Li Shao, your wife ran away again

Chapter 529 Trip to Milan

Chapter 529 Trip to Milan (5)

Linsesu: "..."

Of course she won't.

"So." Li Weiting spread his hands innocently, "I want to fulfill my wish, so I can only do this. Se Se, you are disobedient."

Lin Sesur didn't want to talk anymore, and when Xiucai met Bing, she couldn't explain why.

Li Weiting came closer to her, and Lin Sesur wanted to hide again, but this time Li Weiting grabbed her wrist, pulled her lightly, and fell into his arms.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Sesur pushed him desperately, "Li Weiting, don't make me really hate you."

"I won't do anything to you." Li Weiting let go of her hand.

In fact, he really wanted to do something to her.He misses the feeling of hugging her, the feeling of kissing her, and even more miss her gentle and blurred appearance under him like water...

But now, he couldn't force her to do that anymore.

It's heart attacking, just want everything to go according to her wishes.

Therefore, Li Weiting took a step back to a distance where Lin Sesur felt safe, before he stopped and smiled slightly: "Sether, we will stay in Milan for a week, and we still have a few days to get along.

So, little Thurse, can you put away the thorns on your body a little bit, we respect each other as guests, OK? "

Respect each other as guests!

This word is really rare for Li Sanshao!

Lin Sesu walked to the sofa and sat down, remaining silent.

Went to Italy, entered the wolf's lair, isn't she a little lamb who let him fuck him?
Han Xiou... Lin Sesur suddenly thought of her as the culprit, she was the one who really wanted to break up with her.

She knew how he treated her those few days, but she still wanted to help him?
It's crazy.

"This time, what did you give to Han." Lin Sesu asked coldly.

Still want to be her sister-in-law, no way, no way!

"I didn't send anything, I just said three words to her."

Lin Sesu raised her eyes.

Li Weiting affectionately opened his lips gently: "I love you!"

Linsesu: "..."

She leaned on the sofa, turned her head out of the window, and didn't want to talk to him anymore.The plane has taken off and is flying smoothly.Dashes of golden light scattered on the clouds high in the sky, which was strangely beautiful.

The sky was blue enough to take your breath away.

She will no longer believe any of his sweet words.

Li Weiting looked at her indifference for a while, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, this time, how much effort will it take him to win her favor?
"Thurse, take a good rest and call me if you need anything." He suddenly said in a gentlemanly manner.

Lin Sesur continued to ignore it.

Seeing her indifference, Li Weiting smiled faintly, and then exited the room very politely for the first time, closing the door behind him.

Lin Sesu kept her posture unchanged, looking out the window at the thick clouds stretching endlessly under the plane.

She would never trust a wolf and eat a lamb.

What she has to do now is to protect herself and not be eaten by him.

She is already Leng Xizhe's girlfriend, if Li Weiting violates her, she will definitely resist to the end.

But this time, Lin Sesur's worry was really unnecessary, Li Weiting really did what he said and treated her politely.Apart from eating with her, he didn't make any gestures towards her, and even said very little.

Lin Sesur was really surprised.However, he still did not let go of his guard against Li Weiting, who knows what tricks he is playing again.

In a word, no matter how Li Weiting changes, in Lin Sesur's heart, he can't change any image.

(End of this chapter)

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