Chapter 201

monthly pass!Xiao Liu knelt down and begged for a monthly pass.


Choosing a prince is not about buying fruit, it’s not something that can be done by someone who looks good. Of course, the two brothers Hongli and Hongyang are both dignified and cute. According to Yinzuo’s own words: our seed is naturally not bad.The selection of the heir is not only about reading well, but the most important thing is to look at the personality, heart and comprehension ability of the two little guys, and this cannot be seen through homework.Intangible things such as heart and comprehension can only be seen in the subtleties, and this is the main purpose of Yinzuo taking the two little guys along in this spare time.In order to eliminate interference, Yinzuo didn't even bring the two major counselors with him on this trip, but let Qingsong lead more than a hundred school captains of the palace to accompany him.

Yinzuo is strict with these two little guys on weekdays, and rarely lets them go out to the wild, and they are very busy with homework every day. Fortunately, these two little guys are very smart, and they can handle it even though they are tired. They all read well, and their personalities are quite similar. They are all mature like little adults, especially Hongli, because he is the eldest son, he is a little older and more stable. They were all playing behind Yinzuo's back. In front of Yinzuo, these two little guys are very well-behaved, but since it depends on the heart, Yinzuo has always been serious on this trip, and he is very gentle to the two little guys. They didn't force them to do their homework along the way, and let them play on the boat.

The ship is a large ship under Yin Zuo's banner. It is a new ship just shipped from Shanghai Jiangnan Shipyard, but the sailors are all veterans. The captain is Qiao Shan. The commander of the fleet, but now he has been transferred ashore by Yinzuo - Yinzuo established a small-scale aviation school last year, Qiao Shan is the principal of this aviation school, this time he came here specially to welcome him Yinzuo is the master.

The sea in May is not yet the stormy season, the wind is calm, coupled with the experienced sailors and the skilful captain, the journey is naturally very smooth.Although Hongli and Hongyang have participated in the autumn hunting with Yinzuo several times, it is considered that they have traveled far, but this is the first time they have seen the sea. Now that the boat is sailing on the sea, they are naturally curious to see it endlessly. Without restraint, the two brothers naturally ran to the deck to see the scenery.The boat sailed for a few days, and the vast sea and sky was really nothing to watch. The two brothers had seen enough, and they both calmed down, and stopped running on the deck when they had nothing to do, and started to practice their exercises honestly.

Hey, not bad, I know how to discipline myself, which is interesting.Yinzuo is very satisfied with the hardworking spirit of these two little guys, and deliberately does not restrain them in front of the head, just to see if the two little guys will get carried away with playing, this is also part of the assessment, this time the two little guys are playing It was a tie.But since it's an assessment, naturally it's more than one level, no, Yin Zuo started to tell stories to the two little guys.

"Once upon a time, there was a country called Xu, which was rich and powerful, with a vast territory and a large population. The surrounding small countries all surrendered to it. Therefore, the people of Xu country thought that their country was invincible, and they didn't think about making progress. They always rested on the foundation created by their ancestors. One day, there were two small countries called Britain and France, because they offended Xu because of small things, and they were afraid that Xu would send troops to conquer themselves, so they simply acted first. The attack was launched. As soon as the war broke out, Britain and France suddenly discovered that the Xu Kingdom was already a strong foreign country. Overjoyed, they beat the Xu Kingdom to nothing and robbed them wantonly. There are two small countries such as Britain and France. , all the small countries in the surrounding area followed suit and marched into the Void Country one after another. Sick man', what's more, there is a small country called 'Wo' who intends to destroy the Xu country and turn the people of the Xu country into its own slaves. It's ugly and outrageous." Yin Zuo recounted the sufferings of the land of China in the original time and space, although his tone was calm, but his heart hurt badly.

