School bully's girlfriend is super cute

Chapter 2052 Designing Shen Zhizhou with a Fascinating Face

Chapter 2052 Designing Shen Zhizhou with a Fascinating Face (1)

"Mommy, what is the flight number of Mr. Shen? Which hotel will he stay in? If he comes to Lantang Hotel, should I pick him up?"

Qingyan asked along the way.

Binglei said: "I arranged for him the Lantang Hotel in the capital of Ussuri, which hotel are you staying in, Xiao Qi?"

"Ling Han and I are staying at Lantang Hotel together."

"Then go pick up Zhizhou tomorrow afternoon. Since you and him are both staying at Lantang Hotel, how can you not say hello to him?"

Binglei taught her, "Xiao Qi, will you go back to the imperial capital with Zhizhou? Now that Zhizhou is at a critical stage in the presidential election, Mommy hopes that you can also be Zhizhou's help."

Binglei is now grounded by Lantang Jueya, she may not be able to appear in public to canvass for Shen Zhizhou, so she wants Qingyan to represent herself and appear in public with Shen Zhizhou.

"Mommy, tomorrow afternoon I will go to the airport to pick up Mr. Shen and come to Lantang Hotel. As for going back... let's talk about it the day after tomorrow..."

It is impossible for Qingyan to easily agree to Binglei's return to the imperial capital with Shen Zhizhou now, she is so abnormal, it is easy for Binglei to find out.

When Binglei heard what Qingyan said, she didn't waste any more words, she would order Shen Zhizhou to bring Qingyan back after she went to Wusuli.

"Has Mommy arranged a room for Mr. Shen?" Qingyan asked.

"Which room does he live in at Lantang Hotel, you decide." Binglei asked Qingyan to do it.

"Okay." Qingyan agreed, since she was in charge of arranging which room Shen Zhizhou lived in, she had to arrange it carefully.

Qingyan chatted with Binglei for a few words, Binglei felt that Qingyan was willing to arrange Shen Zhizhou's residence, which showed that this daughter was still obedient, and she didn't push Qingyan too hard. After Binglei explained a few words to Qingyan, she Just hung up the video call.

Qingyan put down her phone, she thought for a while, took the ipad from the bedside table, and checked the room type and layout of the Lantang Hotel.

When Zhan Linghan came in from the outside, she saw Qingyan sitting on the bed staring at the ipad, looking thoughtful, when she was racking her brains to think about something, she would unconsciously bite herself with her teeth finger.

"What are you thinking about?"

Zhan Linghan went to bed and sat beside Qingyan.

"I'm looking at the hotel information." Qingyan said.

"Why do you suddenly want to see hotel information?" Zhan Linghan found that Qingyan was looking at pictures of various rooms in Lantang Hotel.

"You have been away for so long, I am idle and bored, so I will study my hotel~"

Qingyan didn't intend to tell Zhan Linghan how she would deal with Shen Zhizhou, and she didn't want Zhan Linghan to know that she would pick up Shen Zhizhou tomorrow afternoon.

If Zhan Linghan found out, he would definitely not be willing to put himself in danger.


[The author has something to say: here is a message that Momo is applying for benefits from the website for everyone, so the novel was originally scheduled to be finished on the 30th, but it may not be finished now, because to get this benefit, the article must be serialized until the end of September OK.As for this benefit, it must be the best benefit for everyone, but whether you will get it or not, the website has not given Momo an accurate statement yet, so Momo can only wait, and I hope you can wait patiently.

If the application for the welfare is really approved, Momo will tell everyone, and if the application for the welfare is not approved, Momo will also tell everyone.

As for when the benefits will be confirmed, Momo doesn't know the exact time, so I hope everyone will wait patiently and don't rush. 】

(End of this chapter)

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