my world, you can't

Chapter 590 Unwilling to Accept His Difficulties

Chapter 590 Unwilling to Accept His Difficulties

Here, the trick of two men robbing a woman caused many people in the restaurant to come and watch.

After a while, many people were already standing around Wen Yi and the others.

Mr. Shen still insisted on not letting Xiao Chengfeng take Wen Yi away.

Xiao Chengfeng is also an upright man. He doesn't know how angry his wife is after being chased by a man like this.

Wen Yi was out of breath, raised her hand and slapped Shen Qiyu, stared at him, and cursed angrily, regardless of the surrounding people watching:
"You are simply a lunatic. How many times have I told you that we can't be together. I'm married. Why don't you let me go?"

"You have money, and you can get what you want, but I'm different from you. Your money can't buy my feelings. Have you had enough trouble? Let me go if you've had enough trouble?"

Wen Yi cried and yelled at him.

She didn't want to treat him like this, but reality gave her a slap in the face.

She had to choose to reject him.

It was the first time Shen Qiyu was slapped by Wen Yi, and it was still in front of so many people.

He lost all the face of a prince.

Seeing Wen Yi's eyes that hated him again, he no longer had the courage to stop her.

At this moment, his stubbornness has reached the lowest limit, and she still refuses to follow him.

Therefore, even if he dies, she will not look back.

Heart, like dead ashes, despaired.

Wen Yi stared at him resentfully, and the moment he turned around and walked away from the crowd, his heart felt like a knife was being twisted, and tears fell like rain.

I'm sorry, Qi Yu, I'm sorry!

It’s not that I’m ruthless to you, it’s that reality is ruthless to us all. I was born poor, have low education, and am not a good person. How can I be worthy of you?
You should follow your stepmother's arrangement and stay with your marriage partner!

Both of us, it will never work out.

Wen Yi rushed out of the restaurant, Xiao Chengfeng's car was parked at the entrance of the restaurant, she got in the car, buried her head in the car, and cried loudly.

Afterwards, Xiao Chengfeng also opened the car door and sat up.

Seeing Wen Yi crying so sadly, he kindly took out a tissue and handed it to her.

Wen Yi took the tissue, sobbed and apologized to him, "I'm sorry, I embarrassed you."

But the man didn't show the care and anger that a husband should have. He smiled bitterly and told her, "Actually, why do you torture yourself like this? You clearly have him in your heart."

She obviously loves that man very much, but why doesn't she want to be with him?
Xiao Chengfeng didn't understand.

"Brother Chengfeng, don't talk about it." Thinking of Shen Qiyu, Wen Yi couldn't help but cry incessantly.

Seeing her like this, Xiao Chengfeng was really at a loss.

Xiao Chengfeng is from Wen Yi's hometown, and they live in the same village. Xiao Chengfeng is a few years older than Wen Yi. He first came to the city to study, and after graduation, his family gave him some financial support and started a small company.

Now the company is also listed, and the operation is not bad.

Three years ago, Wen Yi's mother died of a serious illness, and Xiao Chengfeng returned to his hometown. Seeing Wen Yi's pain in losing his parents, he would often comfort her by his side.

Since then, the two of them have returned to Ningdu together.

Later, Xiao Chengfeng saw Shen Qiyu's mother buy Wen Yi to leave with his own eyes, but Wen Yi refused to leave, so he got a fake marriage with Xiao Chengfeng.

It was only after Wen Yi got married that he escaped from the aggressiveness of Shen Qiyu's stepmother.

Unexpectedly, even though she was married, Shen Qiyu would still chase after her.

After so many years, do you want to say that she doesn't like him?That is impossible.

However, how could a family like his allow her to marry him?
(End of this chapter)

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