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Li Ke watched Li Mengchang and Sun Erlang withdraw from their respective camps before he turned and returned to his seat.Then, the military parade was announced.

The arrangement of the military parade ceremony is the formation drill of the first item, the infantry confrontation in the second item, and the cavalry battle in the third item.And this is the military parade ceremony formulated by the chief of the governor's office, Shi Sima, and joined the army. Naturally, Li Ke will not ask about it, he just appreciates it.Therefore, after seeing the murderous soldiers first, and now it is the formation practice, many generals were quite disappointed.Because they had high expectations for the two armies in front of them, and seeing that their military parade was just a formation exercise, they were naturally disappointed.

On the training ground, Li Mengchang and Sun Erlang withdrew from the formation respectively, and began to lead their subordinates to practice the formation.The rehearsal of the formation did not involve actual combat, so the left and right battalions just confronted each other, and they saw each other's moves.However, even though it was just a confrontation and there was no clash of swords, the generals who watched were a little surprised from the disappointment because of the rumbling drums and the neighing of the horses in the barracks.

After a stick of incense, three drums sounded, and the first formation duel practice ended.

Three drums sounded, and the second infantry confrontation began.

"Kill" the first Zuo Ying shouted the first,

"Killing" the right battalion did not dare to stay behind, and under the leadership of Sun Erlang, they rushed to the left battalion.

"clang clang"

"Ping Ping Ping Ping" the sound of swords intersecting.

"Ah!" The soldier screamed.

Soldiers from the left and right battalions had already come into contact with each other, each drew their sabers, and stood together in a murderous spirit.

"Ah, how could this be?"

"Are they crazy? It's just a military parade drill. How can they fight with real swords and guns?"

"Someone was injured. What kind of military parade is this? It's just a fight!"

At the same time, they saw Li Ke's face with a little fear. They had heard all kinds of legends about Li Ke, saying that he was courageous and brave in battle. Breaking through the Turkic pursuit and interception, he returned to Chang'an. Recently, I heard that he defeated the Turkic Jieli Khan's [-]-blood wolf guards with [-], and led [-] ghost-faced cavalry to break through the Turkic blockade of [-] cavalry. I feel that this is a bit unrealistic. The recognition is a kind of self-promotion of Li Ke to himself. Now they see the two armies facing each other on the training field, and they believe it when the military parade is time to fight with real swords and guns. Rumor has it that they no longer doubt it.Even Zhang Gongjin and Du Junchuo, who were calm and composed as soon as they entered the barracks, showed terrifying expressions. A simple military parade drill was an actual combat with real swords and guns. Brilliant record.

There was constant fighting in the practice field, and Li Mengchang and Sun Erlang finally met together after leading their respective guards to complete a series of tasks.

"Peng" two people rode on the horse, and at the same time slashed at each other with the Tang knife in their hands, and the swords met, making a loud noise.

"Peng" is another sound of weapons colliding. Although Li Mengchang and Sun Erlang are both generals of the Bingzhou Dudufu, they have never fought against each other. Today's rehearsal happens to be two people who can learn from each other, so they will not let go of such an opportunity , Both of them exerted all their strength and fought with each other.

Sun Erlang is a warrior on the battlefield, and the Tang sword in his hand seems to be slashing towards Li Mengchang with bursts of killing intent, and Li Mengchang is a member of Li Shimin's Qin Palace, and he has made great contributions with Li Shimin in the South and North.Therefore, the two of them are like tigers going up and down, dragons entering the sea, riding on horseback and using their methods to the fullest, making the generals on the stage feel trembling when they see it, and at the same time, both of them are fighting with each other with strength. The desperate style of fighting made everyone very frightened, for fear that the two of them could not hold back and cut each other down.

And Li Ke didn't care about the generals' thoughts and the way they looked at him at all. He was enjoying the battle in front of him very comfortably.The infantry confrontation between the left and right battalions is a plan formulated by the Dudu Mansion, and it will certainly not involve death, injury, and resignation. It is the amazing performance of the two armies after just three months of training, which shows that Li Mengchang and Sun Erlang are indeed generals.

"Dong dong dong!" Three drums sounded, and the second practice match ended. Li Mengchang and Sun Erlang, who were riding on horses, each received a glance at each other, and at the same time led their men back to the formation on horseback. .

The first item of the military parade was a simple formation of troops, while the second item started a real fight with real swords and guns, which made all the generals present have not yet woken up from the shock of the fight just now.Zhang Gongjin and Du Junchuo were both shocked and admired by the fact that the infantry confrontation in the second item of Li Ke's military parade was a real combat.After all, they all know the principle of sweating more in peacetime and bleeding less in wartime, but they dare not be so bold as to conduct military parade drills with real swords and guns.

