Empress Shen Gongjiao

Chapter 314 Fantasy

Chapter 314 Fantasy
A few days passed, and the entire palace was in a tense atmosphere, almost everyone was in danger.

Everyone couldn't figure it out, the Fengyang Palace didn't know what kind of incense was burned in the previous life, and he was so lucky.Let alone enjoying the sacred favor for so long, she is conceived so quickly!
For so many years, no one in the harem could conceive a dragon heir.If that woman got a man in one fell swoop this time, wouldn't the emperor favor and protect him even more?
I thought that the woman's pregnancy was an opportunity for them, at least - the emperor couldn't sleep during the first three months of pregnancy, so the emperor had to meet his physical needs, right?

Maybe during this time, any of them could conceive one? !
But facts and expectations are always contradictory.

It's been so long, although there is no clear news from Fengyang Palace that the woman is safe and sound, but you don't need to think about it, the emperor even used the last orchid grass in the world, what could be wrong?

However, even after the dragon species was saved, the emperor still didn't see him leave Fengyang Palace for half a step!

If they can hold on to this kind of time, then how can they have any chance to get close to the emperor in the future?
Many of them want to take this opportunity to get close to the emperor—of course, they will not take the initiative to intercept people in Fengyang Palace, but to have a chance encounter when the emperor is up and down, or go for a walk in the imperial garden from time to time, even more. What's more, they went directly to the imperial study room to deliver some soup and water.

I also know that the emperor will not see them.

No one would talk to Feng Qian about these things. If Liu Yue was still there, maybe they would have brought up such a few words purposefully, but Dongyang would not. lost his master.

Coincidentally, once, a group of concubines appeared in front of the emperor at the same time, and the euphemistic name was: Encounter by chance.

A group of people really didn't dare to get close to the emperor before the emperor's approval, but one concubine Liu accidentally slipped on the gravel road, causing several people to fail to stand still, so the concubine Wan who was closest to the emperor came He fell directly on the emperor.

The emperor's face was cold at that time.

Direct order: the first dragon heir will be born in the palace, all the concubines can copy scriptures and chant Buddha in their own palaces when they have nothing to do!
To be honest, Wanbi was very afraid that she would be punished alone. Although she didn't mean it, and the cause of this incident was not on her, but it was indeed her who bumped into the emperor!
But at the same time, she couldn't help holding a trace of fantasy in her heart.

In terms of beauty, Concubine Qian is indeed beautiful, but she is not ugly either!

Maybe after this collision, it is also an opportunity...

Unexpectedly, the emperor just glanced at her indifferently, with no other emotions in his eyes except warning and coldness.

Wanbi's heart suddenly cooled down.

Watching the back of the emperor's departure, everyone's hearts were turned a thousand times, and the bitterness was evident.

Unfortunately, Feng Qian found out about this matter.

She didn't know the exact process, but when she smelled the scent of powder on the man's clothes, she almost jumped out of bed.

"Jun Moying, you bastard!"

Dongyang came in after the emperor, because the emperor said that the master had a bad appetite recently, so he specifically asked the people below to make some lotus root powder balls that the master loves.But when he heard such explosive words as soon as he came in, Dongyang was so scared that he almost didn't throw the plate in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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