My time is full of you

Chapter 357 He Just Doesn’t Love You 3

Chapter 357 He Just Doesn’t Love You 3
"Then why do I only love Tang Youran and not Audrey Hepburn?" Gu Yu continued to ask her slowly.


Qin Yiyi stared at Gu Yu for a long time with staring eyes, then closed her eyes, couldn't help but patted the table and said, "There's no end to it!! You two have to show your love to a certain degree, okay? There are 3 people in the Olympic Sports Center who have shown their affection, and this morning, they came to feed me dog food again, is it interesting?? Anyway, take care of my mood, okay, I just fell out of love!"

"Hmm..." Gu Yu couldn't help but smile when he heard Qin Yiyi's words. He turned his head, gave Tang Youran a meaningful look, and then said to Qin Yiyi indifferently: "The meaning of what I said, I just want to tell you that no matter how good you are, how beautiful you are, and how good you are to him, if he doesn't love you, you are nothing."


Qin Yiyi bit her lip and stared at Gu Yu.

"News from Xu Tiancheng..." Gu Yu saw Qin Yiyi's expression of unwillingness to give up, so he took out his mobile phone, pressed a series of numbers, and then pressed the speakerphone: "Do you want me to ask for you? "

"How?" Qin Yiyi raised her head, glanced at Gu Yu, then lowered her head, and glanced at his cell phone.

The string of numbers dialed on the screen of his mobile phone seemed familiar.

"Beep—beep—" Gu Yu's mobile phone beeped, and within a few seconds, someone picked up the phone, and then a delicate female voice rang out: "Hello?"

"Where's Xu Tiancheng?" Gu Yu looked up at Qin Yiyi, then lowered his head and said calmly towards his cell phone.

"Baby, someone is looking for you..." The female voice on the phone seemed to be complaining to the person next to her: "Who, you called so early in the morning and made people sleep."

"Who is looking for me...??" Xu Tiancheng's voice sounded like he hadn't woken up from the phone.

"I don't know, a man..." The delicate female voice yawned towards Xu Tiancheng.

"Oh... hello?" After a burst of noise on the phone, it seemed that Xu Tiancheng answered the phone.

Gu Yu raised his head, glanced at Qin Yiyi, but didn't speak.

On Qin Yiyi's delicate face, the word "shock" was written all over it.

"Hello? Who is it??" Seeing that no one had spoken, Xu Tiancheng fed him a few more times.

"Xu Tiancheng, you bastard, didn't you tell me you went home?? Didn't you say that your grandpa is seriously ill!? I'm still worried about you, but you hang out with other girls!? The one next to you Who is she? Is she your mother or your grandfather!? Tell me clearly!" Qin Yiyi took a deep breath and shouted loudly towards the phone.

"Yiyi??" After hearing Qin Yiyi's voice, Xu Tiancheng was stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't expect that it would be her on the other side of the phone.

"Xu Tiancheng, you..." Qin Yiyi was about to continue scolding him when the phone was hung up.

The swear words she had just brewed just got stuck in her throat, neither up nor down, and couldn't come out.

Tang Youran turned her head, looked at Qin Yiyi, couldn't help reaching out to pat her on the shoulder, and pulled her into his arms.

Qin Yiyi's tears immediately flowed out like tap water with a sluice opened.

(End of this chapter)

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