School bully's girlfriend is super cute

Chapter 800 You Look Like Someone I Know

Chapter 800 You Look Like Someone I Know (2)

Zhan Linghan put on the mask, he and Qingyan turned to leave, and the few English letters written on the bar counter disappeared as the water stains dried up.

Zhan Linghan and Qingyan just walked out of the bar when two men in black stopped them in the corridor.

"We are the police, please show your ID."

Not far away, Yi Xinghe saw Qingyan and Zhan Linghan stopped by the police. He was about to rush up, but was stopped by Yi Xinglian.

"Don't be impulsive, Mr. Zhan and Miss can handle it!"

Yi Xinghe nervously looked in the direction where Qingyan and Zhan Linghan were, but he didn't dare to look too clearly, for fear that the police would also notice him.

Qingyan and Zhan Linghan took out their IDs, and a policeman said to Zhan Linghan:
"Take off your mask."

Zhan Linghan touched his mouth through the mask, and he pulled off the mask. The shape of his mouth had become thicker, and there were still a few red pimples growing around his mouth.

The policeman compared Zhan Linghan with the photo on the certificate, and questioned again:

"What did you come to the Sistine for?"

"Ah... Lu, traveling." Zhan Linghan deliberately spoke non-standard Sistine.

"What did you order at the bar just now?"

"Ah? Please say it again?" He deliberately pretended that his Sistine was not very good.

"What did you order at the bar just now?" the policeman asked him in a slow voice.

"Tequila..." Zhan Linghan pronounced agave wrongly, and the two policemen couldn't help laughing.

"Did you talk to the person next to you?" the policeman asked him again.

After a while, Zhan Linghan seemed to understand what the police meant, he shook his head and said, "No." This sound of no is quite standard.

The police looked at Zhan Linghan and Qingyan as if they were on a trip, and both of them spoke Sistine at a moderate level. Qingyan listened to the conversation between Zhan Linghan and the police, and put on a look of concern And ignorant look.

The police returned the documents to the two, and asked them:
"Remember to take good care of your personal finances when you travel, and don't strike up a conversation with others at will, or you will be cheated."

Zhan Linghan nodded to the policeman and said thank you, and Qingyan also followed Zhan Linghan to say thank you.

After the two left, Yi Xinghe and Yi Xinglian continued to sit in the bar. They found that anyone sitting next to Andre would be questioned by the police after leaving the bar.

"These two policemen have been watching him." Yi Xinghe said, the two of them saw Andre leave the bar, and the two policemen followed Andre away.

"Hey, he used to be the commander-in-chief of the Ministry of National Defense. Now that he's retired, he's still under surveillance. Fortunately, Mr. Zhan and Miss Xiao have superb acting skills, and they fooled the two policemen."

Yi Xinglian just watched the figure of Andre leaving. The commander-in-chief of the Ministry of National Defense who used to be heroic and mighty like a lion has now become an old man who falters and anyone who comes into contact with him will be questioned by the police , Such an old man must be living a lonely life now.

Yi Xinghe guessed that the two policemen monitoring Andre must have been sent by the Queen's order, which shows how much the Queen is wary of Andre.

When Yi Xinghe and Yi Xinglian were about to leave the bar, they both received a text message from Qingyan. Qingyan and Zhan Linghan had already gone to No. 202 Windsor Street.

In order not to attract attention, Qingyan asked Yi Xinghe and Yi Xinglian to go back to the hotel first.

"Woo...I want to follow Missy all the time..." After seeing Qingyan's message, Yi Xinghe felt very disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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