Chapter 423
In April of the third year of Yuanzhuo, the emperor personally led a large army to fight Russia in the western border, and won a complete victory. He wiped out countless enemies, captured many chieftains, and rewarded all the Mongolian tribes who participated in the war. As the king of Anping, Celing Dunduobu is the king of Anle. He sincerely invited the two families to live in the capital, and ordered the Ministry of Industry to build two new palaces in the capital to show their sincerity. The two were touched by the sincerity of the emperor, and they happily honored the order and brought their families together. Take the mouth and follow the emperor to drive triumphantly.

At the beginning of May in the third year of Yuanzhuo, the emperor made a triumphant return from Xijiang. Before leaving, he appointed Li Ke, the general who conquered the west, to take charge of Xijiang, establish a government in Urumqi, and control all the tribes. Many fortresses were set up in Tuohai, Yili River and other places to defend the territory.On September [-]th of the third year of Yuanzhuo, the emperor arrived in Beijing, and all the officials of the court went out of the city ten miles to kneel to welcome the emperor. Nearly a million people in the capital lined the road to welcome the emperor.

The battle is over, but things are not over-announcing the world, offering sacrifices to the world, worshiping the ancestral temple, granting meritorious ministers, rewarding the three armies, etc. Yin Zuo was so busy that he was dizzy.After three days of tossing and tossing, these things were finally cleared up, and Yinzuo couldn't breathe a sigh of relief. The reform of the military system was still waiting for Yinzuo to plan. Of course, before that, the old Bayi Party Handling has to be done first—the matter involves treason, and there are many people involved. Although it has been half a year since the incident happened, and the joint trial of the three divisions has passed, every time there is a discount, Yinzuo always stays in the middle and never does anything about it. After making the final decision, the prison in the capital was overcrowded, and the officials and others complained endlessly.

Autumn is cool and crisp, and it is a good weather for killing people. It is impossible not to kill people in such a shocking case. Yinzuo is not a figure with a bodhisattva heart. He does not have that unnecessary compassion. Killing, but those who dare to be rebellious can't be killed less. Of course, before that, you have to make a good plan with the courtiers, right?
"Your Majesty, it has been verified that there are 320 people involved in the treason conspiracy, including 220 people involved, and 210 people in custody. The three divisions conducted a joint trial, and 310 people were arrested. Beheaded 430 and eight people, chopped 420 people, and involved [-] six people..." In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Fan Shijie, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, knelt down respectfully and reported the results of the joint trial of the three divisions one by one.

There have always been many murderers in major treason cases. At the time when Suo'e was plotting rebellion, there were not a few people who lost their heads because of this, but compared to this time, it is still much less. Although a group of important court officials have known the truth for a long time, but listen Regarding Fan Shijie's report, the hearts of all the ministers were still chilled. In addition, this was a case of treason, and no one dared to intervene.

Yinzuo, who sat high above, glanced at the ministers, and said coldly: "I have always been lenient, and I don't like to kill, but some people don't go on the broad road, and they insist on seeking their own death. It's really embarrassing for me." Let’s do it, if you love me, if you have any opinions on this, you might as well tell me and listen to me.”

Yinzuo's words are cold and tight. Who doesn't know that Yinzuo is hot and lenient? Naturally, the big guys at Shifen would not come forward to touch the bad luck, and they all stood down, so no one would answer Yinzuo's words.

"What? Are you all dumb? Ma Qi, tell me first, how should I deal with this group of people without kings and fathers?" Yinzuo squinted at Ma Qi, and snorted coldly.

As soon as Ma Qi heard the first one, he clicked on himself, his whole body trembled, and he said in his heart: You said that these people have no king and no father, so what else can they do but kill?But I can think about it in my heart, but it is absolutely impossible to say it. Ma Qi hurriedly knelt down on the ground, not daring to look up at Yinzuo's face, and said respectfully: "The emperor is wise, and I have no objection. Congratulations to the Holy Judgment."

"Yeah." Yinzuo nodded noncommittally, without calling Ma Qiping, turned his head to look at Prince Yi Yunxiang and said: "Old Shisan, you broke this case, tell me, what should I do?" disposal?"

