Yasha, go up the mountain, if you can save the Tianji Gate, it will be the greatest repayment to Mr. Feng, Bai Lian comforted me softly.

Well, let's go up the mountain!I took a long breath and suppressed my inner emotions. Now that the Tianji Gate is at stake, this is not the time to be sad.

Along the mountain road, Bai Lian and I walked up the mountain with complicated emotions, and we could vaguely see the simple palace and wing rooms of Tianji Gate hidden in the clouds and mist in the middle of the mountain.

etc!Yasha, Bailian's eyes paused, and she stopped me.

What's the matter, Bai Lian?I asked in a low voice.

"There is a bloody smell, Yasha, there is a strong bloody smell here." Bai Lian shrugged her nose and emphasized again.

She is a demon, and her nose is far more sensitive than mine. I frowned and sniffed hard, and sure enough, there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

"I said why no one is guarding the secret place, so something happened." I murmured inwardly, and hurriedly ran up the mountain with Bai Lian.

"I hope Shibo and Tai Shigong don't have trouble." The more I thought about it, the more panicked I became, and the faster I walked.

After going up for a while, clear bloodstains could be seen on the stone ladder. There were many dead disciples on both sides of the cliff, and two corpses were mysterious people in black robes.

"Bai Lian, wait a minute." I knelt down and opened the necklines of those dead disciples. There were gossip tattoos on them. Although the location of the tattoo was the same as that of the man in black who attacked me in Heitan, the pattern of the tattoo was different. The tattoo on the man's chest is a sword.

"Could it be assigned in the Tianjimen?" I thought to myself, and then stretched out my hand to pull off the masks of those black-robed men, "The faces are thick with blackness, and they are masters of the evil sect."

"How dare people from the evil sect break into the famous and decent sect? Are they really going to rebel against the sky?" Judging from the distribution of the corpses, it seems that the people from the evil sect had the upper hand, and more casualties were disciples of the Tianji sect. There must be many masters.

When Bai Lian and I reached the top of the mountain, we finally saw the holy land of the headquarters of Tianjimen. The holy land is located on the top of a sharp mountain, in the shape of a cone, surrounded by white mist, making it even more desolate.

Rows of blue-brick and large tile-roofed houses are arranged on three sides. Facing the mountain road is a row of gates, engraved with the word Tianjimen. Yu, it must be the Tianji Hall of Tianji Gate.

The square was full of corpses and bloodstains, which was horrible. Most of the dead were disciples of Tianjimen, and all of them had gossip patterns tattooed on their chests.

Just as I was about to enter the big gate of Tianjimen and head straight up the mountain, several disciples jumped out and stopped me, "Stop, who are you, dare to trespass on the place of secrets."

"Qinglong absorbs water!" I frowned slightly, and before I could answer, I stretched out my hand and exerted strength. The powerful vitality sucked the disciple who spoke into my palm, grabbed his neck and shouted coldly: "Who are you? If you don't tell me, I will kill you."

That person was less courageous, felt my Senhan's killing intent, and hurriedly said: "I am a disciple of the Tianji Sect."

"Shu Zong? What about the people who died outside?" I asked again.

"They are disciples of the Gua Sect." The man replied in fear.

"Oh?" I suddenly became enlightened, "It seems that there are factions within the Tianji Sect. No wonder Wang Tianya once said that the Tianji Sect is fighting fiercely. It seems to be true. Judging from the names of Shuzong and Guazong, they should be It's not hard to tell."

"Which faction does Mr. Feng Er belong to?" Bai Lian asked. "Master Feng and Master Uncle Master belong to the Gua Sect, Liu Danjie and Mo Sanxiao belong to the Shu Sect, I, we are all disciples of Mo Sanxiao, please forgive me."

"Liu Danjie? It should be Mr. Liu, he is Mr. Feng Er's younger brother. I said why Mr. Liu is merciless to Mr. Feng. It turns out that he is from the same family and different sects." I thought secretly.

"Who framed the master master?" I grabbed the man by the collar and shouted coldly.

"I, I don't know..." Before the man finished speaking, a sword pierced his chest behind him, and another disciple of the Shuzong shouted coldly, "You go to die, the brothers killed him."

"You can't live without doing your own crimes. You are really a bunch of scum. They kill all of you and die!" I stood in front of Bai Lian, using the power of the green dragon with both hands, "The green dragon came out of the abyss!" A green dragon cyclone twisted the long swords in the hands of the two poor guys into scrap iron. I stepped forward, holding one in each hand, and with a slight force in my hand, I twisted their necks.

"Yasha, don't..." Bai Lian tried to dissuade me from behind, but it was too late.

The remaining one wanted to run to the Temple of Heaven's Mystery to give an early warning. I kicked the long sword on the ground with my foot, and the man was pierced through the heart by the long sword and died just after he ran a few steps.

"You, didn't you say you can't kill people?" Bai Lian blinked her eyes and looked at me suspiciously.

"If the good people don't kill, the bad people will kill them. If they don't kill them, they will kill us and kill more people." I looked around and dragged the three corpses aside.

