Ten Dragons Take the Inheritance

Chapter 228 The Wind of the Thunder Project Blows to the Pacific Ocean

Chapter 228 The Wind of the Thunder Project Blows to the Pacific Ocean ([-])

As the saying goes: When you look at each other with admiration every thirteen days.Since the incident of the fraud case in the examination room was solved in March, the old fourteen seemed to be a different person. He no longer had the willful and reckless behavior of the past, and he acted a lot more calmly. He also had the demeanor of a "general king". When he saw Yinzuo entered the hall, he immediately stood up, completely without the usual flirtatiousness, and said very politely: "Sixth brother."

Hey, without incident, without gaining wisdom, this kid did not suffer any crimes for such a big case last time, but matured, yes, he is indeed the kind of old man.Yinzuo waved his hands and said: "Old Fourteen, don't do this in front of your sixth brother. Tell me, what can you do with your sixth brother?"

The old fourteen grinned and said happily: "It's still the sixth brother who is straightforward, and the younger brother will not be polite. This time, the sixth brother Zheng Dongying has to let the younger brother take this job no matter what."

Heh, this brat is really real, if you tell him to be more casual, he will give orders directly, mother, I owe you.When Yinzuo heard the old fourteen's tone, he felt a little unhappy, frowned and said: "Old fourteen, the war is not a joke, it will kill people, if you have something good or bad, call How will brother explain to Er Niang, huh?"

The old fourteen was originally a sober person. Seeing Yinzuo frowned, he suddenly realized that his words might be inappropriate, but he didn't want to explain too much, so he said with a smile on his face: "Hey, brother six, the little brother has done the whole thing." In the battle plan, Sixth Brother will help the younger brother to see if there are any omissions?"

Damn, what kind of battle plan is this? It's purely a plan to destroy the country and the city. Damn, this brat combined with the Mongolian cavalry to sweep across Europe and Asia, and came up with such a thing. It's really fucking vicious.I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but I really shocked Yinzuo when I saw it—the old fourteen’s plan is not impossible. In fact, the large sea ships owned by Yinzuo are used as troop carriers, logistics ships, and Shandong It is not difficult for the navy's warships to destroy Japan at all. Of course, the policy of massacre is adopted, leaving no grass behind.

Let's not talk about whether this plan can be passed in the court meeting, just say that this kind of massacre and extermination plan is completely contrary to Yin Zuo's original intention.Yinzuo hates the Japanese very much, and also wants to conquer and colonize Japan, but Yinzuo is not a butcher, and Yinzuo cannot do such inhumane things, and there is no need to do them; moreover, according to the old All the manpower and material resources used in Fourteen's plan are frighteningly large, even if the Qing Dynasty is rich, it will not be able to withstand the toss of old Fourteen.Yin Zuo frowned and said: "Old Fourteen, your appetite is too big. Have you settled the account, eh? If you go according to your plan, it may not be enough to evacuate the treasury. This thing can Can it pass the court council?"

The old fourteen chuckled and said, "Sixth brother, since you want to fight, you should simply stop it once and for all to avoid future troubles and save those Japanese pirates from making troubles all day long. Do you think so?"

What a fart!This stinky brat is just asking for a beating, if this thing is really handed over, all my hard work will be in vain, or if the tenth and thirteenth take advantage of it, I will cry with someone.Yin Zuo's face darkened immediately, and just about to teach the old fourteen a lesson, the kid immediately changed his words: "Don't worry, brother six, this plan is a big discount, and there is a small discount for the younger brother, six Brother, take a look too." The old fourteen took out a stack of paper from his sleeve and held it in his hand, looked at Yinzuo with a pitiful look, which made Yinzuo dumbfounded, shook his head and took the old Fourteen's so-called "small fight" plan.

The old fourteen's "small attack" plan is exactly the same as Yinzuo's tactical thinking: take Nagasaki by surprise, use Nagasaki as a base, and rely on strong ships and guns to bombard Japanese coastal cities in order to shake Japan's resistance. Determination is similar to what the British did in Yinzuo's previous life.It's just that the plan of the old fourteen is just a battle plan, and it doesn't indicate the goal to be achieved and the corresponding action steps. It can only be regarded as fighting for the sake of war.After reading the old fourteen's plan, Yinzuo didn't put forward any different opinions on the tactical thinking, but asked lightly: "What should I do after the fight? Tell me about your plan."

"Let the Japanese pirates hand over the person in charge of the Nagasaki Incident and claim compensation." Old Fourteen said very simply.

hey claim?It is not easy for this kid to think of this point. It seems that this kid has really changed a lot recently. Compared with the gang who only know Vega and the world, they are much stronger than the sour scholars who show the demeanor of a great country.Yin Zuo smiled and said: "Claim? Okay, how much money do you plan to claim? Do you know it?"

