The next day, Li You went to the East Palace to ask Li Chengqian to ask him to help his grandson Wuji to stand up and deal with Li Ke, but no matter how Li You persuaded him, Li Chengqian was indifferent to his proposal. In the end, Li You took out Li Chengqian and sent someone to Li Chengqian threatened Li Chengqian with words such as what kind of impact the exposure of Dali Temple's poisoning of Zhang Zhong would have on him. He has never done such a thing. As a prince, how could he send someone to poison Zhang Zhong?After listening to Li Chengqian's words, Li You understood Li Chengqian's thoughts. He was not afraid that the matter would be exposed, because he had already thought about how to deal with this matter, and had already thought about what to do if this matter was revealed. As a countermeasure, he just kept it a secret from himself.

Li You was very angry. He suddenly felt stupid. He wanted to drag Li Chengqian into the water to deal with Li Ke together with him, but he didn't expect that Li Chengqian would be able to retreat in the end and he himself would be caught in it and couldn't extricate himself.But Li Chengqian on the other side didn't dare to say anything. After all, he was the prince, and after all, he was more powerful than himself. After all, he was luring him to participate in the case.

Therefore, Li You could only leave the East Palace angrily, and did nothing except throw a cold face at Li Chengqian before leaving.When Li You came to his mansion, Quan Wanji anxiously told him another thing, and this thing completely dispelled Li You's thoughts of trying to resist.

Quan Wanji told Li You that their operation had failed last night, and the witnesses who were intercepted have now been safely handed over to Dai Zhou, the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, and Dali Temple will open the hearing of the case this afternoon.

Hearing Quan Wanji's words, Li You wanted to kill Quan Wanji on the spot. He gave Quan Wanji a hard look and didn't say anything. He just returned to his room with a gloomy face. Carefully follow behind him.

The two walked into the room, and Quan Wanji carefully closed the door before telling Li You what happened in detail.

It turned out that last night Quan Wanji and Li You found out that Li Kehui was going to hand over a witness he was about to hand over to Dali Temple Shaoqing Dai Zhou, and at this time people from Fusang and Gaoli contacted Quan Wanji and told him This witness is the person Fusang sent to spy on the information of the Han Palace, and the time of Li Ke's handover happened to be that night.Quan Wanji and Li You weighed one or two, and finally agreed to the request of Fusang and Gao Li, thinking that the three parties joined forces to intercept the witness.

Therefore, Li You arranged for Quan Wanji to be fully responsible for this matter, and ordered Zan Junmo and the guards in charge of training to obey Quan Wanji's arrangement.What Li You was thinking at the time was to unite the experts of Goryeo and Fusang, plus he secretly ordered Zan Junmo's long-trained dead soldiers, so it would not be difficult to intercept the witnesses Li Ke wanted to hand over to Dai Zhou.As long as this witness is intercepted, the evidence against Princess Fusang can be reduced. By then, Princess Fusang will be fine, and she may be safe and sound.

"Could it be that with so many of you, you can't even kill a prisoner?" Li You asked unwillingly.

"Your Highness, you know the strength of the Eagle Guard of the Han Palace, besides, the person who led the team last night was Chen Qi, as well as the Shuangsha King Zhongchang and Zhu Tong of the black guard. No matter how many people there are on our side, it won't help. "Quan Wanji said helplessly, "Besides, there are many masters from Dali Temple around Dai Zhou, even if we are combined with the masters from Korea and Fusang, we are not their opponents at all."

"Your Highness, in the end, if the interception was not successful, but when the witnesses were intercepted last night, many people from Gaoli and Fusang fell into the hands of the King of Han. Several of them were the murderers involved in the poisoning case." Quan Wanji's words are not amazing, and he keeps dying. Every word he utters makes Hui Li You feel worse than death.

"You bastard" Li You shouted suddenly. He was played by Li Chengqian in the East Palace. His anger and depression erupted because of Quan Wanji's words just now. He punched Quan Wanji, who had a serious face in front of him, to the ground, followed by punches and kicks. In addition, Quan Wanji was beaten violently. Not only did Quan Wanji not resist, but he willingly endured Li You's beating, but he vented all his ruthlessness on Li Ke.He felt that the reason why he got to where he is today is the result of Li Ke alone. At the same time, he secretly swore in his heart that as long as he had a chance, he would never let Li Ke go. He regretted not choosing himself as his teacher.After Li You's own anger subsided a lot, he gave up, snorted coldly and ignored Quan Wanji who was lying on the ground, and Quan Wanji only had a chance to speak at this time, he stood up tremblingly, He didn't mind Li You's violent beating on him and continued, "Your Highness, I don't think the matter may be irreparable, although many people from Fusang and Gaoli have already fallen into the hands of the King of Han and Dai Zhou. But Princess Morita Rieko once told Weichen that the samurai around her were the elites of the Fusang Palace who had undergone rigorous training. Weichen thought, if it is true what Morita Rieko said, then the King of Han and Dai Zhou may not be able to catch them from their mouths What confession did you get?"

