Chapter 430 Cruise Party
Pei Ziheng was slightly taken aback. So, she also cared about him?
He also felt that he was thinking too much, and with Xiaoling's temper, he might be spoiled, and the reason for his unhappiness was that he was not coaxed in time.His eyes flicked past her, looking at the criss-crossing red lines on the altar.After she died, he asked someone to decorate this altar with half-belief, to summon her soul, hoping that she could return to him.

When he misses her, Pei Ziheng will come here and sit here, thinking countless times, if she can come back, no matter how much he loses his temper and temper with him, he will be happy with it.

However, when she really stared at him, he only felt sad.

"Speak up!" Xia Ling was very angry, "Do you know how long I've been looking for you!"

"You still care about me?" There was a touch of bitterness in his voice, as well as an imperceptible trace of hope.

But Xia Ling didn't notice that glimmer of hope, and was only hurt by the distrust and sarcasm in his words.She was furious, angry and aggrieved: "Okay...very good, Pei Ziheng, I shouldn't have come to you at all, I should have let you fend for yourself here alone!"

She said, turned and walked out.

Pei Ziheng chased after her and hugged her from behind: "Xiaoling, don't go."

"Let go of me!" Xia Ling was furious.

Pei Ziheng didn't let go of anything.On the battlefield of love, the one who loves the most is always the first to admit defeat: "I was wrong, don't leave."

His hoarse voice made her heart soften suddenly.

Looking around, there are news clippings, CDs, and old things of her past everywhere.How much time and effort did this man spend to gather them all together?

Xia Ling really wanted to tell herself not to be fooled by the hypocrisy of that beast behind her, but she couldn't break free from him, let alone abandon him.She couldn't put on a cold attitude to face him who was submissive, he was such a proud person, what kind of desperate situation was he forced to admit his mistake?

Her nose was a little sour, both for him and for herself.

He held her body tight, as if to rub it into his chest.Xia Ling was in pain from being strangled, and couldn't help but said, "Let go of me, I won't leave."

"Don't lie to me."

She was angry and wanted to laugh, "Why am I lying to you? Pei Ziheng, where can I go? You have locked me in a cage long ago, and I belong to you. What else do you worry about?"

Her voice gradually became mournful.

Having already broken off with Li Lei, in the future, she really can only live in Pei Ziheng's cage for the rest of her life.

Pei Ziheng pulled her body: "Xiaoling, don't get entangled with others anymore, let's live a good life."

"Who else can I entangle with?" She said softly, trying not to recall Li Lei's lonely back under the street lights that night, "I will stay by your side safely and raise the child."

This is the first time she has given him such a promise.

Pei Ziheng was ecstatic and hugged her tightly again.

Perhaps it was the old things in the whole basement and his submissive attitude that touched Xia Ling's heart. After that day, she no longer sneered at Pei Ziheng.But she still hated him in her heart, and when she saw his face, she remembered that it was this hateful man who separated her from her beloved and separated their family of three.

She didn't want to see him, so she often hid in the recording studio and worked night shifts under the pretext of being busy with work.

Pei Ziheng would bring food to see her, and sit behind the huge soundproof glass wall, quietly watching her singing.She would pretend she didn't see it, sing on her own, deliberately re-recorded over and over again, delaying time, and he would wait patiently.A few times, I leaned my head on the sofa and fell asleep unconsciously.

Although she was angry with him, she was still worried that he would catch a cold, so she couldn't help but come out and cover him with a coat.

She scolded herself in her heart, Xia Ling, you are hopeless, just let him freeze to death, and you can return to Li Lei without any scruples!However, while scolding, she still took care of him.

Pei Ziheng sleeps very lightly, and often wakes up when he senses movement, sees her, and smiles gently.

Xia Ling was afraid that he would not be able to sleep well, and she was also worried about the baby in her womb. Later, she stopped recording in the recording studio until very late.

The child is now three months old, and her lower abdomen is still not obvious, and it is still flat, even if she is wearing close-fitting clothes, she can't see it.She was a little worried, would the child be too thin?Pei Ziheng said that she was worrying unfoundedly, and comforted her by saying that it is normal for a child who is only two months old to not be pregnant.

She smiled bitterly, afraid that he would find out the month of the child, so she didn't dare to go for pregnancy checkups too often, so she could only keep all these worries in her heart.Even if Zhou's mother comforted her, saying that the time to show pregnancy varies from person to person, and some women's stomachs will not bulge until four or five months old - but Xia Ling is still worried.

Pei Ziheng was afraid of her prenatal depression, so he took her out to play when she had time, and picked out various tourist attractions and activities that she liked to participate in in her previous life.He said, "Xiaoling, you need to relax more." Xia Ling was also worried that her emotions would have a bad effect on the fetus, so she also cooperated with Pei Ziheng to go out for a walk.

On this day, they went to a cruise party.

The standard of the party was very high, and the invitees were all celebrities in the business circle and bigwigs from all walks of life.

Even among such a group of rich and powerful businessmen, Pei Ziheng is still outstanding and is the focus of everyone's attention.He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and he had an extraordinary demeanor. He accompanied Xia Ling to the cafeteria to eat a few snacks, and then he was surrounded by people and chatted.Xia Ling was impatient to socialize, so she exited unobtrusively and went to the deck outside to breathe fresh air.

At night, the stars of the sea are shining, and the sea breeze is coming slowly, which is intoxicating.

On the deck, couples of men and women are talking and laughing at Yan Yan, their clothes are fragrant and their temples are shadowed, and it is not known whether they are sincere or acting on the occasion.

She stood in the inconspicuous dark place for a while, and suddenly, she heard someone calling: "Xiao Ling, Xiao Ling!"

Strange, how could anyone here know her?She looked back, and it turned out to be Jin Yifei, wearing a fancy silk shirt, holding a glass of sparkling cocktail in his hand, standing behind her with a smile.

Seeing Xia Ling, he seemed very happy, leaning sideways on the railing side by side with her, "I really didn't expect to see you here, who did you come with?"

"Pei Ziheng." There was nothing to hide. As an ordinary female star, she couldn't attend a party of this size.She took a look at Pei Ziheng's invitation letter. The invitee must be worth at least one billion dollars, and it must be in US dollars.Thinking with her toes, she doesn't have that much money, she can only be brought into the scene by someone.

Hearing what she said, he was a little surprised: "Okay, you, Pei Ziheng seldom takes care of anyone." Then he smiled again, "But it's no wonder, you are pregnant with his baby now, and your identities are naturally different. Who are you taking?"

Xia Ling only smiled politely.


(End of this chapter)

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