School bully's girlfriend is super cute

Chapter 404 One level higher than Xueba, but less academic!

Chapter 404 A Level Higher Than a Scholar, Lesser a Scholar!

Zhan Linghan just sat there, the desk was clean, his hands were in his pockets, his eyes were projected on the blackboard, but his aura enveloped the entire classroom.

The math teacher broke several pieces of chalk on the blackboard.

"Teacher." In the silence, Zhan Linghan suddenly called out, the math teacher's hand shook, and the chalk broke into three pieces.

"You wrote the second question wrong." Zhan Linghan said.

The math teacher saw that Zhan Linghan didn't open the math exercise book at all, and he copied the questions from the exercise book, how could he make a mistake.

"That's right, I..."

The math teacher was halfway through his speech, checked the questions in the workbook, and found that he had copied it wrong. He blushed, and immediately went to get a blackboard eraser to erase the questions.

The boy who was "forced" to sit at the same table with Zhan Linghan, since Zhan Linghan sat next to him, has kept his hands folded on the desk, his back straight, and a sitting posture of 90°.

And from the beginning of the math class, he didn't listen to a word of the topic the teacher said on it.

Zhan Linghan's aura is not something anyone can get close to. The boy sitting next to him was in a cold sweat, and the sweat kept falling down, soaking his collar.

Zhan Linghan sat beside him, he was very moved, but he didn't dare to move at all! !

Zhan Linghan saw that the exercise book in front of the boy beside him hadn't been opened, so he stretched out his hand and opened the other's exercise book.

When the boy saw the young master of the Zhan family flipping through the exercise book for him, he felt that his life was about to die!
The math teacher called the boy up to answer the question. The boy stood upright, but his brain was a mess.

Zhan Linghan picked up his pen and wrote down the answer in the boy's exercise book. When the boy saw the numbers, he said the answer.

Everyone saw that Zhan Linghan wrote the answer to the boy, and the math teacher didn't dare to let the boy explain the calculation process, so he let the boy sit down.

After a while, Zhan Linghan heard a mosquito-like voice coming from his ear:

"Zhan, Mr. Zhan...can...can you tell me how to solve this problem..." The boy mustered up the courage to ask his "temporary tablemate".

Zhan Linghan picked up the pen, wrote down the calculation process on the draft paper, and explained it to the boy again.

Sitting in front of Zhan Linghan, Qingyan could hear his deep and pleasant voice very clearly.

Qingyan raised the corners of her lips, thinking, this should be Zhan Linghan's first time giving a lecture to a classmate.

Zhan Linghan often told her that school was boring, he understood everything the teacher taught, and the aristocratic students around him were stupid and scheming, and he had no common language with those people.

However, in the eyes of ordinary class students, Zhan Linghan is an unattainable great god. Apart from looking up to him, everyone has other flirtatious hearts.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the math teacher felt like he was alive again. His legs gave way and he almost collapsed on the ground.

The math teacher turned around, quickly packed up the textbooks and rushed out of the classroom of Class 3 ([-]).

In class, other students saw that Zhan Linghan would explain the topic to the boy next to him, and when the get out of class was over, a few more courageous boys came over with workbooks.

"I don't understand what Mr. Zheng said, Mr. Zhan, do you know how to solve this problem?" The students who came to ask Zhan Linghan were trembling.

Zhan Linghan took the exercise book in the opponent's hand, glanced at the question, and then picked up a pen to write the solution process on the draft paper.

(End of this chapter)

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