Chapter 468

She was the girl he dated the most, so it was impossible for him not to have feelings for her.

Could it be that like himself, his mobile phone was out of battery, or there was a problem with the communication, so he didn't receive that message.Or the phone is in arrears, or something else.

In short, he must not have received that message, otherwise he would not have replied to her.Li Zun is not such a gentlemanly person.

These inexplicable thoughts flooded in, making Lin Xiaomo even more restless.

If he didn't receive the text message, she could just make a phone call.

Not knowing what stimulated her determination and courage, she said to Lin Sesu, "Sister, let me make a call by borrowing your mobile phone."

Lin Sesu didn't ask anything, and gave her the phone.

Lin Xiaomo walked quickly to the stairwell with her mobile phone. Lin Sesur looked at her rushing back, thought for a while, and continued to choose clothes.

Holding the phone, Lin Xiaomo mustered up the courage to enter Li Zun's number, but she hesitated when her fingers touched the dial button.Full of courage, like a balloon that was suddenly punctured, it exploded all of a sudden.

Lin Xiaomo, what are you doing?Do you, a girl, really want to abandon your self-esteem so far and take the initiative to confess to a boy?

Maybe he received your text message, and he used his non-response to politely reject you, don't you understand?

Lin Xiaomo bit her lips tightly, tears almost welling out of her eyes.The thought of him deliberately not answering her text messages hurt his heart.

Was he really rejecting her with silence?

No, if he is as polite as him, he won't be so unfeeling and not reply to text messages.

Lin Sesu thought of Li Zun's soft smile, and immediately rejected the idea.

But I rashly made a phone call to confess my love, as if I couldn't say anything.

In her bones, she was still shy.

Or, she could send another text message.If he doesn't return, it means that he really doesn't mean anything to him.It is impossible that both text messages cannot be received due to communication problems.

Lin Xiaomo pursed her lips. She quickly typed a text message and sent it, not giving herself time to regret it.

But she forgot that she sent it on Linsesu's mobile phone.
497、Sweep the floor and go out (1)

In the luxurious gym, Li Weiting and Li Zun were sweating profusely on the treadmill.The two men with extremely strong and sexy bodies are almost naked, with a wheat-colored light on their bodies, which no woman can resist.

No, a few female coaches in the fitness city came to spy on the two of them working out by sending them towels, fruits, and so on.

A lot of saliva was secretly drooled at the perfect figure of the two of them.

Li Weiting hasn't worked out with Li Zun for a long time, the brat's figure is getting better and better.

The speed slowed down, Li Weiting got off the treadmill, and Li Zun planned to run for a while.

Li Weiting went to the rest area to drink water, and Li Zun's cell phone was placed on the coffee table.As soon as Li Weiting put down the water bottle in his hand, the screen of Li Zun's phone lit up, and a notification sounded that a text message was coming.

Li Weiting glanced at it unintentionally, but then frowned anxiously, with a puzzled look on his face.

The text message prompt shows the words Sister Sesel.

Hustle?What message did she send Li Zun?Li Weiting's expression changed slightly, he glanced at Li Zun who had stopped running, picked up his cell phone, and opened the text message.

Zun, I love you!
A few simple words, like a bolt from the blue sky straight down,

(End of this chapter)

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