Chapter 405 Ji Shuyun Jealous? (four more)
Ji Shuyun's proposal made Ji Feng stunned, but Ji Feng also heard about Tantai Danhua and Murong Qian's marriage, and did not refuse, and said with a smile: "You don't need to worry about this matter, just prepare well. "

Ji Shuyun smiled and nodded, then looked back for a week with a knife-like gaze, looked at all the "people" and said: "You are in this Shuyun Pavilion, if you have any questions, you can ask Ji Wu, if you get into any trouble ...Hehe...the Gu worms of this lady may be hungry."

Guigu Erxian rolled his eyes, little apprentice, they are masters, is it really good to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors like this?
However, the two of them just dared to be angry and dare not speak out. They still wanted to find the big apprentice. They had been here for so many days, but they didn't see anyone, and they didn't know where they were hiding.

Ji Shuyun turned to Ji Shuang and said, "Go, let His Royal Highness prepare well, and we will enter the palace together."

"Yes, ma'am."

After Ji Shuyun left, the food war broke out again, and this time the regent joined the war without showing any weakness.

For a while, the entire front yard was blown by wind and sand, and the sun and the moon were dark. Only Chu Xuanji still sat indifferently, shaking her head helplessly, and could only pretend that she hadn't seen it, and continued to prepare the embroidery in her hand.

Everyone didn't realize that the gloomy figure hiding in the corner was none other than His Royal Highness the Crown Prince whom everyone was discussing just now.

At this moment, Jun Wuji almost froze the air around him, and there was only one thought in his head...

The dim sum made by Yun'er was eaten by others...

Dim sum was eaten by others...

was eaten...

Damn it, if he can restore his original identity, he will definitely kick out all these ghosts and snakes, they will be an eyesore.

Mo Qingshu coughed lightly and said, "My lord, why don't you go back and prepare?"

Jun Wuji groaned lazily, and disappeared in place as soon as his body moved.

The three sons of Wuji all know that it's time to perform the beauty trick again, and they really never tire of performing it.


It was night, and the Yuyao Palace was brightly lit and full of brilliance, and the clusters of flowers seemed to make people feel like entering a palace in the sky.

However, seeing too many beautiful scenery is meaningless. Ji Shuyun is in a "boring" state for this Yuyao Palace. Instead of looking at this Yuyao Palace, it is better to look at the beauties around him.

Today, Jun Wuji is wearing a dragon robe with dark patterns, hair tied with a jade crown, and a tall figure. Just sitting there quietly like this, he has the beauty of warm jade and smoke.

His eyebrows stretched out like an ink painting, his eyes are cold and deep, darkened by a pool of ice springs, his facial features are three-dimensional with delicacy and elegance, so beautiful that he is not like the people in the world, like smoke like mist, like clouds like clouds.

With such a peerless and beautiful face, even Ji Shuyun was almost stunned, let alone other people.

The audience was simply amazed, and there was no sound!

Feeling the gazes of wolves and tigers one after another, Ji Shuyun felt a little nervous.

She stepped forward slightly, turned sideways to block other people's sight, pulled Jun Wuji to her side, picked up a peach blossom cake with silver chopsticks and fed it to Jun Wuji's mouth, saying: "Eat!"

Jun Wuji also tried his best not to get angry, but all the unhappiness dissipated in the piece of peach blossom crisp in his mouth.

Hehe, is the little girl jealous?Well, this feeling is really good.

Because Jun Wuji's identity is the prince, of course he is the first one sitting under the dragon chair, and the actions of the two were watched by everyone present.

Murong Yi gritted his teeth secretly, did Ji Shuyun choose him because he knew that Murong Su was good-looking?

(End of this chapter)

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