Pluto's Golden Concubine

Chapter 268 Operate on Prince 2

And according to the news from Feihe Qingsong and the others, Situ Xiyue also knew that Situ Qingyun had troubled Xuanyuan Che a lot these days, and he just wanted to get some benefits from him, including giving their family a new residence.

"Hehe, don't forget who I am. There is never a time when the genius doctor Yuhe wants to know."

"This..." Xuanyuan Che looked at the genius doctor Yu He, and was shocked by her pair of crystal clear eyes.

Finally, he spoke his mind.

"I don't know why, but I always feel weird recently. Xiaoyueyue, she seems to have something wrong."

"I know I shouldn't be so suspicious of her, but, but she—"

"Hehe. It's all right. Concubine Han may be suffering from marriage syndrome. I have a pill here, just give it to her. Where is the concubine?"

Situ Xiyue smiled, and calmly held up a pill of 'medicine'.

"Go, invite the concubine over here." Xuanyuanche ordered his servants.

The servants invited Concubine Han over in a short while.

Seeing this counterfeit, Situ Xiyue looked it up and down: Well, it's not bad, it looks quite similar.It seems that my Yi Rong Wan has been refined pretty well, and it can almost score nine points!But next time, she will develop another "Xingqing Pill" to ensure that the temper of the person who takes it is exactly the same as that person.

In this way, her small coffers can have another income!

Ha ha!

Thinking of such a beautiful prospect, Situ Xiyue couldn't help laughing.

"My lord, what did you ask me to do? Who is he? Why do you just stand there laughing foolishly?"

Concubine Han Situ Chuyue stared at the man in front of her warily and said.

"Hi, Concubine Han, hello, I'm the genius doctor Yuhe. The main reason I'm here is that I have something good to offer you."

Situ Xiyue stood aside, showing a bright smile at Situ Chuyue, and then, while she was not paying attention, popped the pill into her mouth!

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, what did you eat for me!"

Situ Chuyue was unprepared, and the small pill was swallowed down her throat. She grabbed her throat and wanted to cough it out, but it was too late!

The 'medicine' pill has gone down her throat!

"You'll find out later!"

There was a cold smile on Situ Xiyue's face. She stood there, looking down at Princess Han who was kneeling on the ground, her eyes were filled with mist.

"Ah, it hurts, my lord, help, kill, kill this person, kill—"

From Situ Xiyue's eyes, Situ Chuyue clearly saw that expression of indifference and disdain.

For some reason, she felt inexplicably afraid.This person, this person, this person's eyes seem, like Situ Xiyue!

By the way, it's Situ Xiyue!

It's that dead girl who has such eyes!

It seems that the whole world owes her that kind of cold eyes!That look of vengeance like a wolf clan!

"You, you, you are—"

She pointed at the face of the genius doctor Yuhe, trembling, and wanted to say those four words, but suddenly she curled up into a ball in pain!

"Hehe, the taste of heart-gouging and bone-cutting pills is good. If you haven't tasted this taste, how can you know the pain of new life?"

Situ Xiyue watched calmly as Situ Chuyue gradually lost her "Situ Xiyue" appearance and turned into her original appearance.

Everyone in the world knows the magical effect of Yi Rong Wan, but no one knows that its antidote is actually "Gu Xin Xi Gu Wan".

If it wasn't for a bone-piercing cold, how could we see the true face of the deity?

"Ah, you, you, you are not Xiao Yueyue! You, you are Situ Chuyue!"

Xuanyuanche finally recognized the true face of this person. It turned out that Princess Han, whom he had always loved deeply, was actually a counterfeit!

"My lord, my lord, my lord please forgive me! I, I was 'forced' too! It was my brother, it was my brother Situ Qingyun who insisted on 'forcing' me to do this! He 'forced' me After taking the 'medicine', she turned into Situ Xiyue to lie to you!" Situ Chuyue, who was crying with a face full of flowers, knelt and went forward to hug Xuanyuanche's 'leg'.

"Go! Get out of here! I don't want to see your face again!"

Xuanyuanche recognized Situ Chuyue's true face, avoided it, and kicked her aside!

"My lord, my son."

A chief guard next to Su Qingyang came in and knelt down on one knee: "After our interrogation just now, we found that the servants and maids in the palace have accepted bribes from Situ Qingyun and Princess Han, and are ready to wait for the opportunity and move."

"Waiting for an opportunity?" Xuanyuanche's face suddenly became as cold as ice.

"Yes, according to their confession, it is said that Concubine Han is buying off these slaves, and is going to put 'medicine' in your diet, so that you can control you when the time comes. This is 'medicine'."

The chief guard handed over a bag of powder.

Xuanyuanche took the powder and handed it to the genius doctor Yuhe respectfully.

"Young Master Yuhe, please help me find out what this is."

Situ Xiyue took it over, and frowned after looking at it for a while: "Drunk and dreamy. This is a strong hallucinogen. Once a person takes this kind of 'drug', he will become a puppet, and he can be manipulated by others." Forever. Forever, this person is useless. Even a god can't restore his sanity! People who use such 'drugs' are really despicable!"


Xuanyuanche pulled out his sword at once, and slashed at Situ Chuyue!


At the critical moment, Situ Xiyue yelled like this!

"Why, Mr. Yuhe, do you still want to intercede for this bitch?" Even Su Qingyang felt strange at this moment.

"No, I don't want to intercede for her. Because she is not worthy!"

Situ Xiyue snorted coldly, and from her pink lips like cherry blossoms spit out an answer that made Situ Chuyue terrified.

"I just think death is too easy for her."

"Instead of letting her die so cheaply, it's better to teach her a more painful lesson!"

"What lesson can be worse than death?" Xuanyuanche asked.

"It's very simple, life is better than death!"

Mr. Yuhe's plan is actually very simple, that is, to send Situ Chuyue back to Situ Qingyun intact.

Of course, when Situ Qingyun found Situ Chuyue who was placed in front of the door with Ya'acupoints lit, the expression on that face could be described as wonderful!

There is consternation, there is fear, and more is fear!

"Hehe, now that Situ Qingyun knows what it means to steal a 'chicken', it won't be a waste of money."

In the carriage, Su Qingyang gently opened the curtain with a fan bone made of 'jade' stone, and quietly enjoyed the scene in front of him.

On the other side, Young Master Yuhe Shi Shiran sat there with a clear smile flashing across his eyes.

"Situ Chuyue has been seen through by King Han. Abandoning a son is useless. Situ Qingyun will never raise a useless person for nothing! As for what he will do to his own sister, I am afraid only God knows what he knows." gone."

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