Chapter 771 Sliding Tire (2)

The reason why Ye Qingyi came to see Binglei and Qingyan this time was because she was worried that they would find out that they had been protecting Zhan Lingxi, and that those who interfered with their rescue of Qingyan were all members of the Yingshang organization.

Ye Qingyi was also afraid, Binglei would suspect her head.That's why she came here specially, at least to clean herself up in front of Lantang Fangxun.

However, she still made a mistake. She never thought that she had been carefully hiding the traces of the Yingshang organization and erasing what the Yingshang organization had done, but Zhan Linghan still found out!

Ye Qingyi continued to put on a smirk and said:
"Master Zhan, believe it or not, the Yingshang organization has nothing to do with me. If you insist that I sent the Yingshang organization to help that Zhan Lingxi and Feng, then I have nothing to say. "

Even if it wasn't my fault, Ye Qingyi looked like I was willing to bear it. She sighed and said:

"I know, you all hate me. In your eyes, I am a vicious woman who will hurt Qingyan. I don't want to defend anymore. If I continue to defend, it will only hurt the relationship between Sister Binglei and Fang Xun. Feelings."

Before Ye Qingyi could finish her grievance, Zhan Linghan interrupted her.

"Mr. Lantang, did you hear, Ms. Ye admitted that she sent the Yingshang organization to help Zhan Lingxi kidnap Qingyan."

As soon as Zhan Linghan opened his mouth, Ye Qingyi stared at Zhan Linghan with wide eyes as if he was choking.

And Zhan Linghan still had a stern and cruel look on his face.

Ye Qingyi thought that she didn't admit that she was the leader of the Yingshang organization, but took all the blame on herself, so Zhan Linghan couldn't punish her?
For such a woman, Zhan Linghan can still deal with it!

"I have nothing to do with the Yingshang organization, but Zhan Linghan insisted that I was watching from behind the scenes, so I can only..."

"You can only admit that you have something to do with the Yingshang organization!" Zhan Linghan asked her again.

Ye Qingyi was completely choked... She has lived for almost 40 years, and she has always been eloquent and can turn black into white, but she stumbled in language.

Now Ziye Qingyi couldn't dismantle Zhan Linghan's tricks, and she wanted to deny that she had nothing to do with Zhan Lingxi's kidnapping of Qingyan, and also wanted to make a pitiful appearance that she was willing to be slandered by Zhan Linghan.

But when Zhan Linghan really wanted to settle accounts with her, Ye Qingyi panicked again.

Zhan Linghan asked Lantang Fangxun again:

"Mr. Lantang, your daughter was kidnapped by your pillow for ten days, what will you do?"

After all, Ye Qingyi has Lantang's family as the backstage, and he is the person beside Lantang Fangxun. Zhan Linghan wanted to kill Ye Qingyi directly, but Lantang Fangxun was present, so he still wanted Lantang Fangxun to come forward to solve himself people around me.

Ye Qingyi looked nervously at Lantang Fangxun, she grabbed the hem of Lantang Fangxun's clothes, and said in a low voice:

"Fang Xun, you have to believe me, I have never done these things! I have been obediently staying at Lantang's house to raise my baby, how could I have the heart to send some Yingshang organization to hurt Qingyan!"

Ye Qingyi's dark eyes stared at Lantang Fangxun quietly, and Lantang Fangxun pushed Ye Qingyi's hand away from his clothes.

Being treated like this by him, Ye Qingyi's heart sank, she stretched out her hands to cover her stomach, lowered her head and murmured:

"Fang Xun, I am pregnant with the blood of the Lantang family, please don't be too cruel to me!"

Ye Qingyi closed her eyes, as if worried that Lantang Fangxun would severely punish her, but in reality, she was gambling.

He bet that Lantang Fangxun would let her go.

(End of this chapter)

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