
Just when Situ Xiyue was at a loss, she suddenly discovered that Hua Nongyu's bedroom was in front of her. This was an opportunity!

Situ Xiyue gathered all her energy and rushed in. After a while of running around, she went straight to the bedroom where Xuanyuan Jingde was staying.

Seeing this, the silver-clothed man followed in without retreating at all.

And this mysterious person who suddenly appeared one after the other immediately shocked people.

"There are assassins! Escort!"

The leading eunuch screamed, and was immediately startled.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Situ Xiyue hid in the palace, took off her night gown, changed into a palace maid's dress, and started yelling along with others.

"There are assassins, there are assassins!"

Compared to the disappearing man in black, the man in silver has obviously become a living target.

The palace guards kept rushing over, rushing towards the silver-clothed man with weapons, to pay homage to their king.

But the result is obvious, killing these people is completely effortless for the silver-clothed man.

Seeing that the opponent was so powerful, someone immediately blew the whistle.

The long voice immediately spread to every corner of the palace, making everyone vigilant, and the high-ranking master in the palace, Xuanyuan Yuxi, also rushed over.

This chaos bought enough time for Situ Xiyue.

Not only did she change into her palace attire, but even her hairstyle and makeup were the same as those of the maids in this palace. She even used this time to change her appearance a little, making her look more ordinary.

"Okay!" Situ Xiyue looked at herself in the mirror and smiled with satisfaction.

Looking at the bed again, Xuanyuan Jingde was still working hard, which made her admire the medicine of Wanmo Villa.

The fire outside is so imminent, the emperor is still immersed in his world, Wanmo Villa is really amazing!

Seeing the chaos of people, Situ Xiyue sneaked out through the small door.

Afraid of being discovered abnormal, she also looked flustered and frightened, and while hurrying, she cried to the oncoming escorts:

"Hurry up! Go! That man in silver is going to assassinate His Majesty!"

Situ Xiyue's nervous heart only relaxed when she rushed to the gate of the palace.

"What, want to run away?" Just when Situ Xiyue was about to leave the palace and go home, the silver-clothed man appeared in front of her lingeringly.


Situ Xiyue's little heart couldn't bear this fright.

"You, you are not..."

Situ Xiyue swallowed.

Damn!There are so many people, and there seems to be a high-ranking master. Could it be that they were dealt with so quickly?

This is too fast!

"What do you think?"

The silver-clothed man walked over step by step, looking at Situ Xiyue with deep eyes.

"I didn't expect He Jiangguo to have such a young high-ranking master, and such a young woman, it's really surprising—"

"Little mouse, how do you think I should torture you? How about crushing your bones little by little? The sound must be very beautiful!"

"I heard that the leg bones of a virgin are made into bagpipes, and the sound is very beautiful when played. Are you still a virgin?"

Change your style!Super big change!

Situ Xiyue shuddered, the young master of Wanmo Mountain Villa was indeed terrifying, comparable to the modern people of Nihong Country.

"Sorry, I don't want to die!"

Situ Xiyue gritted her teeth, she was going to die anyway, this time she fought hard!

She jumped up, grasped the gap between the square bricks of the city wall with both hands, climbed, and reached the city wall in the blink of an eye.

"Who!" When the soldiers guarding the city wall saw a weeping woman in palace attire rushing towards them, they immediately went forward with weapons in hand.

"Help! Someone assassinated His Majesty! It's him—"

Situ Xiyue took out her palace card.

Although the situation was urgent, she did not forget this little thing, it was a talisman to prove her legal status!

The swallow whistle from the palace had already reached the city wall just now, but the guards of the city wall did not leave because of special accusations.

Now, Situ Xiyue, who was dressed in palace attire, ran over, followed by a murderous masked man. Anyone who saw it would believe this weak woman.

Immediately, the guards on the city wall surrounded the man in silver, buying time for Situ Xiyue to escape.

Where to go?

Situ Xiyue looked back, the silver-clothed man behind him just swept lightly, and the guards fell down a lot, almost screaming.

no!Time is running out!

Looking at the billowing moat under the city wall, Situ Xiyue raised her skirt and jumped!

At the same time she jumped down, the man in silver had already wiped out all the guards. Seeing Situ Xiyue jumping down so decisively, the man in silver raised his hand, and a silver light in his sleeve rushed straight at Situ Xiyue.

When the silver light came to her, Situ Xiyue realized what kind of silver light it was. It was clearly a poisonous silver flower snake.

Just as she was about to kill the Silver Flower Snake with a dagger, the snake had already bit her right chest.

Immediately, a sharp pain came.


Enduring the pain, Situ Xiyue split the silver snake open with one knife, grabbed the yellow-green gall and swallowed it directly.

At the same time, she fell heavily into the water, causing a splash of water.

hold onto!hold onto!

Situ Xiyue touched the acupoints on her right chest to prevent the venom from spreading, but her right arm was already a little stiff, as expected of a silver flower snake.

If she guessed correctly, this Silver Flower Snake was fed with poison, that's why the venom is so ferocious.

Fortunately, she took the snake gallbladder, and it had some effect.

After doing all this, Situ Xiyue didn't dare to relax at all, and paddled vigorously with her left arm to make herself swim forward faster.

That silver-clothed man is really scary, she must escape from here——

After swimming for an unknown amount of time, Situ Xiyue was trapped by a piece of aquatic plants.

She struggled to stand up. At this time, her brain was a little muddled, and countless illusions appeared in front of her eyes, as if they were real.

"Pfft—" Fearing that she would be immersed in an illusion, Situ Xiyue broke off a branch and stabbed it on her thigh.

Sure enough, the painful effect stimulated her nerves and woke her up from the phantom.

Find a place to detoxify, must as soon as possible!

With snake venom on her body and pursuers behind her, Situ Xiyue was aware of such a severe situation.

She was walking staggeringly on the street, and looked behind her from time to time, for fear that the man in silver would chase her.

At a corner, Situ Xiyue finally couldn't bear it and fell to the ground.

She squinted her eyes, and there seemed to be a family not far in front of her. This is the last chance!

Situ Xiyue moved slowly, went up the steps, and went directly to the door.

"Dong dong dong—" she patted on the vermilion door, "Dong dong dong—" This heavy voice was especially clear in the silent night.


When the door opened, Situ Xiyue couldn't hold on any longer and passed out...

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