My boss is super cool

Chapter 378 He Wasn't There When He Was Needed Most

Chapter 378 He Wasn't There When He Was Needed Most

"I have a script." Liu Feiyan thought that Cheng Qing was looking for trouble for him, because he was in a bad mood and his tone was not kind.

"This is a new script. Please read it again. Your role has been adjusted." Cheng Qing gave her a meaningful look, then turned and left.

Liu Feiyan just felt baffled.She opened the script and looked at it, her face changed dramatically.

She quickly found Cheng Qing, and asked in a cold voice, "Cheng Qing, tell me clearly, whose meaning is this?!"

Why are so many of her scenes deleted?Obviously, there are still two months before the TV series will finish, but her role in the later scenes was deleted early.

"Don't ask me, I don't have an answer here. Your final scene will be completed in the next few days, and this is the final result." Cheng Qing said, walking away quickly.

Liu Feiyan was not reconciled, and wanted to talk to the screenwriter, but the screenwriter avoided him.

Could it be Lin Luo playing tricks?
She quickly figured out that it would not be Lin Luo who cut her scenes.Now that Lin Luo felt ashamed of her, it was impossible to cut so many of her roles at this time.

Could it be Shen's nonsense?

Thinking of this, she called Shen Yaoyan.

Shen Yaoyan didn't answer for a long time, maybe he was in a meeting.

She sat there for a while, and was called over by the staff, and soon it was her role.

Not only did she see it, but others also noticed that her scenes today were intensive.

After working for a long time, I have time to look at my phone.

There was no phone call from Shen Yaoyan, nor any reply from him.

It seemed like he wasn't there when she missed him or needed him.

"Do you know that you have been sighing more and more lately? How can you have the joy that a newlywed should have?" Shang Qiuyun pinched Liu Feiyan's face lightly.

This woman has a sad face all day long, she is not at all like the grand and open-minded Liu Feiyan before.

Liu Feiyan took Shang Qiuyun's arm: "You also think I shouldn't marry Shen Huayan, right?"

People all over the world could see that she was unhappy after a successful marriage proposal, but they didn't know whether Shen Huayan's prospective fiancé could see it.

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?" Shang Qiuyun asked back.

As soon as Liu Feiyan heard this sentence, he knew the answer was not good.Even her best friend thought it was wrong. When Xiaoshan knew that she and Shen Wangyan were going to get married, the first thing she said was "Are you sure you want to marry the male god?".

"Why do you think I shouldn't marry?" Liu Feiyan asked after a moment of silence.

As the saying goes, the authorities are obsessed, and she has already entered the game. She doesn't know what is right and what is wrong.

"Feiyan, you have put yourself too low. You have become no longer yourself because of love and nonsense. Yes, love makes people lose, and I have struggled in it. From my experience, You love too much and give too much. Shen Huayan is just the opposite, he gives you too little." Shang Qiuyun said slowly.

Liu Feiyan was astonished.At this moment, she seemed to be enlightened.

"Maybe you didn't realize it yourself. You are a child who lacks love. It may be related to the early death of your parents. You want to have a family too much. So when a man you like appears, you put yourself Very low, very low. Just like Lin Luo back then, you knew he was flirtatious, but you jumped down without hesitation. This jump lasted for six years. I don’t think it was all Lin Luo back then. Wrong, it was you who gave him the opportunity to spoil you. Now you meet Shen Huayan, and you jump in again without hesitation. You know that Shen Huayan wants to push you away, but you still put all your eggs in one basket and want to tie your marriage to him Love him. I also know that he treats you differently, but do you think that when a man really loves a woman, will he be willing to make her feel sad? "

Shang Qiuyun expressed all the thoughts in his heart in one breath.

"Do you also think he doesn't love me?" Liu Feiyan was at a loss: "If you like someone, you should rush forward recklessly. If you look forward and look backward, what is it called love?"

She knew that what Shang Qiuyun said was right.

It was she who gave Lin Luo the opportunity to spoil her, and she also gave Shen Yaoyan a reason to torture her.

"I just know. To love someone, one should be like you, not like Shen Huayan, and not like Cheng Qing." Shang Qiuyun glanced at Cheng Qing: "Look, didn't I use it a lot? Did you realize this truth in a year? If Cheng Qing loves me enough, how could he marry Han Yaying instead of me? It’s ridiculous that when Cheng and Han’s marriage was rumored, I didn’t think it was a big problem. I was completely absorbed in his weaving It's tender and sweet. After a long time, I found that the rumors became more and more intense, even the wedding date was set, and Cheng Qing hadn't made a promise to me, that's when I knew something was wrong."

Shang Qiuyun grabbed Liu Feiyan's hand: "Marriage is a lifetime thing. If you jump in, it's not easy to get out again. You really have to think clearly."

"I'll think about it carefully." Liu Feiyan forced a smile.

She looked at the phone again, quietly, without any message response.

He wasn't there when she was most at a loss and when she needed to talk nonsense the most.

Then it's filming time.

Cheng Qing seemed to want to concentrate all of Liu Feiyan's scenes in a few days and shoot them all.

Liu Feiyan didn't continue to dwell on this issue.This is the end of the matter, what is there to worry about.

After all, she is a young actress, it doesn't matter who wants to delete her role, who wants to kick her out, what matters is the result.

She filmed until eleven o'clock in the evening, and then dragged her tired body back home.

Shen Huayan didn't call her until she was about to go to bed.

Indeed, as Shang Qiuyun said, she was the one who gave all the time, and Shen Huayan didn't respond.All the answers are obvious, what is she still obsessed with?

Perhaps, she was just waiting for a reason to give up completely.

For the next few days, Liu Feiyan left early and returned late every day, busy shooting all the final scenes.

On the contrary, because she was in a hurry and the workload was too heavy, she didn't have extra time to think about it.

After Liu Feiyan left the show that day, all of her roles in the crew of "Life is Beautiful" were completed.

Shang Qiuyun sent Liu Feiyan away with a sad face.

Seeing her stupid look, Liu Feiyan found it amused: "It's not life and death, so don't make a sad face?"

Shang Qiuyun hugged Liu Feiyan tightly, "It was not easy for us to have the opportunity to film together. After this time, I don't know how to get together on the same crew. Also, you have deleted so many scenes, do you feel very sad?" Frustrated?"

"Fortunately, I don't feel much. The biggest advantage of me is that I can stand up quickly after being hit! I will not be on the set in the future. Take care of yourself and stay close to Zuo An. Don't let Cheng Qing have a chance to kill you. You go back, I'll leave when you go back." Liu Feiyan made a gesture of disgust, and signaled Shang Qiuyun to go back.

She doesn't like the scene of parting the most, and she is not the kind of person who likes to mourn the spring and autumn. She has indeed changed recently.Because of Shen's nonsense, she was no longer herself.

(End of this chapter)

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