Although Hongli and Hongyang didn't know why Yinzuo told them stories, they were clever people, and they faintly sensed that there should be something in this story, so they listened attentively. The two small faces showed a thoughtful expression.Yinzuo glanced at the two brothers, and said slowly: "Ama has a question to test you, assuming that the Xu Kingdom is still very powerful, and you are the king of the Xu Kingdom, and you know the future of the Xu Kingdom in advance, what will you do?" How to do it?"

Hongli thought for a while and said first: "Ama, if the child is the king of the virtual country, the child will send troops to destroy those small countries first, so as to avoid future troubles." Yin Zuo smiled without making any comments, and then looked at Carrying forward with his head down and thinking hard.Hongyang thought for a long time before raising his head, his eyes flashed with determination, and he said loudly: "Ama, my child thinks that a country that destroys people is good, but it is inappropriate to use the power of a country to make enemies on all sides. As the main purpose, self-improvement is used to deter small countries that violate the law, and for small countries that dare to violate the power of heaven, the punishment is to destroy the country to make an example."

Hmm, it's kind of interesting, Hongyang's words are obviously better than Hongli's, but even so, whether it can be done is another matter.The child Hongli has a big heart since he was a child. He wanted everything when he was catching Zhou. He didn't know what to do if he destroyed countless countries. At most, he was just like Meng Yuan. Kejia, after another look, I'm not in a hurry to draw a conclusion.Yinzuo's mind moved quickly, but he didn't express anything, he just asked the second son to go back and continue studying.

On the second day of June in the 41st year of Kangxi, the boat sailed for half a month without incident. Yin Zuo and his party had already arrived at the Shanghai pier. Needless to say.On the surface, Xu Zuo's trip was to inspect the progress of the warship construction, but in fact he came for the steam engine, so he didn't want the local officials to accompany him, so he said to the local officials with a smile: "This time, the king is only here. I am here to inspect the Jiangnan Shipyard, so you don’t need to accompany me when you are busy with political affairs, everyone should go back to their respective places.”

A group of local officials originally hoped to take the opportunity to flatter Yinzuo, the popular elder brother prince. At this time, they saw that Yinzuo had issued an order to expel the guests, but they had no choice but to disperse. Yu, Fantai Cheng Tianming and several other local officials accompanied Yinzuo to inspect the Jiangnan shipyard.A few years have passed, and the Jiangnan Shipyard at this time is no longer the scale it was when Yin Zuo came. Dozens of docks and docks are available one by one. The workers in the shipyard alone are over [-]. Shanghai, which was originally just a small fishing village, has now been established as a county, and there is an endless stream of merchant ships on the wharf. The whole Shanghai has begun to take on the scale of the Oriental Pearl of later generations.

Although Hongli and Hongyang both know that the Jiangnan Shipyard is their own property, they have often heard those guards talking about the Jiangnan Shipyard, but this is the first time they have seen it with their own eyes. But the shipyard is still very curious, although people quietly follow Yinzuo, their eyes are looking around.Yinzuo had already seen the curious and excited look of the two little brothers, but he didn't say much, and smiled and asked Liu Hecheng, who came to greet him, to lead the big guys directly to the steam engine laboratory.

"Little Wang Yan has seen the prince." Wang Yan, the person in charge of the steam engine laboratory, saw the master Yinzuo for the first time. He did not dare to neglect, and led dozens of people from the entire laboratory to kneel down and pay respects.

"Get up, Wang Yan, why don't you show me the machine?" Yinzuo said with a smile.

"Yes." Wang Yan kowtowed respectfully, got up, walked into the laboratory first, and said respectfully in front of a one-foot-square iron machine: "My lord, this steam engine is a single-expansion piston type. It is composed of cylinder, base, piston, crank connecting rod mechanism, slide valve steam distribution mechanism, speed regulating mechanism and flywheel, etc. It uses coal as fuel, but, it just runs very loudly and filled with black smoke. My lord, look... ..."

"Don't worry about me, just turn it on." Yin Zuo said with a smile.

