Li Shao, your wife ran away again

Chapter 553 Trade My Life for Hers

Chapter 553 Trade My Life for Hers (4)

Sprayed on Lin Sesur's face with a cold tone: "I use you, Xiang Weiting, to exchange something."

Lin Sesu's chest rose and fell, she tilted her head, and she got rid of Linda's hand, with a look of contempt on her face.

Snapped!Linda slapped Lin Sesu angrily.

ah!Lin Sesur screamed, her face was burning with pain.

Women can't control their jealousy all the time.

"Hmph." After Linda slapped Lin Sesur, a satisfied sneer appeared on the corner of Linda's mouth, with a haughty look on her face, "Oh, I'm really heavy handed, look at this tender skin, wait until Wei Ting sees it, How distressed it should be. Haha."

Linda laughed wildly, and her whole body was a little distorted.

Lin Sesu bit her lips tightly, looking at her beautiful face coldly and angrily, with evil written all over it.

After Linda laughed, her face suddenly turned cold. She looked at Lin Sesur coldly, her eyes flickering with gloom, and she walked aside with her mobile phone.

"Lin Sesu, do you think Wei Ting will promise me something because he loves you so much?"

Lin Sesu didn't speak.

Linda dialed the mobile phone. She hadn't contacted this number for several months. Now that she was pressing the familiar number one by one, her heart couldn't help but tremble.

She loves him, really loves him very much, loves him so much that she can't help herself, loves him so much that it drives herself crazy.

She dialed this series of numbers tremblingly, waiting for the answer from the other end.

"Hello!" Li Weiting said in a deep voice, because it was an Italian number, so he spoke Italian.

Linda's tear ducts collapsed in an instant, and a single syllable from him could make her excited.

"Ting." With a trembling voice, she covered her mouth to control the surging of her tear glands.

Li Weiting frowned after hearing this voice: "Linda?"

Linda smiled all of a sudden: "Wei Ting, you still remember me."

Li Weiting didn't make a sound, his eyes revealed a sharp light, like a beast smelling a danger signal.Linda ran away because she knew that she was going to deal with her, but now, she took the initiative to send it to her door.

With her courage, there is only one possibility, that is, she has a bargaining chip in her hand that he dare not touch her.

Li Weiting had a quick mind and thought of Lin Sesur all of a sudden.

He stood up and hurriedly left the dining room, leaving behind a whole room of people.

He locked himself in the storage room, and his voice suddenly became cold: "Linda, don't look for death, if you let Sese lose a single hair, I will definitely let your whole family die without a burial."

All he threatened was to tell her the serious consequences of touching Lin Sesur.

The Luo family went bankrupt and had no fixed place to live. He was already in a state of desperation. He didn't think about exterminating them all, and let Linda run away. He just thought about the love he grew up with.

I thought to myself that she just disappeared like this, so forget it.

But I didn't expect that his momentary soft-heartedness brought harm to Lin Sesur, let alone that Linda was so bold as to attack Lin Sesur in Milan.

Really crazy.

"It's true, you are so nervous about her." Linda's smile suddenly subsided, and her heart was full of sadness, "I really envy her, what's so good about her? Let you treat her so wholeheartedly?

She is not as beautiful as me, her family background is not as good as me, and she is not as gentle as me. Why do you love her so much? "

"Shut up." Li Weiting sternly shouted, "Now that you let Sese go, I can still consider letting you go."

Li Weiting's eyes flashed with a beastly sternness, letting her go, hmph, it was just a tactic to delay the attack.

(End of this chapter)

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