Yun Xiang knew that he couldn't escape this test, but he didn't panic in his heart. As early as when he sent Wu Sidao off, he had asked Wu Sidao for advice on this matter, agreed to Wu Sidao's matter, and got an answer. Seeing that Yin Zuo was not in a hurry to ask questions, he went out and knelt down and said, "I report to the Holy Majesty, I think Master Fan's verdict is correct and the sentence is appropriate. It seems that the people who should be killed are unforgivable. It is magnanimity, and I think that such rebellious officials and thieves should be severely punished to clarify the canon."

Hmm, don't want to get involved?Why do these words sound so awkward, is this called not wanting to be implicated?Grandma, when did the old thirteen know how to speak ironically?It's really strange.Yin Zuo was stunned for a moment, then looked at Old Thirteen meaningfully, murmured in his heart for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "Old Thirteen is well said, God has the virtue of good life, I I have always been lenient, but I don't want to kill too many people, so let's say, the queen's birthday is approaching, and I don't want to spoil the queen's character, so everyone who commits crimes should be sentenced to a lower level of punishment, and it can be regarded as praying for the queen. What do you think, Ai Qing?"

how?As soon as Yinzuo's golden mouth opened, it was a conclusion. This sentence determined the life and death of countless people. Apart from praising "the emperor's sage" together, who would dare to say no?
"Forget it, it's not up to me whether I'm holy or not, that's for future generations to judge." Yin Zuo laughed at himself, waved his hand to interrupt the flattery of the ministers, looked at him and knelt down The ministers below suddenly darkened their faces and said: "I will pass on my will: Prince Lian Yunyu is a big treason, and he gathers people to plot against usurpers. He should have been sentenced to death. Once he dies, although his death crime can be forgiven, his crime is unforgivable, so let him accompany him to be beheaded, cut off the prince, and be confined to Shengjing."

Regarding the treatment of Prince Lian Yunyu, although Yinzuo has never issued an explicit decree, all the ministers present knew that the old man would not die, and did not think there was anything wrong with keeping him in captivity in Shengjing. The person who conspired against the enemy is already extremely lenient, but the problem is that the accompanying beheading is not fun-the so-called accompanying beheading means that the person who is ordered to be beheaded will also be paraded in prison clothes and escorted to the execution ground. Kneeling together on the execution ground and watching the rest of the criminals be beheaded one by one, this is a great devastation to the nerves of a normal person.

All the ministers knew what it meant to be beheaded, and when they heard that Yin Zuo had asked Lao Ba to be beheaded, they were all dumbfounded.Although Zhang Tingyu has always been cautious about his words, when he heard Yinzuo's vicious idea, he immediately sweated profusely. It was not that Zhang Tingyu had a good impression of Yunyu, but that this move was detrimental to the dignity of the Tian family. At this time, Yinzuo came down The imperial edict immediately became anxious, and hurriedly came out and said: "My lord, although Yunyu cut off the king, but..."

"Heng Chen doesn't need to say too much. I am not afraid of people's words. Hey, Lao Ba has the guts to burn down my Hall of Supreme Harmony. I think he can afford a mere escort. This matter is settled like this. It will be done in a few days." It’s an auspicious time, it’s better if these things are done earlier, I’m tired, the old Shisan and Fang Bao stay here, and you’ll get down on your knees.” Yin Zuo interrupted Zhang Tingyu coldly, his tone was very cold, All the ministers didn't dare to say anything more, and kowtowed to leave.

"Old Thirteen, please tell me clearly, what happened to the hundred officials?" After all the officials withdrew, Yinzuo looked at Old Thirteen coldly for a while, and asked in a calm voice.

The old thirteen had been worried about this matter for a long time, but in the past six months, Yin Zuo had never mentioned this matter in the imperial edict, and he hadn't asked about it since he came back for three days. The old thirteen originally thought that this matter should be I can be confused, but I didn't expect that Yinzuo didn't intend to pretend to be confused, but asked so straightforwardly, his face turned pale, and he knelt down on the ground sweating profusely, kowtowed: "My lord, my minister Brother, younger brother..." Yun Xiang was anxious, stuttering and unable to speak, he had asked Wu Sidao for advice on this matter, but no matter how he asked, Wu Sidao remained silent. At this moment, Yun Xiang I really don't know what to say.

"Old Thirteen, I don't want to ask you to blame, I just want to know what you think, I have no other meaning." Seeing that Old Thirteen was very frightened, Yin Zuo couldn't bear it, and sighed.

