Chapter 230: Twist

Toad gave Chen Chao the remote control of the bomb.

Chen Chaodao: "You think I'm cruel to you, don't you? But in fact, if you think from my point of view, you don't see it that way. A person should not only consider his own point of view, but also his own point of view. You Do you think it's cruel for me to do this now?"

There were bean-sized drops of sweat on the man's forehead, but he had to say: "Yes, if I stood in your position, I would do the same."

Chen Chaodao: "That's it. The reason why people have conflicts is that they can't look at the problem from the perspective of the other party and then solve the problem."

The man held back for a few seconds, and finally said: "Of course you can say that, because you can kill me at any time."

Chen Chao patted him on the shoulder: "Your thinking is very clear now. Very good. I can rest assured when you do things like this."

Toad said: "What are you going to do? Such a laborious work?"

"A mysterious thing." Chen Chaodao, "Yes, please go back, brother."

Toad knew his temperament: "You don't know how to drive my car?"

"No. I'll take care of your car."

"You haven't learned how to drive, have you?"

"I've seen pigs walk."

"Chen Chao went out with the money, probably looking for a place to hide it." The gray-haired middle-aged man said to the man playing Tetris.They are two brothers. The man who plays Tetris has an IQ of only a primary school student and is mentally handicapped.Although his IQ is retarded, he is absolutely scarier than many ordinary people when he gets angry.His game console remains the kind of arcade machine that big sisters can buy casually in the 90s, and it will cost more than 5 yuan.His favorite thing is to play the game of Tetris.

The gray man stood up, walked in front of the younger brother, waved his hand, and said, "Come back and fight again."

"Brother, I want to fight, I want to fight." The man pouted a bit coquettishly at his brother and said aggrievedly, "Would you just wait for me?"

The gray-and-white man sighed deeply. He took up this task because he wanted to treat his younger brother. He sat in front of his younger brother: "Are you hungry?"

"Hungry." The younger brother said to his elder brother without looking up.

"You wait here, I'll buy you something to eat."

The gray man went out and bought two breakfasts, three fried dough sticks and a pack of soy milk bought on the side of the road.

"Stop playing." As the older brother, he said to his younger brother pretending to be angry, "It's important to eat first."

The mentally handicapped man reluctantly pressed the pause button and began to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, the man led his younger brother out and hailed a taxi.

After getting into the car, the mentally handicapped man started to take out the game console and play Tetris again.

The driver looked in the rearview mirror and smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" The man asked slowly, rolling down the window.

"No. It's nothing." The driver noticed that the man's eyes were staring at him with knives burning. It felt like two knives were resting on his neck and immediately denied that he had just laughed.

The man said, "I asked you what you were laughing at just now?"

The driver said: "I really didn't laugh just now, you must be delusional, sir." In terms of body size, the driver is much taller and stronger than the man, but for some reason, he always feels that there is a possibility of being beaten at any time.Drivers feel very strange.

The man said: "Are you laughing at such a big man who still plays children's game consoles?"

The driver shook his head: "I didn't."

The man stared at him and said, "You have. You have already said so in your heart."

The driver was silent, and said with a bit of embarrassment: "Sir, I didn't mean to ridicule."

The man put his hand on the driver's shoulder and patted it: "A smile is a smile."

The driver became more silent.

The two finally got off at one place.After the man paid, the driver drove away quickly. After driving ten meters, the man cursed crazy.

The driver felt something was wrong, his nose felt a little cold, and then his mouth felt salty, so he braked quickly.Why is your nose bleeding?He covered it with a tissue, but the nosebleed could not be turned off like water from a faucet.The driver felt dizzy and weak, and then he heard his heartbeat making a sound like a war drum, and the heartbeat was getting faster and faster. He held his chest with his right hand, and after two seconds he felt himself His heart exploded like an inflated balloon, and he has no consciousness since.

"Where is Chen Chao?" the man asked.

The human being controlled by Chen Chao said: "Let's go to the forest in front, then I'll go back first." It was better to leave by himself, and he prayed in his heart that Chen Chao would not be killed, or the bomb in his pocket would explode.

"Let's go." The man said to his younger brother who had already picked up the game console.

The man stopped suddenly and closed his eyes, like a nimble wolf dog, sniffing the smell left by Chen Chao's passing.

After 1 minute, the man did not get the specific address, turned his head and said: "Find Chen Chao."

The mentally handicapped man also closed his eyes, because he is mentally handicapped, so he pays more attention to the cultivation of real strength in the body in a certain way, which is more profound than his brother.

"Brother, he seems to be digging something over there." The mentally handicapped man said, not only could he smell Chen Chao's scent, but also the smell of the soil dug up by Chen Chao.