"Hey, this little brother didn't think about it. Whatever it is, just empty the treasury of the Japanese pirates." The old fourteen said carelessly.

Hearing this, Yinzuo really didn't know what to say except for a wry smile. He shook his head, took out a package plan that had been drawn up from his sleeve, and handed it to the old fourteen, saying, "You killed all the chickens." , where can I get the eggs then? Good luck memorize all these notes, and don’t make any mistakes when you go back to court.”

The old fourteen quickly went through Yin Zuo's plan, his eyes lit up and he said: "Hey, it's still brother Liu who knows my brother's heart. When the time comes to see the younger brother, he will definitely not disappoint brother six."

"En." Yin Zuo nodded and said: "You can fight wars, but the negotiation is an errand from the Ministry of Rites. If you have time, you might as well go to the third brother's house and let me know by the way, so as not to cause trouble during the court meeting."

The old Fourteen said with a serious expression: "Don't worry, Sixth Brother, my younger brother knows what to do. The next day will be the court meeting, and my younger brother has to make some arrangements, so I will leave first."

After seeing off the old fourteen, Yin Zuo went back to the study, and said with a smile: "The old fourteen is eager to fight, but he is quite capable. A battle plan is really advisable, and this king can rest assured. Now It's just how to tie Lao Ba's hands and feet, what's the best plan for the two gentlemen?"

Lin Xuanyi smiled slightly and said: "It would be feasible if the eighth master was allowed to organize the flag affairs, but it would be even easier if the prince didn't care about whether he could succeed. There are four strategies: one is to allow the bannermen of the Han army to serve the people, And give a certain amount of gold and silver as the capital for making a living; the second is to clean up the account holders; the third is to formulate new regulations for the Eight Banners, and to change the work of the banners from home to a collective office, so that the banners can restrain the people under their banners; Fourth, the garrison system, all bannermen who fail the riding and archery assessment will be arranged to serve as garrison soldiers. Although these four strategies are feasible, if they cannot be implemented to the end, they will be empty words in the end. "

The so-called account holders refer to the adopted sons adopted by the banner people pretending to be banner people. Most of these people are Han Chinese. It is also the same path, and I understand this matter naturally. Nowadays, many Eight Banners children have nothing to do, and there are many account holders here. Clearing out these account holders can save a lot of money. For example, it makes sense in theory, but doing this is a very offensive thing.As for the flagmen of the Han army to serve the people, it is nothing new. Mr. Kangxi did it in the early years, but there were only a few people who responded, but it would be different if a certain amount of funds were given. Maybe it could really reduce some idle bannermen. .Tuntian?Hehe, that's a joke, a bunch of dandies who don't work hard and don't know the five grains can't really produce anything, but it doesn't matter from a general point of view, at least it will be okay with Mr. Kangxi A solution that works.It is also a good thing to formulate new regulations for the Eight Banners. At least it can curb the rampant behavior of these Eight Banners dudes. A year and a half will be nothing at all, and even if a new regulation is really introduced, it is still uncertain whether it can be implemented.

Yin Zuo weighed Lin Xuanyi's four strategies in his heart, and thought it was generally feasible, so he didn't think about it any more, and said with a smile: "Success, that's it, please gentlemen, please come up with a plan for these four strategies. Chen Lai, after the matter of dispatching troops is settled, this king will come up with his speech, at least let Lao Ba go to work for a while." Everyone looked at each other and laughed.

Military power is a good thing, and who doesn’t like to lead soldiers to win battles? Yinzuo is a matter of choice. It’s okay for Lao Ba to recommend Lao Ten to fight for military power. Only Lao Si It's quite different. Ever since he found out about the Nagasaki Incident, even though the fourth child was too busy to touch the ground, he still didn't want to just watch the Yinzuo brothers make great achievements. The thing about the old thirteen and the old fourteen fighting in the ring.A group of people always feel unsure when discussing and discussing——The old fourteenth is in charge of the military department, and it is reasonable to lead the army. Easy, in the end Tang Guoming made a move: instead of arguing hard with the old fourteenth, but strongly admiring Yinzuo to be in command, with the old man's heart, he would never agree to this proposal, on the contrary he would be suspicious of Yinzuo, so that The old fourteen who is very close to Yinzuo may not be able to gain military power, and if the old thirteen decides Hai Ce, the old thirteen will naturally surpass the old ten in terms of military skills. Even if you don't have the military power in your hands, it doesn't matter, at least it can achieve the purpose of making the old man suspicious of Yinzuo.

A group of brothers came up with their own unique tricks for military power, and there was an undercurrent surging under the court for a while, but it was hard to say who would win in the end.

monthly pass!Xiao Liu begged for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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