Three more drums sounded, and the third cavalry confrontation began.

The cavalry confrontation is still an actual battle with real swords and guns. The horses neighing on the training ground, and the soldiers on the horses are full of murderous looks, especially Li Mengchang and Sun Erlang who are leading the cavalry. Fighting, he urged the horse under his crotch, and rushed into the opponent's camp for the first time to fight together.

Soldier's shout!

The collision of weapons!

The neighing of the horses!

The roar of the drums!

These are the things that are never bad on the battlefield!Through the second round, Li Ke has learned about the training situation of the left and right battalions, and now he is no longer interested in the cavalry confrontation, so he asked Zhang Gongjin and Du Junchuo beside him, "I don't know if Dudu Zhang and General Du What do you think of this military parade exercise?"

"Your Highness is so courageous, you can practice real combat with real swords and guns, and the general will admire you!" Zhang Gongjin said.

"The training intensity of the Bingzhou Horse Infantry Army is very high. When the general entered the camp just now, he felt that they were murderous. They are worthy of the elite soldiers under His Highness. It is difficult to have such a murderous spirit without the baptism of war on the battlefield. If you have it, your Highness can train such an army in the barracks, and the general admires it!" Du Junchuo also spoke his mind.

Li Ke knew Zhang Gongjin and Du Junchuo's character, they didn't like flatterers, they said what they thought, and he was very happy to get their affirmation of the left and right camps.

"The two generals were joking. An army that has not been baptized in war is no matter how tough it is trained. They will also be defeated in cruel battles. On the one hand, the strength of soldiers on the battlefield, but also the psychological quality, fighting spirit, and killing intent. Lack of!"

"En..." Both of them agreed with Li Ke's words, and they couldn't help nodding their heads in agreement, but at this moment, the drums sounded, and the horns sounded in the barracks, indicating the end of the military parade drill.

Li Mengchang and Sun Erlang stopped in time, each glanced at each other with smiles on their faces, they admired each other's bravery, and a feeling of sympathy arose in their hearts.The two brought back their respective subordinates, reorganized the soldiers, and stood neatly on the school field where they had just practiced.

Li Ke smiled slightly at Zhang Gongjin and Du Junchuo, got up and stepped forward, and said loudly, "Soldiers!"

"Shua" So the soldier drew out his saber, raised the saber vertically to his chest with his right hand, and shouted "Kill!"

"Soldiers, you are all qualified soldiers of the Tang Dynasty!" Li Ke continued, "Just now you have proved your hard work in the past three months with your own actions. What I want to tell you is that you are the strongest! , you are the most powerful, this king will be proud of you!"

"Kill, kill, kill!" the soldiers of the two battalions roared.

"Soldiers, you probably already know that the king led five thousand ghost-faced cavalry to send troops to Youzhou, but when he returned to Taiyuan, there were only 3000 left." Li Ke said here, all the soldiers on the school field showed sad expressions on the road Li Ke continued, "Soldiers, you also know that this king funded the construction of a tomb of heroes in Taiyuan to erect a monument for the compatriots who died in the Youbei grassland this time. But you know why it is called the tomb of heroes. Is it?" Li Ke said here and shouted loudly.

The campus was silent!

Li Ke roared, "Because each of them died on the battlefield, and each of them fought for the honor of Datang. Soldiers are heroes in the hearts of the people of Datang!"

After Li Ke said this, the soldiers on the school field suddenly raised their heads "swish"!

"You are all soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. For the people of the Tang Dynasty, for the honor of the Tang Dynasty, you have been born and died. You are all heroes! This king is proud that the Tang Dynasty has soldiers like you. The people of the Tang Dynasty are proud of you. The soldiers of the Great Tang are honored like this; I can say loudly today that with your soldiers of the Great Tang, any enemy who dares to attack my Great Tang will be punished no matter how far away!" Li Ke yelled out with all his strength.

"Whoever the enemy dares to attack our Tang Dynasty will be punished no matter how far away!" shouted the [-] soldiers from the Left and Right Battalions!

"The enemy who dares to attack our Tang Dynasty will be punished no matter how far away!" Li Mengchang and Sun Erlang shouted!

"Whoever the enemy dares to offend our Tang Dynasty will be punished no matter how far away!" The generals on the spotting platform shouted!

"The enemy who dares to invade our Tang Dynasty will be punished no matter how far away!" Li Ke shouted, his blood was already boiling, and at the same time he roared in his heart, "What are the Turks, what are the Tuyuhun, and what are the Goryeos? ? If you can give me three thousand iron armors, I will lead them to search the temperament of Datang all over the world!"

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