Yin Yang ghost contract

Chapter 283 Broken Bronze Armor Corpse

The anger in my bones rose instantly.

Everything in the world cannot escape the five elements, yin and yang, and gossip penetrates all things in time!

I suddenly thought of my perverted spell, which is the illusion of gossip. Mr. Feng once said that as long as the cultivation level is high, understanding the gossip is equivalent to understanding everything in the world. Even gods are transparent to me, and I can find them The weakness, the door to death!

Although there is a certain amount of exaggeration in this statement, it has been tried and tested for ordinary people, monsters, and ghosts.

Thinking of this, I blessed myself with a crouching dragon shield, sat cross-legged, and entered the gossip illusion.

Maybe I have spent a long time in Taoism, and now my mind is much calmer than before, and it is easy to fall into illusions.

boom!With a sound, the yin and yang gossip are clearly black and white, instead of the mechanical rotation of yin and yang in the past, it has become a world of black and white.

Black is the ground, white is the sky, clean and clear, exuding a majestic and majestic aura.

Mr. Feng once said that gossip lies in the heart, and there is heaven and earth in the heart, which is to transform the environment. I have escaped from the ordinary appearance of gossip and entered the big world of heaven and earth.

The yin and yang of heaven and earth are like the beginning of chaos, which is scary.

It must be that I have cultivated to the Yin-Yang state of the water veins, which made such a change.

This has to be said to be an accident, I didn't expect that after entering the realm of yin and yang, I would benefit so much. If I can cultivate to the realm of the water god, maybe it will be like what Ma Tiexin said, I am afraid that I can really have god-like supernatural powers.

In the gossip world, the bronze armored corpse stood clearly, and I could see clearly that the flames around him were not flames at all, but a kind of resentment similar to flames.

No, it should be an arrogance heavier than resentment and hostility, and this kind of arrogance is feminine.

No wonder, my water veins can't pose a threat to him. Water is yin and soft, and using softness to overcome softness will naturally have little effect. Unless I have reached the realm of the water god and truly use water to control all things, then there will be no hardness and softness. Defined.

I carefully searched for the fate of the hunchback. In the past, I heard that the grand master was finally defeated by Jiang Ziya, and the three thousand bronze armored corpses were eliminated by the grandpa with a secret method. Naturally, the grandpa found the fate and flaws of the bronze armored corpses.

In the world, even gods have flaws. There is no absolutely perfect person. If there is, it can only be the way of heaven, but that is not the definition of human beings.

In the world of gossip, the image of the gossip flashes on the hunchback, and the hump printed on his back by the gossip flashes non-stop.

Strange, in the past, it was displayed according to the colors of the five elements. From this point of view, corpse monsters and bone monsters have been ruled out of the five elements because they have no soul, energy, energy, and spirit.

It turned out to be a hump, grandson, I really thought you were invincible in the world, this time I will not kill you!

I was overjoyed in my heart, came back to my senses from the gossip heaven and earth, quickly pinched the formula with both hands, and chanted a mantra with condensed eyebrows: "The sky and the earth are boundless, the universe, the sun and the moon, the herringbone sword formula, hurry like a law! Come on!"

"Whoosh!" sounded.

Jiujiu 81 black and white divine swords are suddenly located on top of my head, exuding femininity and masculinity!

I tried to get rid of the yin and soft qi, and turned the qi of the water meridians and eight trigrams ball into yang yuan. The water meridians and eight trigrams ball is now divided into two qi shapes, yin and yang, left yang and right yin, but right now it is obvious that the yin element will not work.

He only heard the roar of the green dragon in the Bagua ball, and the water veins in Dantian started to run crazily. In the blink of an eye, the water veins transformed into a pure white Yangyuan ball.

"It's so amazing!" I was secretly happy, and I urged Yang Yuan fiercely, and all the ninety-nine and 81 divine swords on my head were transformed into white swords full of Yang Gang.

The entire crematorium was as bright as daylight, instantly suppressing the dark green flame light, and my whole body was shrouded in pale light.

As I danced with my sword art, the white divine sword began to float away, flying up and down around the hunchback, the hunchback seemed to feel the weight of these divine swords, the ferocious smile on his face stopped abruptly, and turned into a panicked roar Voice.

The bone demon inside roared again and again, sensing the weight of the stellar energy outside, but it hadn't been refined after all, so it could only be anxious.

"Chop!" I shouted coldly, and stabbed the hunchback with 81 divine swords in unison.

chi chi!A series of white divine swords, like embroidery needles, pierced the hunchback's hump like a hornet's nest, and puffs of black air came out of his hump.

Soon the hunchback fell to the ground like a deflated balloon, and the body slowly turned into green pus!

The divine sword pierced through his remnant soul sealed in the corpse, and at the same time released his corpse energy, thus breaking his corpse.

"The bronze armor corpse is nothing more than that, as long as you find the door of life, you can break it with one blow." I smiled coldly.

Just thinking about it, cauliflower came back, his face was gloomy, and he seemed very upset.

What's the matter, have you suffered again?I asked.

Cauliflower shook her head and didn't speak.