Quan Wanji said this to comfort Li You. In fact, he himself had no idea. When he decided to cooperate with Morita Rieko, Morita Rieko told him about the loyalty of the warriors around her. Quan Wanji knew her situation. It was to show his own strength, and at that time he also believed what she said to a certain extent.However, the fact that the man Fusang sent to spy on intelligence was captured alive by the Han Palace is enough to prove that Morita Rieko's words may not be credible, but at this time, Quan Wanji has to believe it if he doesn't believe it.

"If there is really no way, His Highness will push the matter away completely, saying that he doesn't know anything. I think that as long as His Highness does not admit that he has contact with Fusang and the Koryo envoys, Hanwang and Dali Temple will not catch us with Fusang and Koryo. They don’t have enough evidence to prove that you participated in this case, so how can they easily convict you?” Quan Wanji continued, “As for Morita Rieko’s confession, Your Highness,” Quan Wanji said here, She smiled strangely, "Your Highness, as long as you refuse to admit what she said, then who do you think the emperor will believe? Will you believe it? Or will you believe the words of the Fusang envoy?"

After venting his suppressed emotions in Quan Wanji's body, Li You became more rational. Now that he heard Quan Wanji's analysis, he pondered for a moment and felt that what Quan Wanji said was not unreasonable.

As Quan Wanji said, as long as Li You does not admit that he had secretly connected with Fusang and Gao Li, his charges cannot be established.And based on his understanding of Li Shimin, Li Shimin will definitely not stand by when the matter develops to a stalemate. He will intervene in this matter. After all, there are many problems involved, and he will definitely speak to his son when the time comes.After all, this matter is disgraceful. If it is really found out that his son was poisoned, it will also affect the reputation of the royal family.

After Quan Wanji said this, Li You thought of the meaning of his words, and his heart became clear, and his mood improved a lot.When he calmed down and saw Quan Wanji's bruised nose and swollen face, he knew what he had done to him just now. Although Li You was very angry at Quan Wanji for messing up things and didn't want to apologize to Quan Wanji, but in order to take care of the overall situation Still hastily apologized to Quan Wanji. Quan Wanji also knew what Li You was thinking, but he still showed a panicked look, as if he would not accept the prince's apology. How many have a grudge against Li You, and no longer help him sincerely like before.

Li You naturally felt the change in Quan Wanji's heart, but at this moment he also knew that it was impossible to restore the relationship between the two of them to the way it was before, so he could only sigh secretly.At the same time, there is another point that makes Li You dare not treat Quan Wanji like he did to Liang Mengbiao at the beginning because Quan Wanji has done a lot of unbearable things to him, and he can beheaded several times if he tells him.

Therefore, due to various reasons, Li You was dissatisfied with Quan Wanji, but he could only go to this point. When he vented, he beat him severely, and apologized in every possible way afterwards, asking Quan Wanji for forgiveness.And no matter how much Quan Wanji hated Li You, he could only swallow his anger and follow him.

However, Li You and Quan Wanji were also thinking about a question that they couldn't understand at the same time, that is, why did they, who were in an advantage, turn their advantage into a disadvantage in an instant?At that time, the two of them didn't find this problem in the play, but now they are surprised when they think about it carefully. It seems that everything they do is under the calculation of others, and everything they do seems to be directed by others.For example, when Li Ke said that no one saw him murder in the first trial, he instigated Zhang Zhong to give false testimony to frame Li Ke.The second is that they found out the real cause of Xianglan's death in Dali Temple, and found that Zhang Zhong had committed perjury, so they began to kill Zhang Zhong to silence him, and things would be done so cleanly, and Zhang Zhong would die so easily.Third, when Li Ke said that he was going to hand over important prisoners to Dali Temple, his own side couldn't wait to intercept the witnesses halfway.All these signs indicate that besides what I want to do, isn't it planned by others to make me jump into the fire pit intentionally?Isn't there a pair of invisible hands behind it?

When the two thought of this, they couldn't help looking at each other, and they both noticed the sweat on the other's forehead and the look of panic in their eyes.Because, they thought of a terrible fact, that is, the person who influenced their actions and designed to trap them in it might be Li Ke, the King of Han, who they dreamed of killing.

If it was really him, Li You couldn't imagine that Li Ke's resourcefulness had reached such a level, and he dared to use his body as bait to play around with himself and his officials.

If it was really him, Quan Wanji couldn't believe that Li Ke would have such courage to play tricks in the court and the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

However, the two of them were thinking at the same time, if this person is really Li Ke, then what is the real purpose of him designing such a huge situation and daring to commit the crime with his own body?

However, the two were also praying in their hearts that this person was not Li Ke.If it's really Li Ke, they don't know that they won't have the guts to fight him again in the future!

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