School bully's girlfriend is super cute

Chapter 729 He Has Half Foreigner Genes

Chapter 729 He has half of the genes of foreigners

Zhan Linghan and Zhan Chenfeng looked at each other, and Zhan Chenfeng signaled for Zhan Linghan and the nurse to have a separate interview.

"You can come together, anyway, there are no outsiders here." Zhan Linghan said to Zhan Chenfeng.

Zhan Chenfeng looked at Zhan Linghan with eyes like water, and the cold and serious expression on his face softened at this moment.

Three people walked into the laboratory, and the nurse showed them the test data on the computer:
"During the detailed testing of Master Zhan's DNA sample, I also analyzed Master Zhan's genes.

I found that, Master Zhan, besides the genes of the native race of Huaxia, you also have the genes of the foreign race. This kind of gene has a relatively large proportion, indicating that your mother or the mother's side may be a foreigner. "

"Foreigner?" Zhan Linghan smiled slightly, "I don't look like a foreigner."

The nurse said, "The appearance of whites and blacks is very different from ours. If you are of mixed race, you can tell from the appearance.

However, children born to people of the yellow race in other countries and people of the yellow race in our country are not easy to see that they are of mixed blood. "

So, his mother is not from China?Zhan Linghan froze for a moment.

"Do you have a way to investigate, which country does my other half's genes belong to?" Zhan Linghan asked.

The nurse shook her head:

"This is too difficult. Many countries in the world are multi-ethnic and multi-ethnic countries. The genes in these countries are mixed. I can't tell you exactly which country the other half of your genes are from."

"Okay, I see." Zhan Linghan responded lightly.

"Sorry, Master Zhan." The nurse felt that she gave Zhan Linghan hope, but let him down again.

"It's okay, if you have any progress in my genetic analysis, please let me know." Zhan Linghan said politely to the nurse.

When Zhan Linghan walked out of the laboratory, hundreds of reporters were still besieging the hospital. They all wanted to ask Zhan Linghan how he felt about the DNA test results.

Zhan Linghan did not accept the reporter's interview. Under the protection of bodyguards, he and Zhan Chenfeng walked to the parking lot together.

The two got into the car, Zhan Chenfeng said:

"I will help you deal with Han Jianguo."

Zhan Linghan responded to Zhan Chenfeng lightly, Han Jianguo was instructed by Lan Xinmei to hide from the Zhan family, and Zhan Chenfeng would let him get out of S City penniless!
From now on, Han Jianguo will have a worse life than before he came to S City!
Zhan Chenfeng added, "I will send someone to continue looking for your biological parents."

This time, Zhan Linghan recognized a fake relative, and Zhan Chenfeng felt guilty towards him.

Zhan Linghan smiled again, looking for his biological parents was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Moreover, his mother is not from China, which will expand the scope of the search to the whole world. If this continues, I don't know how many years it will take to find it.

For Zhan Linghan, it doesn't matter if he can't find his biological parents.

He has never received maternal love from Lan Xinmei, and he doesn't know what kind of existence a mother is to him.

For the past 18 years, somewhere in the world, his parents should have lived a pretty good life without him, and Zhan Linghan is not someone who cannot survive in this world without his biological parents.

Zhan Linghan felt his phone vibrate, he took out his phone and saw that Qingyan had sent him a message.

"Going for a walk with Happy this afternoon?"


  In the last chapter, the names of the eldest and third young masters of the Gu family were confused again, so it was revised.

  The one who got involved with Zhan Lingxi again was Gu Qifeng, the third young master of the Gu family. He was Gu Jiuchen's brother-in-law

(End of this chapter)

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