School bully's girlfriend is super cute

Chapter 698 Seeing her like this makes him feel bad

Chapter 698 Seeing her like this makes him feel bad (2)

Yulia knew those elementary school students were talking about her, she lowered her head, waiting for those elementary school students to leave.

However, those elementary school students who bought barbecue burritos not only didn't leave, but even surrounded them.

"She looks so ugly!"

"It's not ugly, it's disgusting!"

"Ugly, she also bought barbecue!"

"It's disgusting, I won't eat it!"

A primary school student threw the barbecue burrito in his hand directly at Yulia's feet. Hubby was startled. He turned his head and barked at the primary school student who threw the burrito.

Several primary school students screamed, and the louder they were, the louder Happy's voice was.

"Happy!" Yulia pulled the dog's leash to prevent Happy from rushing out and biting someone.

"The ugly dog ​​is about to bite!"

The elementary school students cried out, and they boldly stretched out their feet to kick Hobby. One elementary school student threw the burrito in his hand on Hobby.

Happy roared, and the dog leash drew red marks on Yulia's palm.

When Yulia almost thought that she was about to lose control of the dog leash, suddenly a hand helped her pull the dog leash, and Habi was lifted back by the dog leash.

"Which school are you students from?"

When Zhan Linghan opened his mouth, the elementary school students standing opposite him became honest in an instant.

Yulia looked at the boy standing in front of her, and she blinked blankly.

Zhan Linghan put his hands in the pockets of his school uniform, and he glanced at the school badges hanging on the chests of those elementary school students.

"Well, I have written down the names of the classes and classes, and I will let your parents come to school tomorrow!"

"You don't want to..." A primary school student hadn't finished speaking, Zhan Linghan let go of the dog leash, and he crossed his hands and fingers, making a rattling sound.

"Looking for a draw, right?"

He was annoyed in his heart, but he didn't reach the point where he would actually beat the elementary school student whose head reached his waist a few times.

Frightened by him, the elementary school students screamed and ran out of the alley.

Zhan Linghan looked at the backs of the elementary school students fleeing, and he gave a cold snort.

He wrote down the schools, classes, and names of these elementary school students. In the evening, he ordered his men to sit in the principal's office of their school to ensure that these elementary school students would not be able to eat around!
"Thank you." Yulia's voice sounded behind Zhan Linghan.

Zhan Linghan turned his head and saw Yulia put on the scarf again, covering his face.

When she was talking to Zhan Linghan, she also lowered her head, fearing that her face would make people sick.

Zhan Linghan looked at Yulia cowering outside, lowering her head and not daring to let others see, he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Why are you here?" Zhan Linghan asked her.

"Happy and I went for a walk," Yulia said.

Zhan Linghan said: "I'll take you back."

"Hmm... Hubby poops after eating, I want to go back after he poops." Yulia said.

Zhan Linghan cast a disdainful look at Happy, what a troublesome dog!
Habi seemed to know that Zhan Linghan was scolding it in his heart, so it snorted at Zhan Linghan.

"I'll accompany you." Zhan Linghan said briefly, "We're going to have dinner together tonight, and I'll take you back to Lantang Hotel after the dog poops."

"Thank you." Yulia smiled at Zhan Linghan.

Yulia took the dog leash and took Happy to walk towards the park. On the way, she asked Zhan Linghan again:

"You are out of school, is Miss Qingyan also out of school?"

"...I, leave school early." Zhan Linghan didn't dare to say in front of Yulia, he just skipped class...


  I'm too sleepy, TT will be updated first, and I will continue to update it during the day tomorrow!Zhan Shao met Yulia again, what will happen between them~
(End of this chapter)

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