The national goddess is super attractive

Chapter 201 Night Detective Starlight 4

Chapter 201 Night Detective Starlight 4
God help me too!Ning Xia almost looked up to the sky and laughed three times.

"Let me discuss it with Master K." The man from Xinghui Art School was already sweating profusely, fearing that the other party's gun would accidentally shoot off and take his life.

The drug dealer gave him a cold look, then moved the gun away from his forehead, "If you play tricks again, the Emperor and I will not be able to save you!"

The man only felt that his whole body was soaked in the water, and his whole body was soaked.

He took out his cell phone and dialed tremblingly.

Every second of waiting for the call to connect was a long torture for him.

"Turn on the speakerphone!" The drug dealer said coldly.

Hearing that, the man quickly switched on the speakerphone.

After three or four more rings, the phone was finally picked up.

"Hey, Mr. K," the man said anxiously, "The box of money I took out from the bank in the afternoon has been swapped."

"What do you mean?" The mechanized male voice sounded like it had been processed.

Who will it be?Ning Xia thought to herself.

The person from Xinghui Art School narrated the matter concisely, but the other party fell silent.

The drug dealer raised his gun at him impatiently, the threat was self-evident.

"According to what he said, pay double the price." Just when everyone thought that the other party had thrown away the phone, the mechanized male voice rang again, "Also, in order to express my apology, I will give him another 100 million yuan." Invite them to tea."

"Yes, yes, Master K." The man breathed a sigh of relief as if he had been pardoned.

"Wait!" The drug dealer suddenly snatched the phone, "Master K, everyone pays attention to integrity in business. I don't care whether you intend to do this thing or not. If there is another time, there is no condition to talk about."

"There won't be a next time."

Then the phone was hung up decisively.

It's a pity that Ningxia didn't gain much information after all her thoughts.

However, the person from Xinghui Art School was a surprise to Ning Xia, because he was the breakthrough point for investigating Lord K.

Ningxia saw that they were negotiating about the same thing, she stretched out her hand and sucked it, and the pinhole camera returned to her hand without anyone noticing it.

Afterwards, Ning Xia returned to Room [-].

Those people just finished taking pictures and put their cameras on the table, gesturing to take off their clothes.

Those girls were so frightened that their faces turned pale, their eyes widened in horror and they kept shrinking into the wall.

It's just that no matter how you retreat, you're just leaning against the wall desperately, unable to seek the slightest bit of safety.

"These chicks are good today. After watching the meat for so long, I can finally eat it."

"No, I have to have a good time tonight. It's okay, take turns."

"Hahaha, so we are lucky."


Listening to those men's obscene conversation, Ning Xia sneered.

Is it Lele?Ah……

Ning Xia gently knocked on the door.

Those men looked back at the same time.

At that moment, a few small needles in Ning Xia's hand came out and shot at some important part of those people.

"Ah..." He hit the target without fail, and the men groaned at the same time, and immediately fell down slowly.

At the same time, a dagger flew through the air and cut the rope on one of the girls.

Ning Xia pointed to the rest of the girls. Regardless of putting on her clothes, she immediately picked up the dagger on the ground to untie the other girls, then quickly changed into her clothes and ran out.

"Camera!" Ning Xia whispered.

Despite being surrounded by fear, the last girl turned back and took out a camera.

Their faces were covered with tears, and Ningxia was surrounded by them like a life-saving straw.

"Please take us out of here," they cried.

"Shhh." Ning Xia made a silent gesture. Right now, he is in Xinghui's underground poison cave. It seems that his defenses are lax, but in fact it is very difficult to take such a few girls out.

Because so many people go out through the entrance at once, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of Xinghui Art School, so plan ahead.

At that time, if Meng Beichen wants to do something, it will only leave an empty basement...

"We are not students of Xinghui Art School. We were all tricked into coming here. Please help us get out of here. I am willing to be a cow and a horse to repay you."

Thinking that Ning Xia was hesitating, they couldn't help crying.

By the way, there must always be someone who leaves here, if you mix among those people...

Ning Xia's brain turned quickly, and he immediately thought of a good solution.

I wonder what happened to Cheng Yingzhi and Ke Jiyun?Ningxia secretly said.

"Don't be afraid, I will try my best to take you out, but you must obey me." Ning Xia said to them seriously.

"Okay, we will obey the order." They wiped away their tears.

"You find a way to sneak into those other rooms. Remember, you have to learn to act, and be careful. Once you touch something, it will ruin your life." Ning Xia said solemnly.

The girls nodded firmly, as long as they could leave, no matter how difficult it was, they would try.

Being photographed, they were almost humiliated... Such a situation made them still terrified.

"Remember what I said and act on your own!" Ning Xia said.

Then after those girls mixed into other rooms, Ning Xia went back to the bathroom to wake Xu Zhirong up.

Xu Zhirong saw Ningxia as soon as he opened his eyes, and opened his mouth to curse, only to realize that his freedom had been completely restrained, even his mouth was sealed.

"Mmm..." He struggled.

Ning Xia patted his face lightly, "Senior, do you want to live or die?"

What are you going to do?He opened his eyes wide and stared at Ningxia.

"I'll give you a chance to choose."

What if I don't?
"That's up to you, because you have only one choice, and that is to accept."

What exactly are you trying to do?
"It's very simple, tell me, what is this basement." Ning Xia whispered, while paying attention to the movement outside the bathroom.

I don't know anything, Xu Zhirong don't open your eyes.

Ningxia squeezed his chin, and forced his head to turn: "This is not allowed for you to not know, dare to bring me here, you have never thought about the end. I really want to know, what happens if a person takes too much drugs How is it? I have never seen it before, and I really want to see it once, it is said to be very painful! And I like to see other people in pain the most."

Xu Zhirong got scared when he heard about taking drugs.

He was running errands for the place, but he wouldn't do drugs because he knew what it meant to be addicted.

"So, should you say it or not?" Ning Xia smiled lightly.

Xu Zhirong nodded quickly, and then signaled Ningxia to tear off the sealing tape.

"Help..." As soon as the tape was torn off, Xu Zhirong tried to shout for help with all his strength.

It's a pity that after only one syllable, his voice disappeared from his mouth.

Xu Zhirong opened his mouth, and was horrified to find that he couldn't make a sound...

"Telling you not to do it, but wanting to die, since it doesn't fulfill you, it seems too inhumane."

No no, I said, I said.Like a ghost, Xu Zhirong shook his head desperately to express his willingness to tell the whole story.

It's a pity that some people don't want to hear it.

 Everyone, let's talk about the update time again.The painting building has no manuscripts, so basically rely on the painting building to get up early to update a chapter during the day, and the rest will be updated at night after get off work.

(End of this chapter)

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