Xiao Xiao protects his wife is super presumptuous

Chapter 349 Don't Curse My Child

Chapter 349 Don't Curse My Child

"Doctor, no matter what, please cure her." Luo Qianyi looked at Robbers and said sadly.

"This is my duty." The doctor nodded.

"Second sister, you must cheer up."

Looking at the crazy woman in the ward, Luo Qianyi blamed himself very much. He would definitely find a way to let her out.


Long Xiao got drunk, and the price he paid was too high. Under his strict orders, the manager had no choice but to invite back all the construction workers and decoration workers who had done well in the city, rush to work day and night, and worked hard. It is hoped that the hall will be restored to its original state before the wedding date.

In order to avoid the noisy sound, Xiahou Le'er moved her bedroom to the corner room of the CEO's mansion. Fortunately, this place is big, otherwise, she would definitely not be able to bear it, and would move out to live until the completion of the project.

"Dragonfly, bring me a bowl of ice cream." Xiahou Le'er quickly hid in the air-conditioned room from the outdoors, the sun was too fierce today.

"I'll go right away." Dragonfly hurried to the ice room, and soon came out with a big bowl.

"Hurry up and give it to me." Xiahou Leer took the bowl impatiently, looked inside, her expression froze immediately.

The bowl was a big one, but inside it was a small bowl, which contained an ice cream ball that could be eaten in three bites.

"What is this, for the birds?" Xiahou Le'er stared at the ice cream balls in the small bowl with displeasure on her face.

Dragonfly expressed her innocence: "Madam, this is the order of the master, you can only eat three bites of ice cream a day at most."

"When did Long Xiao take care of my diet?" She used to eat big bowls of ice cream and didn't see him say anything. The corners of Xia Houle'er's mouth twitched slightly, and she could only eat three bites of ice cream a day, which wasn't enough for her It's between the teeth.

"Master is concerned about your body, madam. It's not good for a woman to eat too much cold food." Dragonfly said with a bit of regret.

Xiahou Le'er, who was about to scoop up the ice cream and put it in her mouth, froze her hands.

A woman knows that eating too much raw and cold food is bad for her health, but she can't control her mouth.

Now she really wants to have a baby for Long Xiao, and she is in the stage of recuperating her body, it is time to control her mouth.

"Take it away, I don't want to eat, hurry up." Xia Hou Le'er gritted her teeth suddenly, reluctantly giving up.

"Ma'am, only a few bites are allowed." Seeing her exaggerated expression, Dragonfly couldn't help laughing.

"One bite is not enough, you take it away quickly, otherwise I'm afraid I can't help it, hurry up." After three bites, she will want to eat more, and no one can stop it at that time. The best way is not to take a bite. bump.

The dragonfly hurried forward, took the bowl, and quickly took it away.

"From now on, I will give up all raw and cold food." Xiahou Le'er looked down at her lower abdomen until she gave birth to the crystallization of her and Long Xiao.

"For the sake of my children, I am willing to sacrifice my own good luck. Cousin, you are so great." Su Bingxuan, who was still dressed up enchantingly with a designer bag in her hand and high heels, walked in slowly from the outside, with a half-real smile on her face .

Xiahou Le'er looked up at her, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly: "You are pregnant with Liujia and you wear high heels, do you have a grudge against the child in your belly, and you want to fall and shed it?"

Su Bingxuan's face darkened suddenly, and she said displeasedly: "If you want to curse, then curse me, don't curse my child."

(End of this chapter)

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