"Thank you, Emperor Hongen." Yunxiang was secretly relieved when he heard that Yinzuo didn't intend to hold him accountable, kowtowed and said, "The cause of the incident has already been reported by my younger brother, and the incident is as follows: At the beginning, the nine admirals checked out After this item, my younger brother also participated in the collegiate discussion on this matter, and none of the officials present at the time dared to take over this item, my younger brother..." Yun Xiang paused, gritted his teeth and said, "My younger brother didn't dare to keep this item in a moment of confusion. Later, when the big elder brother decided to burn this thing, the younger brother failed to stop it, and the younger brother knew that he was guilty, so he didn't dare to hope for forgiveness from the Holy One, so please punish him."

Hey, Li Xia in the melon field, who is not afraid, the old thirteen is also difficult.Yinzuo naturally understands that hundreds of official files cannot be kept, no matter who keeps them, it is inappropriate, even if it is handed over to Yinzuo himself, it will be a big trouble, there is nothing wrong with being able to deal with it like this, it's just that the whole However, there are many doubts about this incident. Yinzuo is not sure whether the Baiguan archives have been destroyed. It's just that this matter involves Hongli, and Yinzuo can't investigate it publicly. The third Yinzuo didn't intend to let it go - if this thing fell into the hands of the royal family, it would be like another Yunxuan popping up, how could it not make Yinzuo very afraid.

"I said I don't offend you, well, I just want to ask: how did the Xizhimen commander named Ran Xu die?" Yinzuo waved his hand and asked expressionlessly.

Although Yinzuo said this in a low voice, it sounded like thunder in the ears of the old thirteen. The strong body of the old thirteen shook, kowtowed his head and said: "I report to the sage, my brother also once I asked 'Honghu' to inquire about the news, but 'Honghu' was damaged too much during the turmoil in the capital that day, and Sun Chengfu was still injured and unable to support the overall situation. Therefore, I did not get reliable information, only from the autopsy report made by Shuntianfu. If you know that this person catches the wind, he will die immediately."

"Well, well, don't mention this matter to anyone. I'm tired, so you kneel down and settle down." Yinzuo nodded noncommittally, and said calmly.The old thirteen kowtowed as if he had received an amnesty, exited the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and left the palace to return home.

"Mr. Fang, what do you think?" After Yun Xiang retreated, Yin Zuo was silent for a long time, then smiled suddenly, looked at Fang Linggao and asked.

"What do you think?" Fang Linggao asked instead.

hey howThis old Fang likes to play with these mysteries.Yinzuo frowned and said: "I don't think the old thirteen has something to do with this matter, but..." Halfway through the conversation, Yinzuo suddenly felt that it was hard to say what he doubted about his eldest son, so he stopped and walked His eyes fixed on Fang Linggao.

Fang Linggao is a wise man, how could he fail to understand the meaning of Yinzuo's words? Although he is not easy to speak clearly, this trivial matter is not troublesome to him. Fang Linggao smiled and said: "Your Majesty, watch his words and observe Its behavior will see people's hearts over time."

"Oh? Forget it, let's take another look. Although I want to be a loving father, I have to be fulfilled by others. Just wait and see." Yin Zuo thought for a while silently, but he didn't think too much. A good way, I had to laugh at myself and said: "Forget it, we'll discuss this matter later, I'm not here today to stay here because of this bullshit hundred officials, I plan to take care of the Eight Banners, hey, a You gangster slaves, you are so courageous, I treat them well, this damn slave dares to flirt with Lao Ba behind my back, hey, could it be that the knife in my hand is not good?"

If Yinzuo wants to change, he must mobilize the Eight Banners. If he wants to mobilize the Eight Banners, he must first mobilize the gang of the Eight Banners. The hereditary governors may not be very capable, but because of the ancestral system, these guys are deeply entrenched in the Eight Banners, and their influence is intertwined. It is not so easy to eliminate them. The fun was great, Fang Linggao didn't dare to answer for a while, and after a while of silence, he asked: "Does the Holy Master have any evidence of the collusion between the Dutongs and the Eighth Master?"

"No, I'm just a rumor. Hey, those old tricksters are so slippery. I don't have any evidence for me to hold them." Yinzuo smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Oh." Fang Linggao nodded, thought for a while, and suddenly smiled: "Your Majesty, there is someone who can be used, why not... how about it?"


Today, [-] words have been changed, call monthly ticket support!

(End of this chapter)

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