Wang Yan bowed his body and answered yes, commanded the people to add water and coal, ignite the fire and start the steam engine running. Suddenly, smoke and dust rose up, and there was a loud bang in the billowing black smoke.The accompanying officials frowned, but Yin Zuo watched the crank and connecting rod indifferently, estimated the speed—45 rpm, calculated it in his mind, and found that the machine was ready for use. It already has practical value in projects such as mines, textiles, and shipbuilding that require power, but if it is intended to be used in the manufacture of warships, the power is still too small.Yin Zuo smiled and motioned Wang Yan to stop the steam engine, and the group walked out of the black-smoky laboratory.

Everyone in the laboratory only took a few breaths, but they were already a little bit embarrassed. Everyone was disgraced, but Yin Zuo didn't care. I am satisfied with this machine, if the cylinder can be enlarged and the number increased a few more, the effect will be better."

Wang Yan hurriedly knelt down and said, "My lord, the little one has also made efforts in this area, but I just don't have a clue for a while, please give me more time, the little one will definitely find a way."

"Okay, if it succeeds, I will not hesitate to reward you, and I will definitely recommend your future." Yinzuo praised Wang Yan with a smile, and then led everyone to the post outside the shipyard—the body was dirty The ground has to be refreshed, right?

"You all have seen that steam engine today, think about what it can be used for?" After grooming, Yinzuo calmly asked Hongli and Hongyang standing in front of him.Although the two brothers said that they both read their homework well, they are children after all, so how can they have any knowledge? Yinzuo's question immediately stumped the two brothers, and they each immersed themselves in thinking hard.

Why didn't Yinzuo know that this question was too difficult for the two little guys, but Yinzuo didn't expect the two to answer it completely, but just wanted to see the imagination of the two. With a face of thinking, but not in a hurry, he drank his tea leisurely and waited to see who would speak first. This question was Yinzuo's last exam question, and the test was about imagination.

"Ama, my child thinks this machine turns very fast, and it can be used to draw water from the well if it is equipped with a rope. It can also be used to open and close the city gate gate and ship lock." Hongli drove from the capital. On the way to Tianjinwei, the ship passed the Dao ship lock, and at this time, I also remembered the purpose of the steam engine.Although this answer is incomplete, it is already very remarkable for his age and experience, Yinzuo is still very satisfied in his heart, he smiled and said nothing.

Hongyang bit his lip and thought about it, and said uncertainly: "Ama, my child thinks that if this machine is smaller, and it can be used as a car with a few wheels, it may work, and then, um, if it is Maybe it can be used on a boat. The kid is just thinking about it, so I don’t know if it will work.”

Er, this little thing can actually see the function of the steam engine?Yin Zuo was stunned when he heard Hongyang's words, carefully looked at Xiao Hongyang, who was a little embarrassed, and smiled after a long pause: "Oh, tell me the reason. How do you think this machine can be used on the boat?"

"Ama, my son is just thinking about it. I think that since Ahma put this machine in the shipyard, it should be used on the ship. My son is just guessing. I really don't know how to use it. Please forgive me, Ahma." replied embarrassingly.

Guess?Hey, this little guy really has a heart, it's not easy to guess its purpose from the location of the laboratory, hehe, four years old, mother, I was still playing with mud when I was four years old.Yinzuo smiled and didn't say anything, and let the two younger brothers go to rest separately, but he began to meditate in the room: Hongli is already talented and intelligent, but Hongyang is even better, this battle between the sons is undoubtedly Hongyang won, but how should Hongli be arranged?This son has a big heart, if he can't solve it properly, he may have endless troubles, alas, this matter is really troublesome.

Yinzuo walked back and forth in the room a little annoyed, thinking over and over again how to deal with this matter, just when he was worried, Qingsong strode in and said: "My lord, I have an urgent letter."


My brother's daughter fell ill and was hospitalized yesterday. I missed a chapter. I'm sorry. I'll make it up in a few days. Please continue to support Xiaoliu. Thanks in advance!
(End of this chapter)

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