"The knife is a good knife. Let me give you a name. Tens of thousands of people chop cauliflower, so you should call it Qinglong Zhan." I stroked the blade and said to myself.

As I said that, I put the knife back into the scabbard again, and drew the knife again, and kept pulling, retracting, pulling, retracting in this way!

There is a reason why I chose the samurai sword. In terms of sword skills and moves, I can't keep up with Jin Taibao in ten, and what I have to do is to show my momentum and strive to defeat the enemy with one blow.

The samurai sword domineering, from drawing the sword to the first cut, is the most powerful among the soldiers.

It is undoubtedly a good choice if I can draw my sword and frighten my opponent with an aura like rushing to the sky and thunder. A subdued soldier.

Practicing drawing the sword was my first move against Jin Taibao. I practiced it no less than a thousand times, until my arm was numb, and I was able to draw the Qinglong Zhan with the fastest speed and the most vigorous momentum.

"Om!" My spirit was highly concentrated, my heart and hands were united, and Qinglong Zhan came out in response, making a violent screaming and roaring sound.

The blade trembled endlessly, and the green light was shining brightly, as if eager to drink blood.

Yes, although it was a bit far from what I had imagined, it was still a bit of progress. I stroked the blade, then put it back into the sheath, and then went back to the house to rest.

After all, I am still a mortal body, and I also need enough sleep, so that I can maintain a high degree of concentration, and thus burst out with stronger potential and drive.

The next day, I started to practice hacking, without any tricks, from top to bottom, holding the knife with both hands, and chopping downwards.

The knife moves are not about the variety but about the strength. No matter what the moves are, they are nothing more than gathering Qi and chopping. What I practice is the simplest chopping move.

In the next few days, except for sleeping, I spent the rest of the time practicing drawing and chopping the knife. The fastest speed, I was able to complete the whole movement of drawing and chopping the knife within [-] seconds.

However, the power was still not enough, every time he smashed the ground, he only created a hole less than two feet away, this kind of power was not enough to defeat Jin Taibao.

On the seventh day, in the courtyard.

I took a deep breath. The cloudy weather made me feel a little uneasy. Tonight is the day when I will fight to the death with Jin Taibao. It would be a lie to say that there is no pressure at all.

"It's just one slash, it's failure." I bit it, shouted coldly, moved my wrist, swish!With a flash of green light, a cyclone green dragon hit the ground vividly.

boom!A large pit more than two meters long and one meter deep appeared suddenly.

"Clap clap clap!"

"Good saber technique, this saber is really domineering, unstoppable."

I put away the knife and saw that Ma Tiexin and Xiang Yumeng walked into the house clapping their hands.

"Well, have you arranged things for the evening?" I asked.

"Bitch, don't worry, Jin Taibao dare not not come tonight, as for whether he should fight or not, it depends on your ability." Xiang Yumeng smiled.

I twitched my lips and said with a sneer, "Don't worry, if Jin Taibao can refuse my challenge in front of so many people, he won't be Jin Taibao."

"Where's the cauliflower?" I asked.

"Cauliflower Brothers can't go to the birthday banquet in the evening, because Jin Taibao knows him, and when he shows up, he will be smashed by Jin Taibao and fall out in front of Li Kui. Both sides will look ugly." Xiang Yu Mondo.

"Okay, then let's go three times." I nodded and said.

It's been seven days, and this is the first time I've stepped out of the courtyard. The whole city is full of gongs and drums. The underworld is a feudal system, and officials like to pay attention to ostentation, especially wedding banquets like birthday banquets.

Although Li Kui is a rough man, he has stayed in the underworld for hundreds of years, and gradually accepted this kind of joyful scene under the instigation of various merchants and other city officials.

Of course, this also has something to do with his personal habits, this guy always likes to be lively, the more noisy he is, the happier he is, and he can't wait for the whole city to come and drink with him.

At the same time as the gongs and drums were playing, every household in the city hung up lanterns, and the whole city became fiery red.

"Why, no one guards the city today?" I asked.

Looking around, the patrols that used to be in the city every now and then have disappeared. Except for the sentry posts beside the city wall, all the other guards in Nangou City have disappeared.

"Hey, the birthday of the city lord, the rich and powerful went to drink, and the soldiers also went back to the camp to drink. This Li Kui is really loyal, but all the soldiers and civilians in the city have given out wine and meat. It can be said that wine and meat are shared, but luckily I transported enough wine this time, otherwise it would not be good enough." Xiang Yumeng laughed.

"This black Li Kui is indeed doing well. Although this man is rough, he is really loyal and straightforward. He is a real man." Ma Tiexin nodded and said.

I looked at the cloudy sky and didn't say a word. Li Kui was indeed very loyal, but I always felt a little unhappy when I thought of having to fight to the death on the battlefield in the future.

When they arrived in front of the City Lord's Mansion, a man who looked like a butler greeted him and said happily, "Oh, Lord Xiang and Master Ma are here. The City Lord has been waiting for a long time."

Xiang Yumeng kindly raised his hand and said with a smile: "Butler Liu, lead the way."

As a house guest and bodyguard, I followed behind Xiang Yumeng and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion, carefully looking at the defense of the City Lord's Mansion.