I have heard this kind of Xiao sound a lot. Chen Meizhi knows it, but she has long since disappeared during the civil strife in Jinjiabao, and she should not suddenly appear in Jiangdong. If she and Caihua match up, Caihua will not suffer. .

who can that be?

Could it be the Empress Yin? Both Caihua and I have heard this flute sound in Chen Meizhi's villa and when calling Rouzhi. Excluding Chen Meizhi, the most likely one is the Empress Yin.

Cauliflower must have fought or bumped into someone playing the xiao outside, otherwise his expression would not be so weird.

But right now is not the time to think about this, how to deal with this thing?I pointed to the incinerator and asked.

Cauliflower frowned and walked towards the incinerator. As soon as it got close to a green flame, it spewed out. Both of us have seen the power of this kind of flame, so we dare not get too close.

Cauliflower thought for a while and said, "This kind of fire is called bone fire, and it's a kind of flame that specializes in bone refining monsters and bone demons. If we want to completely destroy the things inside, we must first extinguish its fire."

"How to destroy it?" I have no idea about this thing, and I can only count on cauliflower.

Cauliflower pointed to the densely packed paper talismans pasted on the cremator and said, "See, let's find a way to break all these black talismans. Black talismans are rarely useful in Daoist sects. Its offshoot is very domineering."

I watched from a distance around the cremator, and the arrangement of these black symbols was very strange, it turned out to be anti-gossip.

"The gossip can also be reversed. Doesn't this reverse yin and yang and confuse the world?" I wondered secretly.

"Brother Qin, don't you know some gossip formations? Damn, I don't know anything about formations, and I have nowhere to use them." Cai Hua sighed.

How can I know any formations? Liu Bowen passed on the Qinglong Eight Diagrams formation to me, but I didn't bring it with me at all, I shrugged my shoulders and said helplessly.

Then we can only break it with local methods, Cai Hua thought for a moment while holding her chin.

There are no more than two types of formation breaking. One is to find the right eye of the formation and destroy it with force, or to induce defeat. The second is to directly break through and break the formation with three times the strength of the person forming the formation. This kind of skill is average. They are all good plays of Guan Shen and Zhao Zilong.

Just relying on the formation set up by the master bone refiner, it is estimated that my cauliflower cultivation is far from enough, so I can only choose the first one.

Cauliflower is good at catching ghosts, fighting, and beheading people, but she is also bad at formations.

I looked at my watch, after such a commotion, it was almost Yin time, and there was not much time left. Since someone outside was manipulating the bone demon, it proved that there were still masters lurking around here.

Since it confuses the Yin and Yang of the Eight Diagrams, if we correct the Eight Diagrams, what will happen?I suddenly had an idea and said loudly.

Cauliflower happily said: "This is a good idea!"

"We're setting up a formation here, just because we're afraid that someone will make trouble, Caihua, why don't you protect the law at the door?" I thought for a while.

Cauliflower shook her head and said: "You don't have to worry about this, no one will come to make trouble again, let's work together and solve it quickly."

Bone demons are born by refining the resentment and hostility in the bone fire. Reversing yin and yang is nothing more than trying to reverse the good and the evil, and use the evil to help the evil.

After understanding this principle, Caihua and I began to think of a way to move the black symbols on the cremator.

Because the cremator has a single opening, no matter how violent the bone demon's fire is, it can only go in one direction. Caihua and I went around to the other side and carefully checked the black symbols on it.

The black talisman is a Taoist rune, but the talisman is not straight, a little crooked, and the position of the discharge is extremely precise, it should be a master's handwriting.

"There's nothing wrong with the orientation." Cai Hua said.

Well, the person who set up the formation just moved the Yin-Yang arc in the opposite direction, but achieved a completely different effect. It is simple and practical, really a master, I say.

What's the matter?Cauliflower asked.

Let's try to adjust the yin-yang arc, maybe we can break the talisman, I thought about it.

It's that easy?Cauliflower looked at me in surprise.

I also think it seems easier, but there is no other way to do it right now, so I raised my hand and said, "Let's do it!"

The yin-yang arc is arranged in a curved line by nine black talismans. I tried to reach out and touch those talisman papers. As soon as I touched them, a burst of blood burst out, shaking me away and almost falling to the ground.

"Brother Qin, are you okay?" Cai Hua asked.

I shook my head and said, "It's okay, this talisman is quite powerful, I was careless."

Calm and calm, I condense the vitality of my whole body and reverse the yin and yang, then the left side is yin, and I try to use the yang yuan to control it. Opened the first talisman and adjusted its position.

Cauliflower is good, he has opened his divine veins, under the flashing golden light, although his strength is the same as mine, but he is more resistant to evil things, even so, it took me half an hour to rely on my vitality to get rid of it. These talismans were straightened.

As soon as the talisman paper was straightened, the original black talisman paper instantly turned blood red. As the two of us were moving, the golden energy and white yang energy seeped into the talisman paper formed a line on the yin-yang fox and shone like the sun and the moon. Like each other.

There was a booming sound from the entire cremator, and the flames inside burst out violently!

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