Chen Chao is indeed digging, using his hands to plan the wet soil, his fingers are like hard shovels under his feet.

"You don't need to dig, give us the suitcase." The man's voice suddenly sounded behind Chen Chao.

Chen Chaoxin said that he was indeed a master of the Xuantong realm. He found himself so quickly, stood up slowly, turned his head and smiled, and did not put down the suitcase in his hand: "I can give you the money, but you have to tell me who is the mastermind behind the scenes." ?”

The man said: "I will tell you when you die."

Chen Chao shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Dead? I don't want to die at such a young age." He felt that the other man couldn't be dumb, right?Why don't you talk?

"Take that suitcase here." The man said to his younger brother, "I will bring you to eat candied haws later."

"Is it true, brother? Good." The mentally handicapped man's favorite food is candied haws.When he was a child, he went to snatch other children's candied haws because he saw them eating them, but he was pushed away by others and fell on a stone.So the brain was seriously injured.IQ will always stay in primary school students.

Chen Chao's eyes only saw that the man's shoulders moved, and his whole body had already flown over, like a bird, his right hand was like an eagle soaring in the air catching a chick and clawing at the black leather case in Chen Chao's hand.Chen Chao didn't expect him to move so fast, he was startled, but subconsciously flew back into the air.Jumped onto a branch.The man's right paw penetrated directly into the tree trunk and pulled out the bark.Terrible.

Chen Chao cursed secretly, Master Xuan was different, his movements were fast and fierce.

"Quick battle and quick decision." The man said on the other side, and did not participate in the game of catching Chen Chao.

Chen Chao doesn't need him to do anything, his younger brother can catch him alone.

Chen Chao may have a chance of defeating a person who is in the realm of Xuantong, but he will definitely not be able to defeat two people.But at this moment, only one person came to arrest him, but he felt that it was not enough. He adopted the posture of fighting, jumping back and forth on the branches like an ape in the deep mountains, provoking that man from time to time: "You let your brother be alone." People came to catch me, maybe they are afraid of me. Is your brother dumb? Why don’t you speak. It’s not because you cut off your brother’s tongue cruelly. It should be like this, because your brother is more handsome than you Too much. You are prematurely aging. So you are jealous of your brother's black hair, and you have black hands."

The man frowned forbearance: "Nonsense."

The reason why I don't want my brother to talk is because I don't want people to know that he is mentally handicapped.

"I can talk. Don't talk nonsense about my brother. I'll hit you."

The mentally handicapped man loudly refuted Chen Chao's words, and it was obvious that he was a rather agitated person: "Don't talk nonsense. I can speak. My brother didn't hit me."

"Yingou, don't talk nonsense to him."

This guy Chen Chao has a weird footwork like an ape jumping up and down, it has to be said that his body has brought out the agility to the extreme.And the man named Yingou followed Chen Chao within an arm's distance of him like a shadow, and if he made a slight mistake, Chen Chao would be punched.It can also be said that Chen Chao is walking on the edge of life and death.If there is no big brother who is watching this and giving advice.Chen Chao didn't need to run around in such a mess.But it is also possible to improve your own potential.At this time, Chen Chao had already come in front of that big brother, and shouted: "I'll kill you." The black suitcase in his hand was used as a weapon and hit the man's head.The man knew that the suitcase was full of money, and the money for his younger brother's treatment was in it, so he didn't dare to wave his hand back and pierce the suitcase.The man didn't even frown, his body flickered aside.Chen Chao seemed to be very interested in this man, who was holding a black suitcase as a weapon.Under such circumstances, the three retreated while attacking while chasing, which was quite interesting.The man being chased by Chen Chao thought in his heart that going on like this was not an option.The younger brother was always a little behind to catch up.And Chen Chao also maintained this situation.It is impossible for the three of them to go on like this endlessly.Chen Chao also scolded this person as the eighteenth generation of his ancestors in his heart, and he didn't have much energy to chase after him running like this.

Chen Chao pre-empted decisively, suddenly turned around in the air, and came back with a carbine.

Yingou yelled angrily, and his fist flew like a shooting star.Chen Chao's right foot came into close contact with his fist, and Chen Chao also used the strength from the fist to land on a leaf more flexibly and steadily. The bottom of his right foot actually felt a little numb. , it can be seen that Yingou is so powerful.Chen Chao looked at Yingou and thought in his heart that this man's behavior was extremely weird. Normally, what he said just now couldn't be so weird, what he said was just like a child.Is it imbecile.Chen Chao suddenly shouted: "Hey, if you don't want money, then I'll leave." Chen Chao wanted to use aggressive tactics to get that big brother to stop him.

"Do you think you can get out of tune? I'm going to settle the money. But you have to die." The man seemed to be extremely provocative by Chen Chao's eyes and shouted slightly angrily.

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