"Then who is the good person and who is the bad person?" Bai Lian asked as she walked, she was like a child who had just begun to develop wisdom. She was nurtured by his adoptive father's malice in the past, and only knew that people would not kill others for themselves, but now I have changed her mind. For a moment, the pure white mind couldn't react.

"Grandma, now is not the time to explain this to you. You just need to remember that you and I are good people, and anyone who wants to kill us is a bad person, okay?" I gestured helplessly to signal her to shut up.

She blinked, thought for a moment and said, "Oh, I see."

Boom boom, boom boom!

The heavy bell rang from the hall on the mountain. I was just about to go up the mountain, but after thinking about it, it was not good. Now the people from the evil sect and the people from the Tianjimen Shushu sect must be working together. If you can't see it, you will be stopped.

Although my magical skills have greatly increased, I am not invincible. After thinking about it, I took off the Tianji suit on that disciple, quickly changed the clothes, and then put on their scarves and hats. Hey, it really changed. .

Bai Lian, you can also put on, I said.

I don't, it's bloodstained and dirty, Bai Lian shook her head and said.

Auntie, it’s just for wearing outside, please, I don’t have time, I can’t help but smile bitterly.

Seeing that I was a little angry, she glared at me, and had no choice but to put on the disciple's clothes on the coat, "Take off the mask too, otherwise it will attract attention." I said.

As I said that, I took off her mask, wiped two handfuls on the ground with my hands, and put some dust on her face. The originally crystal clear and tender face suddenly became a little cat.

"What are you doing? You're so dirty, you're so dirty." Bai Lian became a little angry. She always loved cleanliness the most, so it was difficult to accept it.

"How can Shu Zong have such a handsome and fair face like yours, it's not dirty, let's go." I lowered my head and kissed her forehead lightly, signaling her to follow me.

dong dong!

A few more bells rang, and I quickened my pace and ran to the Tianji Hall on the mountain.

When we arrived at Tianji Hall, dozens of disciples of the evil sect in black robes stood outside the door, holding a circular iron chain revolving knife in their hands, with the blood of the disciples of the Gua sect dripping on it.

But seeing these evil sect disciples standing tall, exuding a strong black energy, they must be of high cultivation level. It seems that the evil sect came prepared this time.

"Don't look at them." I told Bai Lian secretly, and headed towards the Hall of Mystery first.

When those disciples of the evil sect saw our attire, they thought they were disciples of the Shu sect, so they didn't ask any further questions, and Bai Lian and I entered the Tianji Hall.

Inside the Tianji Hall, the atmosphere was tense. On the gossip chair in the center sat a pale, thin old man wearing a green gossip robe. The old man had white beard and hair, thick white eyebrows forming a line, and awe-inspiring eyes. , but a little more wise and calm. .

Judging from his aura, the colors of the five elements are completely chaotic, and the black energy in his heart is pervasive. It is obvious that he has been seriously injured or poisoned by someone, and he is supported by his own vitality. Even so, he still looks calm and upright. Sitting on it, people feel respect and dare not underestimate it.

"Feng Xian..." When I saw him, I almost called out Mr. Feng's name.

It's so similar, it's so similar, I'm so excited, it's the first time I see the master master, judging from their appearance, they must be very similar when they were young.

On the left and right sides of the hall, there are several high-ranking chairs. On the left sits a black-bearded old man wearing a black Taoist robe with a sword embroidered on it. The old man's face is serious and unsmiling. It seems that he should be Mo Sanxiao of Shuzong. Judging from the dozens of disciples of the Shuzong standing behind him, it seems that there is a tendency to force the palace.

The ones on the right are all from the Xiezong, and the one sitting on the top chair is suddenly my old acquaintance, Sun Wuyang, the protector of the Xiezong. The old woman with goosebumps, holding a black iron crutch with a faucet in her hand, with a sneer on her face, reminds me of Grandma Mu.

"Cough cough! Junior brother Mo and Lie from the evil sect are friends, so I don't know what's important today?" The master master Liu Danfeng coughed lightly, raised his hand and asked.

Mo Sanxiao didn't say a word, but it was Sun Wuyang who stood up, first laughed three times, and then got off his horse, which shocked the eardrums of everyone in the hall.

"I haven't seen you for a while, but the evil skills of this old bastard have increased a lot." I thought to myself.

"Going up the mountain today is only for two things. Head Liu, a hundred years ago, his teacher Yang Lie led the Xuanmen to chase and kill my evil sect, which caused great damage to the vitality of my evil sect. The evil king retired and the Queen of Yin disappeared. I am lucky , I was bestowed with three palms by Yang Lie, and I was in so much pain that I almost died. I have been thinking about it day and night for a hundred years, and I look forward to fighting with the commander again to get justice. This is the first one." Sun Wuyang sneered.

"What's the second matter? Why don't Elder Sun tell me directly." Liu Danfeng raised his thick eyebrows and asked calmly.

"The second thing is that your Gua sect is too deceitful. Brother Sanxiao leads the art sect very well, and his subordinates are more talented than your Gua sect. Not to mention the leader of Gua sect 981, it is inevitable that he also controls the Tianji sect. It's so unfair, my evil sect has always done justice for the heavens, but when we see injustice, we have to intervene." Sun Wuyang said.

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