The City Lord's Mansion is somewhat similar to the setting of the Nine Gates in Kyoto. Going in one layer after another, each floor is square, with only two gates in and out, surrounded by tall and thick walls. Archers, or violently attack with heavy crossbows and firearms, the attacking side is like a trapped animal, and they will undoubtedly die.

Passing through the four-story square outer defense, there is a fan-shaped door more than one foot high. The door is covered with red lanterns, and the joyful sounds of suona and gongs and palladium can be heard cheerfully from inside.

"Qin Wu, why are you still standing there, why don't you give the congratulatory gift to Steward Liu?" Xiang Yumeng coughed, pretending to be dignified and reminded.

Only then did I realize my identity, hurriedly bowed forward, and handed the gift box I was holding to Butler Liu.

Xiang Yumeng took another ingot of golden gold from his sleeve and put it in the palm of Butler Liu, and said with a smile, "Butler Liu, thank you for taking care of me."

Steward Liu is a smart person, he only welcomes big merchants like Yumeng, so he knows they will never be stingy.

"Master Xiang, please be polite. Please." Liu Butler smiled and led the three of us into the inner mansion.

The courtyard of the Inner Mansion has long been full of people, congratulatory voices everywhere, and Xiang Yumeng warmly greeted everyone, even though he is less than thirty years old, he has a sophisticated and sophisticated way of saying hello to everyone .

"Everyone, it's getting late, take your seat." A strong man shouted with great arrogance.

The outside guests hurriedly sat down on the table one by one. The birthday guests were arranged in the compound and the inner hall. Naturally, the guests in the compound were ordinary merchants or low-level officials in the city.

Steward Liu gave us a look, and we entered the hall. There were only ten seats in the hall, except for the seven generals and high-ranking officials under Li Kui's command, the remaining three seats were located in the first row under the chairman and lined up from left to right.

Butler Liu led Xiang Yumeng and Ma Tiexin to sit down in the first vacant seat on the right, and Jin Taibao and Du Chunlan sat in the two seats on the left.

Jin Taibao and Du Chunlan are undoubtedly the most eye-catching couple on the field tonight. Jin Taibao is wearing an armor inlaid with gold pieces, which contrasts with his stern and slashed silhouette. He is cold, proud, and arrogance. .

Not only Jin Taibao, but also the five fearsome bodyguards behind him, who are also very dignified.

Looking at Chunlan again, the original red neon dress and feather coat have been replaced with white ones, especially the white lotus inside, which is close to the body and lightly embroidered, squeezing her full breasts to reveal half of the white snow, reflecting her delicate and delicate figure. The eyebrows and eyes are very charming, like a princess or imperial concubine, clean and holy.

She has a very calm expression at the moment, neither sad nor happy in her rain-like eyes, sitting there quietly, noble and indifferent, making it impossible to fathom her thoughts.

The ancients regarded the left as the most respected, and the right as the second. Judging from the seat, Jin Taibao really had a higher status than Xiang Yumeng. Even if Li Kui was dissatisfied, for the sake of the superior, only Jin Taibao could sit on the left.

Because of my current status, I can't take a seat, so I can only stand behind Xiang Yumeng, looking at Chunlan with complicated emotions.

After recovering, Chunlan became more and more charming and beautiful. Her plump figure and proud demeanor made people fascinated.

She slightly raised her head and glanced at me. When she saw me, her rain-like eyes burst into frenzy and surprise. Her lips moved slightly. She was about to lean up and then sat down again.

"Chun..." I moved and almost blurted out.

"Old Qin, you must be steady, or you will lose tonight." Ma Tiexin turned his head and glanced at me with cold eyes. His lips did not move, but his voice clearly reached my ears. Another thaumaturgy of this kid.

I realized that I almost made a serious mistake, that is, I didn't expect Du Chunlan to come. Her presence here will undoubtedly affect my xinxing.

Thinking of this, I hurriedly lowered my head, not daring to look into this girl's eyes anymore.

"Haha!" With a loud laugh, Li Kui, the strong man of the iron tower, walked into the inner hall with a black wine jar in his hand, and sat down proudly on top of it.

"Haha, thank you brothers and friends. I, Tieniu, am a rough man. I didn't want to waste money and money to hold a birthday party for Bird, but I thought that I have been in Nangou City for so many years, and I haven't greeted you well. Today is just right. On a good day, let's drink to our heart's content, I won't say much about the bird, everyone, you must have a good time drinking tonight." Li Kui is a bold person, his speech is rough, without the prestige of a city lord, he is very close people.

"Drink, drink, why are you looking at me." Li Kui didn't move his glass, and everyone dared to touch his glass.

He moved, and everyone began to drink. All the generals under him were from the military, and they didn't say much, and Xiang Yumeng and Jin Taibao were not on good terms. Immediately, the whole reception was full of excitement outside, but the inside hall was full of excitement. No one spoke, it was extremely dull.

Li Kui finished it in one gulp, and when he saw that everyone was as bored as a gourd, he couldn't help but get a little angry, "Damn, I finally had a good drink, and everyone has a straight face. Are they here to celebrate a birthday or a funeral?"

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