my world, you can't

Chapter 512 I'm afraid you won't leave after 3 years

Chapter 512 I'm afraid you won't want to leave in three years
Sooner or later, she boarded Nangong Yi's car near Ye Mansion, but the strange thing was that there was no Nangong Yi in the car.

There is only one driver and one bodyguard.

She thought she got into the wrong car, and opened the door to get in, but she was stopped by the bodyguard.

"Miss, we are ordered to pick you up, and we will take care of you when you come."

With a look, the bodyguard signaled the driver to drive.

After a while, the driver slammed on the accelerator, and the car roared away.

Sooner or later, he shook off the bodyguard's hand, with a warm and angry face, "Where's Nangong Yi? Didn't he say that he would come to pick me up in person?"

On the phone, he also said that he would come, why wasn't he in the car?

The bodyguard looked serious, and bowed his head to Chi Sooner, respectfully, "Because of an unexpected accident, the Duke cannot come in person, please forgive me, Miss."

"Accident, what accident?"

The bodyguard didn't shy away from it, and told the truth to Chi Sooner, "When we came, someone ambushed and assassinated the Duke. In order to ensure your personal safety, the Duke had no choice but to let us come to pick you up alone."


Who will assassinate him?
Suddenly, sooner or later, a person's face flashed in his mind.

Brother Shi Chu, will he...will he really use himself to assassinate Nangong Yi?

Thinking that it might be Tang Shichu, sooner or later his face turned pale.

After a while, the bodyguard said again, "But don't worry, Miss, we have caught the murderer who assassinated the Duke, and he will be brought to Country E for trial immediately."

What?Already caught the killer?
Sooner or later, he eagerly asked, "Who is it?"

"This... I don't know too well. I will know everything when I arrive in country E."

He stretched out the limousine and headed all the way to the airport. Sooner or later, he met Nangong Yi on the special plane from the airport to country E.

That man was still wearing a luxurious dress, noble, elegant, and handsome. From a distance, he seemed to have all the advantages of a man in one.

In fact, he was extremely vicious.

Sooner or later, she hated him to the core. If she had a knife in her hand, all she would think of was to go up and give him a knife.

To avenge Bo Ling's sister.

"Your Excellency, Miss is here." The bodyguard said aloud.

The man standing in front turned around slowly.

His eyes fell on Chi Chi Chi's body gently, and he stepped forward with a smile as gentle as the wind.

"Good morning, I finally see you again."

Sooner or later, he avoided his touch, "I hope you can keep your word and really only let me stay in country E for three years."

When she came here, she only left a note in the room, wondering if Yeyne would hate her after seeing that note.

I don't know if the little monkey will hate her after knowing that she was abandoned by her mother.

No one knew what kind of psychology she was holding to leave, perhaps only she herself could understand, such heart-piercing, such grief-stricken.

I just hope that the long three years will come soon.

"Three years?" Nangong Yi smiled lightly, "I'm afraid you won't want to leave when the time comes."

Sooner or later, "..."

unwilling to leave?With him, what can stop her from leaving?
Sooner or later, she didn't want to talk to him, but Nangong Yi didn't like her silence, so with one clap, the door of the cabin was pushed open.

Turning her head sooner or later, she was dumbfounded when she saw the person walking in.

"Sister Bai Ling?"

She stood up stiffly, staring blankly at the woman walking towards her, her eyes suddenly turned red.

"Sister Bai Ling?" She couldn't help calling again, but the woman in front of her ignored her and turned to look at Nangong Yi.

"This subordinate has seen the Duke."

(End of this chapter)

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