shook his head blankly, he didn't know what was wrong with him.

Whenever I see Xue Susu, I always feel distressed inexplicably.Obviously this woman is very strong, so strong that he thought she was invincible...

Shen Yaoyan followed Liu Feiyan into her guest room.The moment he sat on the sofa, he realized how tired he was.My whole body was sore, dizzy, and seemed to be burning again.

He was leaning on the sofa, taking a nap, when Liu Feiyan's voice sounded above his head: "Remember to take your medicine, and go back to your own room to rest after taking the medicine."

Shen Yaoyan took the medicine, but still felt dizzy after taking it: "I'll just sleep on the sofa and not disturb you, is that okay?"

Only when he saw her in his line of sight could he feel at ease.

"Do you want to pass your cold germs to me?" Liu Feiyan replied with a straight face.

Shen Huayan's face was pale, his hair was disheveled, and a strand of hair rested on his plump forehead.The corners of his lips drooped slightly, and the straight bridge of his nose drew a seductive arc in the dark night.

Liu Feiyan's gaze was unconsciously fixed on his thin lips.It is said that a man with thin lips is equal to thin luck. It turned out that she thought it was okay to listen to this kind of statement.

It was only later that she found out that he could hurt her badly when he was ruthless.

Shen Huayan was silent for a moment, then finally got up and left Liu Feiyan's bedroom.

Not long after, the doorbell rang, and Liu Feiyan was not surprised to see Xue Susu coming.

"Cousin said, don't worry about letting you sleep alone, but ask me to accompany you." Xue Susu fell down on the sofa as she said.

Liu Feiyan saw that she was not in the right mood, "Has Zhao Songzhi made you angry again?"

"He has long forgotten the past. He knew that I was allergic to seafood when he was a child, but he forgot when he grew up. I suddenly found that I was the only one who did not come out of the memory." Xue Susu murmured absently, very unhappy.

"Silly boy. Go to bed early, maybe you'll figure everything out when you wake up." Liu Feiyan helped Xue Susu cover her with the quilt.

Not long after, the doorbell rang again.

Liu Feiyan felt that she was very busy here. When she opened the door, it was Zhao Songzhi who was outside.

Zhao Songzhi glanced at the room and was relieved to see Xue Susu here.

"Is something wrong?" Liu Feiyan said in a bad tone.

Zhao Songzhi made an excuse casually: "I'm worried about Jiang Tingting, so I'm here to ask you..."

"Didn't director Wu say that Jiang Tingting called and she was sick and asked for three days off, why did you hold on to this matter?" Liu Feiyan couldn't show a good face to Zhao Songzhi.

"I was so busy that I forgot about it. It's my fault." Zhao Songzhi was about to leave when he suddenly said, "Susu doesn't sleep well. She kicks the quilt at night and rolls out of bed. Take care of me." A little bit of her."

Liu Feiyan looked at Zhao Songzhi coldly, Zhao Songzhi felt bored, and went back to his room in despair.

Liu Feiyan was about to go back to her room when Du Youruo touched the door of Zhao Songzhi's room, rang the bell, and entered Zhao Songzhi's guest room.

Liu Feiyan didn't want to be nosy at first, but this time he couldn't bear it.

She looked back at Xue Susu, then closed the door, went to Zhao Songzhi's guest room, and rang the doorbell.

Zhao Songzhi opened the door to see her, "Liu Feiyan?"

Liu Feiyan pushed Zhao Songzhi away, passed him, and when she saw Du Youruo lying on Zhao Songzhi's bed, she looked down at Du Youruo: "Is it easy to climb into a married man's bed?"

If Du You didn't expect Liu Feiyan to kill him, she shrank her body: "You, you misunderstood..."

"Misunderstanding?! Du Youruo, you think everyone in the world is as stupid as Zhao Songzhi, and you can't see your intentions clearly. How dare you say that Zhao Songzhi is not a married man, how dare you say it's not midnight? How dare you say Aren't you deliberately seducing Zhao Songzhi?!"

Du Youruo was so annoyed that Liu Feiyan forced him to retreat steadily.

Even Xue Susu didn't care about it, who did Liu Feiyan think he was?Isn't it just relying on the backing of Shen Lianyan?
"Isn't Shen Yaoyan going in and out of your room in the middle of the night?" Du Youruo retorted coldly, with a flash of hatred in his eyes.

"He's chasing me. So, you're also chasing Zhao Songzhi, do you understand that?" Liu Feiyan turned against the general.

Du Youruo was speechless for a moment.She came here to seduce Zhao Songzhi on purpose, who made Zhao Songzhi focus on Xue Susu today?If she doesn't hurry up, Zhao Songzhi's heart will follow Xue Susu.

"I, I don't, Song Zhi and I are just good friends." Du Youruo stepped back timidly, looked at Zhao Songzhi with startled eyes, and pleaded: "Song Zhi, help me with Fei Yan, explain, the relationship between us is not what she thought..."

Zhao Songzhi didn't know what to do.If Liu Feiyan hadn't come in, he wouldn't even have noticed Du Youruo lying on his bed.In such a situation, it is indeed easy to be misunderstood.

Liu Feiyan looked back at Zhao Songzhi, "Zhao Songzhi, do you remember who you are?"

Zhao Songzhi nodded: "I have no affair with You Ruo."

"Then what do you think is cheating, does mental cheating count?" Liu Feiyan sneered.

Zhao Songzhi opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.He has always loved Du Youruo, and this has never changed.He didn't even think that after marrying Xue Susu, he still had Du Youruo in his heart, whether it was a mental affair.

(End of this chapter)

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