My boss is super cool

Chapter 337 Let go: Don't come to Dream Garden again...

Chapter 337 Let go: Don't come to Dream Garden again...

Liu Feiyan had no choice but to turn back to the kitchen door, and continued to listen to Shen Huayan chanting while cooking.This man is as chattering as a woman, talking too much to keep his mouth shut.

What about his nobleness and glamor?What about his elegance and alienation?
Thinking about how he looked when I first met him, I feel a little nostalgic.

When Chef Shen cooked the first dinner in his life, Liu Feiyan looked at the several heavy-tasting dishes on the table, and commented sincerely: "The color and appearance are very ordinary, but this is the first time, and it barely passes."

She spoke and took a bite of braised pork ribs: "Too old to bite, a bit mushy, very salty, I'll give this dish—"

Seeing Shen Yaoyan staring at her fiercely, she smiled: "88 points!"

Shen Huayan's ferocious expression immediately disappeared without a trace, a smile stained the brows, and his handsome face was vivid and bright: "It's not too bad, I have some knowledge."

Liu Feiyan silently added in her heart that the full score is 88, and [-] is definitely a failure.

Before going to bed that night, Liu Feiyan lay in Shen Huayan's arms and asked, "Shen Huayan, do you still hate me?"

After asking this question, Shen Yaoyan did not answer for a long time.She looked at him and found that his eyes were slightly closed. At first glance, he seemed to be asleep. Maybe he didn't hear her question.


When Shen Yaoyan got up the next morning, Liu Feiyan was nowhere to be seen.

When he went downstairs, he found that there was breakfast prepared by her on the dining table.Simple millet porridge and side dishes, the most common and unpretentious, are still steaming.

It's just that she has disappeared.

Li Wenze came over to explain Shen Yaoyan's confusion: "Today she got up at four o'clock, and she has an early scene to shoot, so she rushed to the scene. Before leaving, she told me that the young master will have breakfast at this time, and let me heat it up in advance. Young master, she is a careful and caring girl."

A man who falls in love with Liu Feiyan will definitely be very happy.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why Shen Huayan was unwilling to let Liu Feiyan out of his world like this.

But, after being loved by Liu Feiyan, can Shen Huayan willingly let her go?

Some things are more painful to lose than not to have.

Shen Yaoyan drank the porridge silently, put down the bowl and chopsticks while drinking.After a long time he said, "Throw away all the breakfast on the table. And..."

Li Wenzejing waited for Shen Yuyan's continuation.

After waiting for 5 minutes, Shen Huayan finally expressed his meaning: "Tell her not to come to Mengyuan again."

"Master, do you really want to do this?"

Unexpectedly, Li Wenze waited until the end for Shen Huayan's answer.

"That's it." Shen Yaoyan replied hoarsely.

He got up and threw all the breakfast on the table into the trash can.

He brought her back, and all he wanted was this result.Now that the goal has been achieved, why continue to entangle?

At ten o'clock in the morning, Liu Feiyan, who was on the set, called Shen Huayan three times.After no one answered for a long time, she sent a text message to Shen Wangyan, telling him to have lunch on time.

She didn't wait for his text message, so she made two more phone calls, but no one answered.

At this time, Zuo An came over to call her, and the next part was her role, so she had to prepare properly.

"Why do you look listless?" Seeing Liu Feiyan's powerless look, Zuo An fixed his eyes.

Liu Feiyan pulled the corner of her lips lightly: "It's nothing, probably the weather is going to change, it affects my mood."

She looked up at the foggy sky.

The sun was shining brightly yesterday, but today is cloudy, maybe it will rain later.

After a whole day, Liu Feiyan's condition was not good.He recited the lines wrongly, couldn't move, and had a stiff expression. After repeated NGs, Zhang Shen reluctantly accepted the delivery.

At eleven o'clock that night, Cheng's compound.

Cheng Qing drove into the yard.

Han Yaying, who had been waiting for a long time, came up early with a coat in her hand.Seeing Cheng Qing come back, she stood on tiptoe and put her coat on him: "It's cold at night, if you go out to socialize, wear more to avoid catching cold."

Seeing her gentle face like water, Cheng Qing exhaled and pushed her away: "I told you, you don't need to wait for me to go home, I'm very busy."

Han Yaying didn't take it seriously, and smiled softly: "I like to wait for you, and I am willing to wait for a lifetime."

Cheng Qing's back was a little stiff, and then he entered the living room without looking back.

Half an hour later, Cheng Qing came out and saw Han Yaying sitting in front of the bed in her pajamas.

Under the dim light, she was dreamily beautiful and had an excellent temperament. At this moment, she deliberately created an ambiguous atmosphere. She felt sexy and enchanting, not as gentle as usual.

Cheng Qing took a second look, and paused for a moment while wiping his hair.

Han Yaying poured two glasses of wine and handed one to Cheng Qing: "Drinking some red wine before going to bed can enhance the quality of sleep."

Cheng Qing took the wine glass, drank it down, and handed the glass back to Han Yaying.

He was about to lie down and rest, but Han Yaying stopped him: "I'll dry your hair for you first, before you sleep, otherwise you'll suffer from migraines."

Cheng Qing was used to being served by her, so he had no objection, and let her blow-dry his hair.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep.The moment he opened his eyes, Han Yaying kissed him.

"Honey, let's have a baby..."

Cheng Qing didn't give her any response.

Han Yaying didn't care.

She took some medicine in the wine and didn't take contraceptive measures. She even counted her days, but it was just to get pregnant with Cheng Qing's flesh and blood.

Everything went according to her plan and went smoothly.

She can't get what she wants, it has been like this in the past, and it will still be like this in the future.

Now she wants a child that belongs to Cheng Qing, and even more wants to tie Cheng Qing with the child.

So far, the plan has gone smoother than she expected.

Cheng Qing opened his eyes the next day, and when he saw Han Yaying, he frowned slightly and pushed her away.

Han Yaying had actually woken up a long time ago, and did not take Cheng Qing's indifferent attitude seriously.

"Eat the medicine!"

While Cheng Qing was speaking, he threw the contraceptive pill in front of Han Yaying.

Han Yaying's expression was a little stiff.She took the medicine, swallowed it readily, and asked softly: "If you have a child, you will give birth. We have been married for a year, and the two elders are destroying..."

"It's not time to have a baby yet." Cheng Qing said, turned and went into the bathroom, usually lukewarm.

 Chapter 4, today is over.Everyone thinks that Qian’s update is slow. To be honest, among all the serialized articles in Yunqi, at most [-] words are updated every day, such as Qian updates [-] words a day. This kind of update speed is within the normal range in Yunqi. Forward, Qian did his best.

(End of this chapter)

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