Pluto's Golden Concubine

Chapter 321 It's Him

"Hey, get out of the way! I tell you to get out of the way!"

Seeing Situ Xiyue and others leave, Li Yan, who loves to be lively by nature, also forgot to teach Chi Xueyun a lesson, and hurried over.

She rushed in front of Situ Xiyue, pulling all the people in front of her away.

Situ Xiyue was so happy that she opened the way for herself, and directly ordered Dan Zhu and Qing Yao to push her into the encirclement behind Li Yan!

"Wow, so handsome and stylish!"

"Yeah, look at his shiny blonde hair! It's like 99k pure gold!"

"Those eyes, that nose, that facial contour, they are simply perfect!"

Situ Xiyue had just entered the innermost place, and her ears were filled with these nympho quotes.

He couldn't help raising his eyes slightly, and looked at the person standing in the middle.

Although his back was facing her, but the tall and straight figure, the stylish figure, the flowing blond hair, and the well-tailored silver-white robe all added a lot of points to this man .

Although she looks pretty good, it doesn't mean that Situ Xiyue will be as nympho as other women.

Because she has to face the unparalleled beauty of the evildoer day and night, as well as that perfect, inhuman and excellent figure.

As for the handsome guy, I'm sorry, is there anyone more handsome than her evildoer?

So, why is she infatuated with other men?

A trace of indifference flashed across her clear eyes, and Situ Xiyue calmly ordered Qingyao Danzhu to push her away.

But at this moment, the handsome man who had his back to Situ Xiyue turned around gently.

"My God! How, how come!"

When that person's face finally caught Situ Xiyue's eyes, her heart still jumped slightly.

Qingyao and Danzhu couldn't help shouting out, not for any other reason, just because the man in front of them looks exactly like a monster!

Really, if the blond hair wasn't so conspicuous, they would almost think that this man is a monster!

Although Situ Xiyue was also very surprised, she didn't show it at all, but there was a deep thought hidden in the deepest part of her eyes...

If the evildoer came here today and found this scene, how interesting it would be!

That man stood in the middle of the crowd, as if he stood out from the crowd, that kind of aloof temperament separated him from the people around him all of a sudden!

Facing the admiring eyes of many nympho girls and the jealous eyes of men, he remained silent, his deep blue eyes were like the deepest lake in early autumn, blue and clear!

Hehe, it seems that my trip to Wangtian Academy was really not in vain.

Unexpectedly, such a small academy can hide so many masters and interesting stories!

It seems that the answer I want to find is likely to be finally found here!

Situ Xiyue slowly chuckled, and turned the unremarkable old silver ring on her finger.

Those were the only two things her mother Xuanyuan Yalan left her.

One is the "Book of Five Dragons" sealed in her body, and the other is this ordinary-looking old silver ring.

The reason why Xuanyuan Yalan only left her these two things was probably because it was too hasty at the time, so she could only keep these two things.

Now, the reason why Xuanyuan Yalan left only these two things may also explain one point: that is, this seemingly ordinary ring may contain a huge secret.Just like the "Book of Five Dragons"!

The reason why Situ Xiyue chose to enter Wangtian Academy was that she had no choice but to come up with such an idea when the clues to investigate Situ's mansion were broken!

After all, this is where Xuanyuan Yalan once stayed, and as an outstanding student selected to enter the City of Mercy, Xuanyuan Yalan must have left many traces here!

Once Situ Xiyue secretly collects these traces and connects them into a line, he will be able to figure out what happened back then!

Why did Xuanyuan Yalan die for no reason, and what was the reason!What is it that caused her death!

And why, Situ Xiyue had such a miserable life when she was young, but then there are so many outstanding men around her?

These puzzles one after another are waiting for her to find and answer!

So Situ Xiyue would not choose to enter Wangtian Academy as Situ Xiyue or Master Yuhe, because that would be too ostentatious!

It is not conducive to her quiet collection of information and finding clues.

And the reason why Situ Chuyue had plastic surgery to look like Situ Xiyue was actually just a smoke bomb!

Because when Xuanyuan Yalan's only daughter appeared in Wangtian College, Situ Xiyue had reason to believe that she would see the waves that would be stirred up by this depth charge!

It has to be said that after so many turmoil and trials, Situ Xiyue has improved a lot now than before!

Not only martial arts or wisdom, but also her realm of being a human being is much broader.

Some things can be found out without rushing.

Some flexible methods must be used to finally get the most perfect answer!

A meaningful smile appeared on the cherry lips, and Situ Xiyue silently turned the old silver ring on her index finger, and her thoughts instantly drifted far, far away...

"Hao'er, the time is up, we are going to report."

A gentle female voice suddenly broke into Situ Xiyue's ears, this somewhat familiar voice slightly brought back her thoughts of running away!

She frowned and looked, but suddenly saw Mu Wanjun's disgustingly hypocritical face!

Why is she here?And why did you call that person who looked exactly like the evildoer "Hao Er"?

Intuition told Situ Xiyue that the couple in front of her were definitely not good men and women.

"Yes, mother."

Sure enough, the man named Hao'er called Mu Wanjun that.

Could it be that this Hao'er is Mu Wanjun's son Ao Hao?

Thanks to the powerful intelligence, Situ Xiyue also has some understanding of Mu Xuguo's situation.But because she didn't care too much before, she didn't know much.

All I know is that Mu Wanjun does have a biological son named Ao Hao.

As for whether Ao Hao looks like a monster, she really doesn't know.

He made up his mind to ask Ouyang Zhi what that Ao Hao looked like later, but he didn't expect to see a half-male, half-female guy walking over.

"Empress Mu, hello His Highness the Crown Prince. Dongfang Civilization is here to greet the two of you."

That half-male, half-female guy is called Dongfang Wenming, and he is the dean of Wangtian Academy.Dongfang Hao from Baichuan College is his nephew.

This oriental civilization can be regarded as a wonderful flower known to all countries.

It is said that in order to practice, this person forgot to sleep and eat, and practiced to the point where his relatives did not recognize him!There are about seven or eight times when I go crazy.

Later, he even obtained a peerless divine book "Upanishad", according to which he practiced an extremely strange martial arts.

In order to practice this martial art, he somehow became half male and half female.But also because of this spirit, he was appreciated by Shangguan Yunzhu, the previous dean of Wangtian Academy, and promoted to the current dean.

As the dean of Wangtian Academy, he has a lot of pretensions.But now he came to welcome Ao Hao and Mu Wanjun in person.

Could it be that Ao Hao's martial arts cultivation has reached a very high level, which is why the Eastern civilization treats each other with such courtesy?

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