School bully's girlfriend is super cute

Chapter 2087 In the Name of the Princess

Chapter 2087 In the Name of the Princess (2)

Su Muer's speech infected the whole auditorium, but it was not suitable to applaud at the funeral, and people could only cast respectful glances at Su Muer with their own eyes.

The funeral ceremony began. The king and Su Muer helped the spirit, and they led the dark coffin out of the auditorium.

In the solemn and solemn vocal music, the black coffin was sent to the hearse, and Su Muer and the king sat in the same car, and the two would go to the royal cemetery together.

"After I die, I will be able to see your mother underground, and my coffin will be placed in the same tomb as your mother."

We can't be together in life, but we share the same hole after death.

Su Mu'er knew that the king had made amends to her mother to the greatest extent, but after death, even if a state funeral was held, only the living could truly empathize.

"Father, do you love my mother?" Su Mu'er suddenly asked him.

She spent a few days with the king, and the king felt a lot of emotion towards Su Muer, but he was always indifferent to Su Muer.

She suddenly asked the king about his personal relationship, but before the king answered, Su Muer said again:
"How did you live after your mother left you?"

The king recalled his past, he smiled lightly, "When your mother left me, I was in pain. I don't like Shira, I was tricked into bed by her and got her pregnant, I live in pain every day In life, you can only use work and entertainment to paralyze yourself.

At first, I would often dream of your mother, dreaming of her angrily questioning me. Slowly, I only dreamed of her once a month, and later, I dreamed of her once every six months.

I have sent people to look for her, but nothing was found. In this way, the years passed, and she was buried in memory. "

Su Mu'er turned her face out of the window, and she heard the king say:

"Mu'er, I am indeed a fickle person. People are emotional animals, but emotions will gradually fade away. No matter how vigorous the love is, 20 years later, 30 years later, when you look back, you will never look for it again. Not the mood at that time.

Me and your mother, if you miss it, you really miss it.

If you give me another chance to start over again, I will definitely insist on not being designed by Shila, so that your mother can stay with me. Once you are born, you will die as the princess of Ussuri. "

"Father, there is no medicine for regret in this world." Su Muer said.

"Yes." The king sighed, "So if you really love someone, you must love with all your strength, don't worry so much, and don't care too much.

People living in this world should be selfish. Look at Sheila, she is a selfish person. Although she died, she lived a better life than your mother when she was alive. She has everything. She and I Married and became the princess of Ussuri, and her son has also been the prince for 20 years.

And your mother... If she hadn't chosen to break off the engagement with me back then, but had dealt with Xila ruthlessly and obtained everything she wanted, your mother would not have been given to her by Xila after giving birth to you. catch. "

Su Mu'er couldn't agree with what the king said. She felt that she was very much like her biological mother.

Both of them have a relationship with cleanliness. After being hurt, they can no longer be with each other, even if they still love each other.

But what the king said was also right. If the mother had been tougher, her ending might have been different.

On the way to the imperial mausoleum, Su Mu'er saw the citizens onlookers waving to her.

(End of this chapter)

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